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税收犯罪属于行政犯罪之范畴。该犯罪行为极大地危害了国家的利益,具有严重的社会危害性,因而各国刑法对税收犯罪行为都予以规制。但各国立法例各不相同。我国修订后的《刑法》时税收犯罪作了专门规定。预防税收犯罪首先要加强税收立法:其次要提高公民的税收法律意识;再次要提高税务人员的素质:最后要加强对该类犯罪的综合治理,加大打击力度。  相似文献   
<正> 具体行政行为是我国行政法学理论研究的一个重要范畴。对具体行政行为性质、地位范围的界定和阐释不仅涉及到行政行为的一般理论,而且关联到行政法的基本原理。自1989年我国《行政诉讼法》对具体行政行为加以明文规定以来,其内涵和外延在行政执法和行政诉讼中更有“牵一发而动全身”之势。然而,对于这样一个重要理论范畴,无论是在行政法学学术界中,还是在行政执法、行政审判的实务界中,都尚未予以足够的重视和加以充分、系统的研究。因此,方世荣教授的新作《论具体行政行为》可以认为是行政法学这一领域内的一部开拓性的著作。 该书以具体行政行为作为思考行政法理论的全新视角,通过这一视角,作者关注和反思行政行为的基本理论以及行政执法与行政审判中诸多重大、疑难问题,提出了一系列独到的见解,新论纷呈。  相似文献   
我国自20世纪70年代末启动改革开放进程,由此媒体对中国外交政策制定的影响总体上呈逐渐上升的趋势.目前中国的大众传媒之于外交政策显示了五大主要的功能.尽管中国外交政策的制定还不是一个充分开放的过程,但体制内的政治精英仍可引导公众舆论,影响大众的认知.  相似文献   
  With Asia's economy still booming in the second half of the 1990's “Asian values” were announced by some politicians (Lee Kuan Yew, Mahatir, Ishihara, Mahbubani etc.) and contrasted with “Western values”. Soon a controversial debate within Asia ensued (Kim, Fidel Ramos ea..), into which also the western democracies joined. The “West” however reacted rather defensively to the new assertiveness of some Asian statesmen, inspite of the fact that the authors of this debate put into question the western dominance in global value setting which has been in existence since the French revolution. But has this debate withstood the test of time, the challenges posed by the recession in Asia and by the ever increasing globalization? Hardly. The crisis has destroyed the notion that “Asian values” had been the main cause and guarantor of Asia's exorbitant growth rates. While in the West Christianity forms the essential basics of culture, in Asia there is a multitude of coexisting - and frequently confronting world religions. There is no other continent which in cultural and political terms is so contradictory and potentially conflict ridden like Asia. “Asianism” as a concept was surely also intended as an instrument to integrate multiethnic Asian societies with weak internal cohesion. At the same time it served to neutralize the human rights issue. In the meantime the debate has become quieter and more dispassionate. In the developed West the notion gained acceptance to abandon “Eurocentrism”. At the same time there is recognition that “Asian values” are not exclusive. Also in Europe the family plays a special role. A debate on values is needed for societal integration – also in the “West” which should become more aware of the need to reassert the origins of its own spiritual foundations. Following September 11th the west is well advised to continue the dialogue on values with Asia. Update and expanded version of an article first published in: Au?enpolitik IV/1996, p. 326 “Beginnt das pazifische Jahrhundert?” I would like to thank Julia Prati for the translation of the updated and expanded version of this article  相似文献   
本文通过对麦卡洛克诉马里兰州案的政治解读,揭示出马歇尔大法官如何运用政治修辞与法律推理技术把联邦党人的政治主张变成美国宪法原则。在这个过程中,尤其细致分析了马歇尔在法律推理过程中对历史事实、宪政理论乃至法律概念的解释采取了歪曲和误读,以服务于其捍卫联邦主权、扩张联邦权力的政治主张,从而指出,法律人既要掌握修辞的技艺,也要对修辞保持高度的警惕。  相似文献   
蒋劲锋 《政法学刊》2006,23(1):64-67
犯罪的方面包容相应的犯罪构成要件,犯罪构成要件由犯罪构成要素组成,对三者的定位涉及到坚持用科学系统论分析犯罪构成的问题,应当弥补传统刑法理论在概念上混淆三者的疏漏,科学构建完善作为理论大厦基石的概念,另外,对犯罪各方面下犯罪构成具体相应要件和要素纵向深入的剖析,进一步印证了对三者上述关系的分析。  相似文献   
证据制度是一国诉讼制度中重要的组成部分。我国目前证据立法过于粗疏 ,可操作性不强 ,远远不能满足司法实践的需要。合理地重构证据制度 ,应当对传统证据理论进行全面检视 ,在此基础上准确把握现代刑事证据制度藉以立足的基本理念 ,惟此方能实现理性立法。  相似文献   
中国和印度同是世界文明古国,拥有璀璨夺目的世界遗产和人类文明。本文运用比较研究的方法,以印度泰姬陵和中国万里长城这两大最有代表性的世界遗产为研究目标,发掘中印在世界遗产保护和开发过程中存在的相似问题,以及两国值得互相借鉴的成功经验,最后借鉴国际世界遗产领域的先进理念,对中印未来“世遗”保护和管理工作提出了改进建议。以期抛砖引玉,引起两国管理者和民众对世界遗产可持续发展问题的关注。  相似文献   
利益矛盾和冲突不仅是社会转型期国家的显著特征,同时,也是形成不受以往制度约束的和谐环境的重要前提。本文以分析和谐社会利益制度的法律根源作为出发点,在此基础上从利益博弈的机理层面上探寻利益制度形成的逻辑起点和实体条件,以及政府如何在利益群体博弈过程中作出创新性的实验安排,进而为在我国社会转型过程中,形成社会和谐与经济发展的基础性力量,以及进一步提高政府执政合法性的问题提供必要的实践依据和理论支持。  相似文献   
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