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Dirk  Nabers 《外交政策分析》2009,5(2):191-214
The paper aims to shed light on the conceptual link between international crises such as the one following September 11, 2001, and processes of identity construction through foreign policy. Crisis and identity construction are conceptualized as constant political phenomena. The political process is constituted by meaningful acts of social agents, and can thus only be grasped by analyzing meaning. Meaning is transmitted by language. Meaningful language is never reducible to individual speakers; it is a social act. The sum of articulatory practices in a social field is called discourse. Linking Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) with the theory of hegemony developed by Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, I will be able to show how hegemonic discourses serve as the nexus between the discursive construction of crises and identity change. A number of problems will be acknowledged when linking these two strands of thinking, as CDA and Laclauian theory work with tentatively different conceptions of discourse. The construction of the "war on terror" by the Bush administration between September 2001 and May 2003 is used as a case to illustrate the theoretical argument.  相似文献   
Annually, natural disasters cause loss of life, damage to property, and damage to the environment. Concomitant is damage to the cultural heritage property, both items and places. Yet in the wake of a disaster, containment and response efforts put additional cultural resources at risk--usually due to ignorance rather than malice on the part of the disaster manager or the property owners. This paper reviews the effects of natural disasters on heritage sites and argues for increased awareness and training for disaster managers.  相似文献   
Abstract: An online forensic dental identification exercise was conducted involving 24 antemortem–postmortem (AM–PM) dental radiograph pairs from actual forensic identification cases. Images had been digitally cropped to remove coronal tooth structure and dental restorations. Volunteer forensic odontologists were passively recruited to compare the AM–PM dental radiographs online and conclude identification status using the guidelines for identification from the American Board of Forensic Odontology. The mean accuracy rate for identification was 86.0% (standard deviation 9.2%). The same radiograph pairs were compared using a digital imaging software algorithm, which generated a normalized coefficient of similarity for each pair. Twenty of the radiograph pairs generated a mean accuracy of 85.0%. Four of the pairs could not be used to generate a coefficient of similarity. Receiver operator curve and area under the curve statistical analysis confirmed good discrimination abilities of both methods (online exercise = 0.978; UT‐ID index = 0.923) and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient analysis (0.683) indicated good correlation between the results of both methods. Computer‐aided dental identification allows for an objective comparison of AM–PM radiographs and can be a useful tool to support a forensic dental identification conclusion.  相似文献   
Criminal behavior of parents substantially affects the criminal behavior of children. Little is known, however, about how crime is transmitted from one generation to the next. In order to test two possible explanations against each other, we pose the question whether the timing of the criminal acts of fathers is important for children’s chances of committing crime. Static theories predict that it is the number of delinquent acts performed by fathers that is important, and that the particular timing does not affect the child’s chance of committing crime. Dynamic theories state that the timing is important, and children have a greater chance of committing crime in the period after fathers have committed delinquent acts. Results show that the total number of convictions of a father is indeed very important, but also the exact timing is key to understanding intergenerational transmission of crime. In the year a father is convicted the chance his child is also convicted increases substantially and it decays in subsequent years. This decay takes longer the more crimes father has committed. Our results show that some of the assumptions of the static theories at least need to be adjusted.  相似文献   

The present paper describes three studies that examined false confessions in the laboratory. Studies 1 (N=56) and 2 (N=9) relied on the by now classic computer crash paradigm introduced by Kassin and Kiechel (Psychological Science, 7, 125–128, 1996). Study 3 (N=12) employed a novel paradigm in which undergraduate participants were falsely accused of exam fraud. Our data indicate that false confessions do occur, even when conditions become more ecologically valid. Furthermore, we explored whether individual differences in compliance, suggestibility, fantasy proneness, dissociation, and cognitive failures are related to false confessions. Of these, only fantasy proneness was associated with false confessions.  相似文献   

This article summarizes the 30‐year history of the Primary Mental Health Project (PMHP), a school‐based program for early detection and prevention of young children's school adjustment problems. The article first describes PMHP's rationale and basic practices, gives examples of how the project has grown and evolved over the years, and summarizes some of its important research findings. The report also reviews several more recent PMHP emphases including its systematic work in program dissemination and its active efforts to develop effective primary prevention program modules. PMHP's approach offers a bona fide alternative to mental health's established, after the fact, restorative ways.  相似文献   
Efficient input supply and service delivery may call for a hub approach where all the necessary inputs and services are supplied in a coordinated manner, either by a single supplier or by several and separate entities in a given geographical location accessible to beneficiaries. Based on experience from Ada'a milk shed in central Ethiopia, this paper assesses the evolution of input supply and service provision in the dairy sub-sector, focusing on coordination and the degree of competition among different actors at different levels in the value chain over time. Data were collected from key value chain actors engaged in provision of input supply and output marketing services in Ada'a milk shed. The major lesson is that the development of coordinated input supply and service delivery by different business entities or under a single business entity may not emerge at once, but through a gradual evolution. This depends on the level of demand for the inputs and services as determined by the degree of demand for milk and milk products, and the economies of scale input suppliers and service providers could attain from the expansion of demands for these inputs and services. Moreover, at the early stage of a hub development, collective actions and integration of services and marketing within a business organisation could be the main strategy to attain efficiency. But, once the demand for inputs and services has grown, competition among different entities will lead to more efficient input supply and service delivery. In general, where there is an increasing demand for inputs and services, there is a faster development of input supply and service provision by private actors and collective actions in a more competitive way. Role of the public sector could change gradually from provision of inputs and services to coordination, capacity building, quality control, and regulation.

Évolution des plateformes d'approvisionnement en intrants et de services dans le développement du secteur de la production laitière dans la laiterie d'Ada'a, en Éthiopie

Pour une fourniture d'intrants et une prestation de services efficaces, il peut se révéler nécessaire de mettre en ?uvre une approche axée sur une plateforme dans le cadre de laquelle tous les intrants et services nécessaires sont fournis de manière coordonnée, soit par un fournisseur unique soit par plusieurs entités séparées, dans un lieu donné accessible aux bénéficiaires. Sur la base de l'expérience de la laiterie d'Ada'a, en Éthiopie, cet article évalue l'évolution de la fourniture d'intrants et de la prestation de services dans le sous-secteur laitier, en se concentrant sur la coordination et sur le degré de concurrence entre différents acteurs et à différents niveaux de la chaîne de valeur au fil du temps. Des données ont été recueillies auprès d'acteurs clés de la chaîne de valeur actifs dans la fourniture d'intrants et dans la prestation de services de commercialisation de la production dans la laiterie d'Ada'a. Le principal enseignement est que le développement d'une fourniture d'intrants et d'une prestation de services coordonnées par différentes entreprises ou dans le cadre d'une entité commerciale unique peut ne pas avoir lieu tout d'un coup, mais au fil d'une évolution progressive. Cela dépend du degré de demande concernant les intrants et les services, tel que déterminé par le degré de demande de lait et produits laitiers, et par les économies d'échelle que les fournisseurs d'intrants et les prestataires de services pourraient obtenir grâce à l'expansion de la demande de ces intrants et services. De plus, au stade initial de la mise en ?uvre d'une plateforme, les actions collectives et l'intégration des services et de la commercialisation dans une organisation commerciale pourraient constituer la principale stratégie pour arriver à l'efficacité. Mais, une fois que la demande en intrants et en services s'est accrue, la concurrence entre différentes entités engendrera une fourniture d'intrants et une prestation de services plus efficaces. En général, lorsqu'il y a une demande croissante d'intrants et de services, il se produit un développement plus rapide de la fourniture d'intrants et de la prestation de services par des acteurs privés dans une optique plus concurrentielle. Le rôle du secteur public pourrait évoluer progressivement, de la fourniture d'intrants et de services à un rôle de coordination, de renforcement des capacités, de contrôle de la qualité et de réglementation.

Evolución de la oferta de insumos y de los centros de servicios en el desarrollo de lácteos en la cuenca lechera de Ada en Etiopía

Para llevar a cabo de manera eficiente la oferta de insumos y la entrega de servicios puede requerirse un centro de servicios cuya ubicación sea accesible a los beneficiarios, a partir del cual los mismos sean suministrados de manera coordinada, ya sea a través de un proveedor único, o bien, a través de varios entes separados. Apoyándose en la experiencia de la cuenca lechera de Ada, localizada en el centro de Etiopía, el presente artículo valora la evolución de la oferta de insumos y de la entrega de servicios en el subsector de lácteos, centrándose en la coordinación y en el grado de competitividad mostrado durante varios años por distintos actores ubicados en diferentes estratos de la cadena de valor. La información fue recopilada de actores clave de la cadena de valor en la cuenca lechera de Ada, quienes proveen insumos y servicios de comercialización de productos. El aprendizaje más importante que ha dejado esta experiencia es que: el desarrollo de la oferta de insumos y de la entrega de servicios – realizadas de manera coordinada por distintas empresas o por una sola – puede no surgir inmediatamente, sino después de una lenta evolución. Ello depende del nivel de demanda de insumos o servicios que, a su vez, depende tanto de la demanda de leche y de productos lácteos como de las economías de escala que pudieran obtener sus proveedores a partir de la expansión de la demanda de estos productos. Asimismo, durante las etapas iniciales del desarrollo de un centro de servicios, las acciones colectivas, la integración de servicios y la comercialización centradas en una sola empresa, podrían constituir la estrategia más importante para mejorar la eficiencia. Sin embargo, una vez que la demanda de insumos y servicios haya crecido, la competencia entre distintas entidades producirá una oferta y una entrega de los mismos más eficiente. En general, en aquellos lugares en que exista una demanda creciente, habrá un desarrollo más rápido de la oferta de insumos y de la entrega de servicios por parte de los actores privados, además de acciones colectivas más competitivas. En consecuencia, el rol del sector público podría modificarse gradualmente, pasando de ser proveedor de insumos y servicios a ser la instancia que coordine, fortalezca capacidades y vigile el control de calidad y las normas.

Evolução dos centros de abastecimento de insumos e serviços no desenvolvimento do setor de laticínio da região produtora de leite de Ada'a, na Etiópia

Uma oferta eficiente de insumos e de serviços pode demandar um centro em que todos os insumos e serviços necessários sejam ofertados de maneira coordenada, seja através de um único fornecedor ou de várias entidades separadas em uma dada área geográfica acessível aos beneficiários. Com base na experiência da região produtora de leite de Ada'a situada na região central da Etiópia, este artigo avalia a evolução da oferta de insumos e de serviços no sub-setor de laticínios, concentrando-se na coordenação e grau de competição entre diferentes agentes em níveis diferentes da cadeia de valores no decorrer do tempo. Os dados foram coletados a partir de agentes-chave da cadeia de valores engajados na oferta de insumos e serviços de marketing na região produtora de leite de Ada'a. A principal lição é que o desenvolvimento da oferta coordenada de insumos e de serviços através de diferentes entidades empresariais ou através de uma única entidade empresarial pode não surgir de uma só vez, mas sim ter uma evolução gradual. Isto depende do nível de demanda dos insumos e serviços, que é determinado pelo grau de demanda de leite e de produtos lácteos, e as economias de escala que os fornecedores de insumos e de serviços podem obter a partir da expansão de demandas por estes insumos e serviços. Além disto, na fase inicial do desenvolvimento de um centro, ações coletivas e integração de serviços e marketing dentro de uma organização empresarial podem ser a estratégia principal para se obter eficiência. Porém, após a demanda por insumos e serviços ter crescido, a competição entre entidades diferentes levará a uma oferta de insumos e de serviço mais eficiente. Em geral, quando há uma demanda crescente por insumos e serviços, há um desenvolvimento mais rápido na oferta de insumos e serviços por agentes privados e ações coletivas mais competitivas. O papel do setor público poderia mudar gradualmente da oferta de insumos e serviços para a coordenação, capacitação, controle de qualidade e regulação.  相似文献   
Elizabeth Wolgast, Ethics of an Artificial Person: Lost Responsibility in Professions and Organizations Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1992, 161 pp.  相似文献   
The regulation of intellectual property rights takes place in a range of international venues. This proliferation of international venues greatly enhances the potential for venue shopping. We argue that different levels of domestic regulation and differing degrees of judicialization account for actors' preferences over institutional venues. We take into consideration two scenarios. Conceiving of judicialization as the delegation of adjudication to an independent third party and the enforcement through multilaterally authorized sanctions, we show that: (i) upward regulatory harmonization leads actors preferring weak regulatory intellectual property rights standards to strive for venues with low degrees of judicialization, whereas those favoring stringent intellectual property rights protection prefer highly judicialized venues; and (ii) downward harmonization leads to the opposite constellation of institutional preferences. We show how these expectations hold by way of in‐depth case studies of two instances of global intellectual property rights regulation: the regulation of plant genetic resources and intellectual property rights for medicines.  相似文献   


Carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) is the most specific serum marker of chronic alcohol abuse so far. There is little knowledge about extreme CDT values of >20% and the more >30% CDT.


Serum CDT/transferrin ratios from 19,236 serum samples sent to our laboratory for routine CDT analysis were determined by HPLC. About 75% of these serum samples were from traffic or employment medicine investigations. A CDT value frequency histogram was computed and extreme CDT values were clinically validated.


Fourteen thousand four hundred and sixty-one CDT results were normal (≤1.7%) and 4775 increased (1.8–36.9% CDT). Most frequent normal and increased results were 0.9% CDT (n = 1964) and 1.8% CDT (n = 356). CA. 70% of the pathological results were between 1.8% and 5.0% CDT, ca. 88% between 1.8% and 10.0% CDT, and 98% between 1.8% and 20.0%. CDT values >20.0% appeared in 79 cases and results >30.0% in two cases (33.8% and 36.9%). In each case of CDT values >20%, chronic alcohol abuse was the underlying cause as confirmed by anamnestic exploration.


CDT/transferrin ratios are usually <20%. Higher values can appear in rare cases. CDT results >30% can be due to alcohol abuse but should be considered as remarkable single observations. Visualization of the transferrin isoform patterns by HPLC allows the detection of pathological transferrin isoform patterns and of genetic transferrin variants. This is essential for a reliable interpretation of (extreme) CDT values. CDT analysis by immunoassays without physico-chemical confirmatory analysis is no longer acceptable.  相似文献   
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