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研究空白票据的一般法理可为空白票据法律制度的建立提供理论基础.本文通过对两大法系票据法关于空白票据规定的比较分析和对有关空白票据的学说、判例进行讨论、评价,探讨了空白票据的特质和空白票据权利的行使、限制及其效力等空白票据的一般法理问题.  相似文献   
共犯竞合是指共同犯罪中共犯人兼任多种共犯形态的一种犯罪现象 ,它不仅存在于以分工分类的德日刑法中 ,而且在我国主要以作用分工的共犯理论中也现实存在。对于不同共犯理论中的共犯竞合 ,其解决的方法和机能存在差异。德日刑法中的共犯竞合在于从竞合的共犯形态中选择择一共犯人形态进行定罪量刑 ,而我国的共犯竞合理论仅是为研究、了解共犯人在共犯中的不同身份以及对共犯事实的作用大小 ,进而为认定各共犯人是否为主犯或从犯服务。  相似文献   
出于对一些重要的社会关系的保护的考虑,英国和美国的制定法、判例法中都赋予了某些知晓案情的人以拒绝作证的权利,从而确立了保密特权原则。这与我国自汉代开始确立的"亲亲得相首匿"制度存在着某种暗合。纵横比较之下,我国的证据立法中确立证言特免权制度就有了一定的理论和现实基础。  相似文献   
孙晋良,上海大学教授、博士生导师,先后获得国家发明三等奖1项,国家科技进步二等奖3项,部、委及上海市科技进步奖7项.因其特殊贡献,孙晋良教授1986年开始享受国务院政府特殊津贴,并于1997年当选为中国工程院院士.2008年,荣获中国工程院"光华工程科技奖",2010年,荣获"2007-2009年度上海市劳动模范"称号...  相似文献   
朱美丽,上海戏剧学院舞蹈学院芭蕾舞系主任,芭蕾舞学科带头人,芭蕾舞精英教学工作室负责人.作为一名资深的芭蕾舞教育专家,她勇于探索,永不满足;作为一名芭蕾舞学科带头人,她勤勉好学,铸就着上戏芭蕾教育的金字招牌;作为一名管理者,她热心付出,严格要求.她是一名集全国劳模、全国优秀教师、全国师德标兵等各种荣誉于一身的老专家,但...  相似文献   
Yu YH  Peng H  Chen YQ  Zhang LF  Peng B 《法医学杂志》2011,27(5):358-60, 364
目的 探讨经临床行剖腹探查术的腹部穿透伤的损伤特征,归纳其损伤程度的鉴定要点,为法医临床学鉴定实践及修改相关鉴定标准提供科学、合理的参考依据.方法 对笔者于1990年7月-2011年2月受理的57例腹部穿透伤后行剖腹探查术的损伤案例,根据致伤物、腹腔积血、器官损伤、鉴定结论等方面进行分析总结.结果 对于腹部穿透伤行剖腹...  相似文献   
Wildlife has been utilized by humans throughout history and demand continues to grow today. Farming of wildlife can supplement the supply of wild-harvested wildlife products and, in theory, can reduce pressure on free-ranging populations. However, poached wildlife products frequently enter legal markets where they are fraudulently sold as farmed wildlife products. To effectively close this illegal trade in wild-captured wildlife, there is a need to discriminate wild products from farmed products. Because of the strong market demand for wild-captured frog meat and the resulting strong downward pressure on wild populations, we undertook research to develop a method to discriminate wild from farmed Dybowski's frog (Rana dybowskii) based on femur bone density. We measured femur bone density (D(f)) as the ratio of bone mass to bone volume. D(f) of wild frogs revealed a slightly increasing linear trend with increasing age (R(2)=0.214 in males and R(2)=0.111 in females, p=0.000). Wild males and wild females of age classes from 2 to ≥ 5 years had similar D(f) values. In contrast, 2-year-old farmed frogs showed significantly higher D(f) values (p=0.000) among males (mean D(f)=0.623 ± 0.011 g/ml, n=32) than females (mean D(f)=0.558 ± 0.011 g/ml, n=27). For both sexes, D(f) of wild frogs was significantly higher than that of farmed frogs (p=0.000). Among males, 87.5% (28 of 32 individuals) of farmed frogs were correctly identified as farmed frogs and 86.3% (69 of 80 individuals) of wild frogs were correctly identified as wild frogs. These results suggest that femur bone density is one reliable tool for discriminating between wild and farmed Dybowski's frog. This study also highlights a novel strategy with explicit forensic potential to discriminate wild from captive bred wildlife species.  相似文献   
根据公司法,公司为他人提供担保的,应当经股东会或董事会决议。对违背决议要求的公司担保行为的效力,通过分析公司担保规则是否为强制性规则的路径存在着解释困境。形成担保决议系公司意思的形成行为,公司对外签订担保合同系意思表示行为,应在意思形成行为与意思表示行为分离的基础上分析背离公司担保决议规制的法效果。  相似文献   
This study aimed to compare injuries sustained by motorcycle drivers with those sustained by pillion passengers in fatal head-on motorcycle collision accidents. We examined 84 cases of fatal head-on motorcycle collision accidents, causing 79 deaths of drivers and 19 deaths of pillion passengers, using medical and medico-legal examination records. The distribution of superficial injuries, characteristic injuries, injury severity as well as fatal causes was evaluated and compared using χ(2) tests. The results revealed a significant difference in the distribution of superficial injuries between drivers and passengers. The proportions of injuries in the hand and perineum regions were significantly higher in drivers than passengers. Some characteristic superficial injuries on the palms, chest, abdomen as well as the perineum areas were observed in drivers, while none of these characteristic injuries were observed in pillion passengers. Drivers were found to have suffered more severe chest and abdomen injuries than passengers. In addition, there was a higher incidence of fatalities involving run-over injuries for drivers compared with pillion passengers. The proportion of fatal injuries related to tumbling was higher for passengers than for drivers. Overall, our results revealed a difference in injury severity, superficial injury distribution and characteristic injuries between drivers and passengers. Few characteristic injuries were found in pillion passengers. These findings could help to guide medico-legal examinations, particularly in identifying drivers among victims involved in traffic accidents.  相似文献   
环境法的调整方法离不开国家干预,但现行环境法规范中对于不同类型国家干预手段的选择与配置存在结构失衡的特点,指令性国家干预比例过大,指导性国家干预和直接介入性国家干预比例过小,不能反映国家干预在纠正市场缺陷、培育和扶持新兴市场方面的功能和特点,不能彰显经济手段解决环境问题的独立功用。因此,不同类型的国家干预手段在我国环境法中的整合与重构显得尤为重要,并直接影响我国环境法体系及其制度内容的重大变革和调整。  相似文献   
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