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A majority of people incarcerated in correctional facilities have been affected by mental problems at least once in their lifetime. Among them, 12 to 25% suffer from severe and persistent mental disorders at the time of admission. Certain “profiles” are more likely to be detected than others. This is why the main objectives of this research are to establish, in both male and female offenders admitted in short-term detention facilities, the rate of those who have received medical diagnoses of mental disorders, the rate of screening for “mental health problems” at admission and the psychiatric diagnoses (last five years) most strongly associated with a positive screening. Using computerized medical and prison files, it can be established that 61% of the 671 offenders sent to a short-term correctional facility received, during 2002–2007, at least one diagnosis for mental disorder. A total of 227 subjects (33.8%) obtained a positive score to the indicator of mental health problem.” In the case of men, correctional services workers identified as mental health problems: psychotic disorders, adjustment reactions, «neurotic»/anxiety disorders, being coupled to drug dependence. Positively detected women tend to exhibit problems of anxiety, personality disorder and substance related disorders. This study highlights, the difficulties faced by correctional services workers in detecting recent depressive disorders both in men and women offenders and also difficulties to detect recent affective psychoses.  相似文献   
The current study examined the relationship between psychopathy, intelligence and two variables describing the conviction history (length of conviction and number of prior convictions). It was hypothesized that psychopathy factors (interpersonal and antisocial factors assuming a 2-factor model or interpersonal, affective, lifestyle and antisocial factors assuming a 4-factor model) would be related in different ways to IQ scores, length of conviction and number of prior convictions. Psychopathy and IQ were assessed using the PCL:SV and the CFT 20-R respectively. Results indicated no association between interpersonal psychopathy features (Factor 1, two-factor model), IQ and the number of prior convictions but a positive association between Factor 1 and the length of conviction. Antisocial features (Factor 2, two-factor model) were negatively related to IQ and the length of conviction and positively related to the number of prior convictions. Results were further differentiated for the four-factor model of psychopathy. The relationship between IQ and psychopathy features was further assessed by statistically isolating the effects of the two factors of psychopathy. It was found that individuals scoring high on interpersonal features of psychopathy are more intelligent than those scoring high on antisocial features, but less intelligent than those scoring low on both psychopathy features. The results underpin the importance of allocating psychopathic individuals to subgroups on the basis of personality characteristics and criminological features. These subgroups may identify different types of offenders and may be highly valuable for defining treatment needs and risk of future violence.  相似文献   
This article discusses the role of private health insurance (PHI) in developing countries. Three broad regional clusters are identified that share similar characteristics and policy challenges for the effective integration of private insurance into national health care systems: (1) Latin America and Eastern Europe, where there are already developed insurance industries facing important market and policy failures; (2) the Middle East/North Africa region and East Asia, where there is a projected strong growth of PHI that needs to be accompanied by efficient regulation; and finally, (3) South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, where PHI will only play a marginal role in the foreseeable future while the scaling up of small-scale, nonprofit insurance schemes appears to be of critical importance. Overall, this survey shows that the role of private insurance varies depending on the economic, social, and institutional settings in a country or region. Private health insurance schemes can be valuable tools to complement existing health-financing options only if they are carefully managed and adapted to local needs and preferences.  相似文献   
Despite the imposition of temporary safeguard measures on Chineseexports by both the United States and the European Union in2005, few countries other than China and India have increasedtheir clothing exports in markets where Multi-Fiber Arrangementquotas had been removed, e.g. the European Union, the UnitesStates, and Canada. This article argues that the eliminationof import quotas has exposed the vulnerability of fragmentedsupply chains and favoured countries able to display an integratedsupply chain, i.e. domestic production of high quality textileand clothing products. In terms of trade policy implications,the elimination of quotas has reduced the attractiveness ofoutward processing programmes and, conversely, increased theattractiveness of other preferential trade arrangements, suchas regional trade arrangements and the Generalized System ofPreferences. The July 2006 postponement of the Doha Round negotiationsrepresents a setback for WTO Members and, with respect to thetextile and clothing issues, widespread anxiety among supplyingcountries due to the competitive strength of China acts againsta package of significant tariff reduction applied on a most-favoured-nationbasis. To move the Doha negotiations forward, political willis required in agricultural negotiations, including a development-friendlyresolution of the problem of cotton subsidies.  相似文献   
Sommaire: Les marchés publics constituent pour le Gouvernement du Québec un précieux instrument de développement socio-éonomique et un puissant levier dans la réalisation de certains objectifs bien particuliers. Aussi, afin de stimuler et de favoriser le développement de l'économie québécoise, la politique d'achat du Gouvernement du Québec révèle plusieurs mesures préférentielles. Elle tente explicitement de maximiser l'utilisation de produits québécois, de canaliser une part substantielle des achats publics vers les entreprises québécoises. Cette politique d'achat préférentielle a été récemment raffermie et ce, malgré le mouvement international de plus en plus vigoureux visant l'élimination des obstacles à la libre circulation des biens et services. Toutefois, au niveau interprovincial, ce même Gouvernement, dans une volonté d'emboîter le pas et de s'aligner sur l'actuelle tendance à la libéralisation des échanges commerciaux, a spontanément souscrit à l'Accord intergouvernemental sur les marchés du secteur public qui prône l'abolition des barrières au commerce interprovincial. Le Gouvernement du Québec doit désormais tenter de concilier l'existence des principes et objectifs de ces deux textes conflictuels. La présente étude offre une vision globale, suggère un survol de la politique d'achat du Gouvernement du Québec et de son champ d'application, dam le contexte de la libéralisation des échanges commerciaux interprovinciaux. Elle souligne que l'Accord ne sonne pas le glas de la politique d'achat du Québec mais en implique une sérieuse et profonde remise en cause. En effet, la politique d'achat devra nécessairement débouher sur une façon originale d'utiliser les marchés publics tout en s'insérant dans le cadre de l'Accord. Abstract: For the Government of Quebec, public contracts are an invaluable tool for socio-economic development and a powerful lever for the achievement of some quite specific objectives. In order to stimulate and promote the development of the Quebec economy, the purchasing policy of the provincial government involves several preferential measures. It explicitly attempts to maximize the use of Quebec products, and to channel a substantial portion of public purchases to Quebec firms. This preferential purchasing policy has been strengthened recently, in spite of the growing international movement towards eliminating impediments to the free trade of goods and services. However, at the interprovincial level, in order to fall in step and align itself with the present trend towards freer trade, the Government of Quebec spontaneously subscribed to the Intergovernmental Accord on Public Sector Contracts, promoting the elimination of interprovincial trade barriers. The Government of Quebec must now aim to reconcile the principles and objectives of these two conflicting approaches. This study provides an overview and suggests a survey of the provincial government's purchasing policy and its field of application, within the context of the liberalization of interprovincial trade. It stresses that the accord does not negate Quebec's purchasing policy, although it does involve a thorough review of it. Indeed, the purchasing policy must necessarily lead to an original way of using public contracts while still staying within the bounds of the accord.  相似文献   
Section 704(a) protects employees who engage in activity aimed at remedying employment practices they believe to be unlawful. Such activity may take the form of participation in governmental investigations or proceedings, or expressing opposition to an employer's practices through internal complaints to management, circulating petitions among employees, directly challenging an employer's affirmative action plan, etc. As the Ninth Circuit's recent Crown Zellerbach decision demonstrates, employers must proceed with caution before taking disciplinary action against an employee who engages in arguably protected 704(a) activity. The following article discusses employee activity protected by section 704(a) and examines various employer defenses and concerns in a retaliation case.  相似文献   
The current study investigated the prevalence of mental disorders among incarcerated juvenile offenders in Germany and sought to identify clinically relevant subgroups. In sum, 149 newly incarcerated male juvenile delinquents (M age = 19 years) were included. Diagnostic tools included the German version of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV and the Psychopathy Checklist-Screening Version. The most prevalent diagnoses in the sample included conduct disorders (81%), Cluster B personality disorders (up to 62%), and substance-related disorders (up to 60%). Moreover, psychopathic features were found among 21% of the participants. Cluster analysis distinguished three subgroups among this group of young offenders. The most problematic consisted of juveniles with multiple psychopathology, including antisocial traits, personality pathology, higher scores on the Psychopathy Checklist, as well as multiple substance abuse. Study outcomes are discussed in light of their implications for the development of effective treatment for juvenile offenders.  相似文献   
Journal of Youth and Adolescence - The companions in crime hypothesis suggests that co-offending moderates the link between peer delinquency and adolescent delinquency. However, this hypothesis has...  相似文献   
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