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On the basis of participatory research with service providers, service users, and external actors in Guatemala, Mozambique, and Nicaragua, we have developed a novel framework to describe and assess the quality of services for women and girls who have experienced violence against women (VAW survivors). The framework (1) provides a practical definition of quality, and (2) offers a structure to assess the effectiveness of services for VAW survivors in a development context. It can be adjusted to various situations, as well as to the different needs of service providers and of those who design, monitor, and support VAW programmes.

Comprendre la qualité dans les services d'aide aux survivantes de violences basées sur le genre

Sur la base de recherches participatives menées avec des prestataires de services, des utilisateurs de services et des acteurs externes au Guatemala, au Mozambique et au Nicaragua, nous avons mis au point un cadre original pour décrire et évaluer la qualité des services pour les femmes et les filles qui ont subi des violences faites aux femmes (VFF). Le cadre (1) propose une définition concrète de la qualité et (2) confère une structure permettant d’évaluer l'efficacité des services aux survivantes de VFF dans un contexte de développement. Il peut être ajusté en fonction de diverses situations, ainsi que des différents besoins des prestataires de services et de ceux qui conçoivent, surveillent et soutiennent les programmes de lutte contre la VFF.

Comprendiendo la calidad de los servicios que apoyan a mujeres sobrevivientes a la violencia de género

Con base en una investigación participativa realizada en Guatemala, Mozambique y Nicaragua con proveedores de servicios, usuarios de servicios y actores externos, las autoras desarrollaron un marco de referencia innovador que describe y valora la calidad de los servicios ofrecidos a mujeres y niñas que han experimentado violencia contra las mujeres (sobrevivientes de vcm). Este marco propone (1) una definición práctica de calidad; y (2) una estructura que permita valorar la efectividad de los servicios orientados a las sobrevivientes de la vcm en un contexto de desarrollo. Dicho marco puede ajustarse de acuerdo a las distintas situaciones y a las diferentes necesidades de los proveedores de servicios y de las personas que elaboran, monitorean y apoyan programas de vcm.

Compreendendo a qualidade de serviços de apoio a mulheres sobreviventes da violência baseada em gênero

Com base em pesquisa participativa com provedores de serviço, usuários de serviço e agentes externos na Guatemala, Moçambique e Nicarágua, desenvolvemos uma estrutura nova para descrever e avaliar a qualidade de serviços oferecidos a mulheres e meninas que enfrentaram a Violência Contra Mulheres (sobreviventes da VCM). A estrutura (1) oferece uma definição prática de qualidade e a (2) oferece uma estrutura para avaliar a efetividade dos serviços para sobreviventes da VCM em um contexto de desenvolvimento. Ela pode ser ajustada a várias situações, assim como a diferentes necessidades dos provedores de serviço e daqueles que criam, monitoram e apoiam programas de combate à VCM.  相似文献   


More than four decades have passed since the United Nation’s Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) was adopted. Now is an opportune time to consider whether the interventions seeking to realise CEDAW’s aspirations have brought us closer to achieving gender equality. This systematic review aimed to identify and synthesise evidence for the effectiveness of social justice, cognitive, or behaviour-change interventions that sought to reduce gender inequality, gender bias, or discrimination against women or girls. Interventions could be implemented in any context, with any mode of delivery and duration, if they measured gender equity or discrimination outcomes, and were published in English in peer-reviewed journals. Papers on violence against women and sexuality were not eligible. Seventy-eight papers reporting qualitative (n?=?36), quantitative (n?=?23), and multi-methods (n?=?19) research projects met the eligibility criteria after screening 7,832 citations identified from psycINFO, ProQuest, Scopus searches, reference lists and expert recommendations. Findings were synthesised narratively. Improved gender inclusion was the most frequently reported change (n?=?39), particularly for education and media interventions. Fifty percent of interventions measuring social change in gender equality did not achieve beneficial effects. Most gender mainstreaming interventions had only partial beneficial effects on outcomes, calling into question their efficacy in practice. Twenty-eight interventions used education and awareness-raising strategies, which also predominantly had only partial beneficial effects. Overall research quality was low to moderate, and the key findings created doubt that interventions to date have achieved meaningful change. Interventions may not have achieved macrolevel change because they did not explicitly address meso and micro change. We conclude with a summary of the evidence for key determinants of the promotion of gender equality, including a call to address men’s emotional responses (micro) in the process of achieving gender equality (micro/meso/macrolevels).

The fact that the European elections in 2014 resulted in an unprecedented success for Eurosceptic parties raises questions concerning the influence of political elites on citizens’ Euroscepticism. This paper examines whether Eurosceptic messages have a different impact when communicated by mainstream right-wing parties vs. their more radical counterparts. We do so using data from a survey experiment conducted in Germany in 2013. Our results show that Eurosceptic messages from mainstream parties significantly increase Euroscepticism among voters but that those effects are confined largely to “in”-partisans. Furthermore, when a message is effective among “out”-partisans, it is due to a combined effect of source and message credibility. This holds true for both mainstream and radical right parties suggesting that contrary to expectations, the former do not enjoy any advantage over the latter in terms of perceived credibility.  相似文献   
In contrast to the abundance of research on women victims, this article sheds light on the discourse of men who are self-identified as victims of their female partners' abuse. The purpose of this study was to investigate the most salient identity constructions and abuse conceptualizations among participants of group psychotherapy for men who have been abused in intimate, heterosexual partner relationships (i.e., Calgary Counselling Centre's 14-week group program titled "A Turn for the Better"). The men's identity work was examined using the methods and theoretical perspective of discourse analysis. Analysis of the talk demonstrated that the group agenda was to work through the ambiguity of abuse in the service of having the men identify themselves as victims. Thus, both the men and the group facilitators actively constructed "true victim" subject positions through their resistance to commonsense orientations of (a) "men as perpetrators" and (b) whether abuse consisted of more than physical violence. The therapeutic language of resistance was a common strategy used to manage victim status but also required further negotiation as it entailed a component of abuse (i.e., risked positioning the men as abusers rather than victims). The discussion focuses on how these findings may differ from the identity work present in women victim therapeutic groups. In addition, we note that it is difficult to uphold the victim-versus-perpetrator dichotomy in therapeutic discourse.  相似文献   
Lasting peace after civil war is difficult to establish. One promising way to ensure durable peace is by carefully designing civil war settlements. We use a single theoretical model to integrate existing work on civil war agreement design and to identify additional agreement provisions that should be particularly successful at bringing about enduring peace. We make use of the bargaining model of war which points to commitment problems as a central explanation for civil war. We argue that two types of provisions should mitigate commitment problems: fear-reducing and cost-increasing provisions. Fear-reducing provisions such as third-party guarantees and power-sharing alleviate the belligerents' concerns about opportunism by the other side. Provisions such as the separation of forces make the resumption of hostilities undesirable by increasing the costs of further fighting. Using newly expanded data on civil war agreements between 1945 and 2005, we demonstrate that cost-increasing provisions indeed reduce the chance of civil war recurrence. We also identify political power-sharing as the most promising fear-reducing provision.  相似文献   
Seit einiger Zeit setzen sich in der deutschen Hochschulpolitik und an den Hochschulen Reformen im Rahmen des New Public Managements durch, die zu mehr Selbststeuerung und Effizienzerhöhung führen sollen. Im vorliegenden Artikel wird ein Vergleich der Hochschulsteuerung der 16 Landeshochschulsysteme Deutschlands vorgenommen. Zunächst werden die derzeitigen hochschulischen Steuerungsinstrumente systematisiert und anschließend zwei Governance‐Modellen zugeordnet, dem bürokratisch‐oligarchischen und dem Management‐Modell. Eine Einordnung der 16 Landeshochschulsysteme auf Basis dieser Systematisierung zeigt für die meisten Bundesländer eine Dominanz jener Steuerungsinstrumente, die dem Management‐Modell zugeordnet werden. Gleichwohl bestehen zwischen den Bundesländern deutliche Unterschiede in den jeweiligen Steuerungssystemen. Trotz der allgemeinen Annäherung an das Management‐Modell sind auf der konkreten Umsetzungsebene Varianten in der Ausgestaltung festzustellen. Demzufolge verwundert es nicht, dass der Erfolg von Hochschulen nicht nachweisbar von der gesetzlichen Verankerung des Management‐Modells abhängt, was am Beispiel der Exzellenzinitiative illustriert wird.  相似文献   
What makes evaluations useful for interventions on violence against women and girls (VAWG)? This article reports on a qualitative comparative analysis of 39 evaluations, and shows that it takes a combination of elements to produce good evaluation effects. It identifies eight configurations of conditions which have generated effective evaluations. Key elements were the evaluation context, the evaluators’ sensitivity to gender and to the participants’ rights and security, and consultation with persons considered to be the ultimate “beneficiaries” of the intervention. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches could lead to effective evaluation. The article concludes with recommendations for evaluation users.  相似文献   
Development brings about changes in people's lives and their ways of understanding and dealing with their world. It is possible to distinguish between two types of development intervention: (a) improvements in the external situation, chiefly through the provision of public goods; and (b) strengthening people's inner capacities, an endeavour which depends on cognitive processes. The article links basic concepts from cognitive theory to development practice and proposes avenues for further research to study the way in which people develop their capacities and to find ways of supporting such processes. A fuller understanding of cognitive change as a key factor could greatly enhance the sustainability of development projects.  相似文献   
Michaela Jarvis 《Society》1992,29(4):65-69
Photographs by Estefan Radovicz  相似文献   
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