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文章从人力资源管理的视角,运用岗位分析理论,在调研的基础上,明晰了基层学院团委书记的岗位职责,探讨了基层学院团委书记的职业素质要求.  相似文献   
China has toppled the United States from its decadeslong position as the world’s largest auto market for the second consecutive year. New yuan-denominated loans, totaling 7.95 trillion yuan ($1.2 trillion) in 2010, indicate mounting inflationary pressures. China’s foreign trade recoups strength, with both imports and exports hitting record highs in December 2010. Chinese steelmakers reel from skyrocketing iron ore prices. The Purchasing Managers Index for the non-manufacturing sector rebounds as the service sector picks up steam.  相似文献   
近年来,官场潜规则在中国日益盛行、泛滥猖獗,激发了群众不满和社会担忧。作为政治瘟疫,官场潜规则与我党性质和宗旨格格不入。它败坏党风、毒害民风,使政治民主进程受损、政策法律贯彻不力,严重危害社会秩序和党的执政安全,需全党高度警惕并采取强力措施进行抵制。  相似文献   
农地流转是三农现代化进程中的重要环节。目前国内农地流传中的抵押现象引人注目,此问题关键在于农地抵押的风险及预防机制。运营体系自成一体的综合农协内在组织能力具有化解农地抵押风险的功能。风险—中介—化解程式表明综合农协主要部门在相关风险对接上能较好进行匹配。本文以三位一体农协为出发点,总结出促进农地抵押实现的以供销社、合作社以及信用社为桥梁的预防机制。  相似文献   
我国是一个通过渐进改革建立社会主义市场经济的国家,正经历着从计划经济体制下的全能型政府向社会主义市场经济体制下的服务型政府的转变。我国政府类型的选择及其职能的转换,同我国现代化(工业化)的发展阶段及其诉求紧密相连。结合我国国情和国外经验,我国政府职能转变的未来之路必须继续深化行政体制改革,理顺政府与市场、与社会的关系,既要发挥市场在资源配置中的决定性作用,也要更好地发挥政府作用。  相似文献   
"俄罗斯世界"这一表述由来已久,它具有多样化的概念和不同的解读维度,通常被理解为文化空间和文明空间。"俄罗斯世界"作为国家理念,出现于苏联解体之后,服务于普京政府推广俄语、联合境外侨民的地缘政治战略,以及通过非政治途径提升国家"软实力"的发展目标。在"俄罗斯世界"国家理念的落实中,俄罗斯东正教会发挥了积极作用,主要表现在助推俄语发展及俄罗斯文化在世界范围的推广、境外俄侨的联合等方面。在政教合作过程中,国家令东正教会的对外行为合法化,而东正教会则加强了国家在国际上的政治话语权。东正教会对"俄罗斯世界"理念的关注与迎合,除了共同的对外合作利益驱使,还有其特殊的教会构想:使东正教成为"俄罗斯世界"的精神内核,使东正教会教规成为制度基础,使拜占庭模式成为理想模式。因此,俄联邦政府和东正教会名义上认同"俄罗斯世界"的文化空间性质,实际上却着眼于各自利益,为其赋予了不同的政治内涵。  相似文献   
Historically, liberal democracy was born as a means to curb the power of kings and tyrants through mechanisms that would ensure accountability and consent of the governed. A system of checks and balances—two legislative chambers, executive and independent courts—were instituted to ensure power did not become too concentrated. Today's highly diverse, mass consumer societies, however, have presented another set of challenges. Power is so diffused governance is becoming ineffective. The short‐term mentality of voters and the lobbying of special interests undermine the ability of democracies to focus on the long‐term and the common interest. Because there are more checks than balances, gridlock has supplanted consensus. In this section, we compare Chinese and Western systems on their ability to deliver good governance. The editors of the Economist magazine put the debate in historical context.  相似文献   
俗语说出门看天色,进门看脸色,此色俗指人类常常表现出的一种细微表情,是人们在不经意间通过一些表情把内心的想法表达给对方的一种行为方式。公安机关在侦查审讯中有效地运用微表情观察技巧,能够在辨认被讯问人员是否有隐藏犯罪行为时起到突破作用,是审讯过程中抓住其最真实心理活动的有效手段。虽然这些信息存在的时间极短,但就是因为这些举动是不经意的,往往会在侦查讯问中起到四两拨千斤的奇效,使讯问有针对性、目的性,避免冤假错案,有助于提高审讯工作的效率和效果。  相似文献   
当前我国法学教育已进入大众化时代,如何提升法学教育质量成为教育界人人思考的问题。针对法学教育的诸多问题、改革教育理念,转变教育方式,推广实践教学、特色化办学等十分必要。  相似文献   
The publishing of Chinese contemporary literature varied from planned pattern, which mainly manifested national mainstream ideology, to the context in which the pattern was mingled with market. Under the ideology context the publishing of literature depended on political missions. After reform and opening up the publishing of literature revealed new features, which was an account of the adjustment of significant national projects, the transformation of the publishing system and the return of market. Under the gradually free circumstances, the publishing of literature is exploring its own development tendency under the guidance of commercial economy besides complying with national publishing policies. After 1990s the publishing of literature reveals its diversifications on concept with the establishment of socialist marketing economy, the spring of electronic media, the development of multi-media etc.  相似文献   
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