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Choral music is the leading form of public participation in the arts in the United States. This article describes choral music from an organizational perspective, using a strategic management framework to examine total market scale, scope of activity, and internal structure. While many tens of thousands of choruses are embedded in educational and religious institutions, this article focuses on independent, community-based choruses. Data from public and private sources, including the leading national service organization for choruses, shows that an estimated 3,000 of these choruses operate in the U.S. They are typically organized along club models, with significant contributions to finances and governance made by chorus singers. Summary data in the article show variation in governance and program activity within budget ranges and among chorus types including professional, symphonic, volunteer, and children/youth.  相似文献   
The purpose of this article is to advocate a more careful approach towards the analysis of the factors that are decisive for the comparative evaluation of system performance and the reasons given for output variations. Using budgetary politics in the Federal Republic of Germany as an example, it is argued that the majority of the ‘Does politics matter?’ literature is oversimplifying reality by overlooking the institutional variable.  相似文献   
At times when the market demands strong active innovation, large industrial corporations with established R&D organizations benefit from screening and developing breakthrough innovation. The ability of established organizations to absorb for future technologies is a key to successfully recognize, explore and capture breakthrough innovations. R&D Venturing is a practical way of bringing about technology transfer and exploration of future technologies through R&D cooperation, which is described in this paper by a multiple case study in the energy sector. Existing literature has been reviewed and an R&D Venturing concept will be suggested with a number of propositions for implementation. The results of the case study strongly support that different perspectives of the concept from industry, academia and the ventures themselves have to be carefully understood. Based on the results of the case study, a conceptual framework and propositions for a successful implementation have been derived. A critical discussion of the R&D Venturing concept shows the need for further empirical investigation.  相似文献   
A cross-section analysis covering up to 42 countries and including the usual control variables shows that central government outlays as a share of general government outlays are significantly larger if the judges of the constitutional or supreme court are independent of the federal government and parliament and if the barriers to constitutional amendment are high. This evidence is consistent with the view that constitutional judges have a vested interest in centralization or that there is self-selection or both. These insights are used to draw lessons for the reform of the European Court of Justice. Self-selection should be reduced by requiring judicial experience—ideally with the highest national courts. The vested interest in centralization could be overcome by adding a subsidiarity court.  相似文献   
Sommire. L'Ecole nationale d'administration publique tente depuis deux ans line expérience d'étroite collaboration entre le gouvemement et l'université. Fondée en 1969 en vue de la formation et du perfectionnement des administrateurs publics de niveau supérieur, elle a mis sur pied un programme de maîtrise en administration publique de 16 mois destinéà de futurs cadres administratifs et se propose de lancer bientôt divers programmes de perfectionnement à l'in-tention des fonctionnaires en exercice, notamment ceux des cadres supérieurs. Elle s'intéresse aussi è la recherche appliquée, éant donné son désir d'utiliser des cas concrets dans l'enseignement. L'orientation initiale de l'Ecole a été dictee par un souci profond dadapter l'enseignement aux besoins réels des milieux administratifs. Elle prend pour acquis gue ce n'est pas à l'âge où l'on poursuit habitueilement des études univer-sitaires que l'administrateur peut vraiment recevoir une formation complète et définitive. Cela signifie que l'Ecole s'adresse essentiellement non pas à des étudiants encore plus ou moins indécis quant à leur orientation de carrière mais à des professionnels en exercice parmi lesquels on aura identifié ceux qui sont le plus susceptibles d'obtenir des promotions. L'observation de la réalité en effet révéle la tendance à ce que la plus grande partie des cadres supérieurs soient désonnais recrutés parmi les professionnels de toute discipline qui ont déjà poursuivi une carrière spécialisée et qui, ayant manifesté des aptitudes administratives, sont à la veille de subir une réorientation de carrière. Cette considération ne peut manquer d'influencer le chok des élèves, qui est très sélectif, de même que la composition des programmes qui doivent tenir compte de la diversité des formations antérieures et les méthodes pédagogiques inspirées des techniques de l'éducation des adultes. Le choix des professeurs est aussi inspiré de ces caractéristiques de l'enseignement. L'Ecole préfère utiliser des ressources empruntées à l'extérieur (université et fonction publique) plutôt que d'avoir un personnel permanent nombreux. EUe préfère recourir aux services de praticiens plutôt que de théoriciens, ce qui ne l'empêche pas d'utiliser les services d'universitaires mais qui ont eu, autant que possible, des contacts avec le milieu de travail gouvernemental. Le statut de l'institution a aussi son originalité. L'ENAP est me éole supérieure faisant partie du réseau de l'Université du Québec. Elle est autonome à la fois par rapport am autres constituantes de l'Université et par rapport au gouvernement du Québec. Elle entretient toutefois, étant donné sa vocation, des relations privilégiées avec celui-ci, tout en ouvrant ses portes auX autres types dadministrateurs, venant du gouvernement fédéral, des collectivités locales, des régies, commissions, etc. Abstract. For the past two years, l'Ecole nationale dadministration publique has been attempting an experiment involving close co-operation between government and university. Established in 1969 for the purpose of training and professionally improving public administrators at senior level, the School designed a 16-month program leading to a master's degree in public administration for the benefit of future executives; it intends to launch shortly various improvement programs meant for officials ahead), in service, particularly higher officials. The School is also interested in applied research, as it intends to use concrete cases as part of its educational methods. The School's initial orientation was prompted by a deep concern for adapting training programs to the actual needs of the administrative sector. It takes for granted that the administrator cannot truly receive complete and definite training at the age when university studies are usually pursued. This implies that the School is essentially meant not for students who are still more or less undecided as to their vocational choice, but for professionals already in the field, among whom those most likely to be promoted have been identified. Realistic observatiom effectively show a trend whereby most executives will, in future, be recruited among professionals in every discipline who have already pursued a specialized career and who are about to have their career reorientated because of their administrative aptitudes. Such a consideration necessarily influences the choice of students, which is very selective, as well as the preparation of programs, which must take into account the diversity of previous trdining and the educational methods inspired by techniques of continuing education. The selection of teachers is also inspired by such teaching characteristics. The School prefers to call on personnel resources borrowed from the outside (university and Civil Service) rather than to employ a large permanent staff. It prefers the services of people in the field to those of theoreticians, which does not exclude university personnel as long as, in so far as possible, they have had contacts with government and its working environment. The institution also has unique status. The ENAP is a school of advanced studies and is part of the University of QuBbec network. It is aiitonomotis both with regard to the other components of the university and with regard to the Québec government. With the latter, nevertheless, it maintains privileged relationships by virtue of its position. The School also opens its doors to other types of administrators from the federal government, local communities, boards, commissions, and so on.  相似文献   
War and Peace     
Roland Littlewood 《Society》2011,48(6):481-482
This study assessed the prevalence and correlates of intimate partner violence (IPV) among a sample of unionized construction industry workers, and tested the reliability of new measures of IPV normative beliefs. Study participants (n=100) voluntarily completed confidential and anonymous self-administered questionnaires that measured occupational factors, hazardous drinking, and normative beliefs. Measurement of past-year IPV was based on the Conflict Tactics Scale, Form R. Measures of IPV normative beliefs showed good reliability (Cronbach’s α 0.94–0.95). Past-year IPV prevalence was 26%. Logistic regression models were developed to assess the contribution of each factor to risk of past-year IPV perpetration. Perceived workplace racial/ethnic discrimination, job strain, interpersonal workplace conflict, normative beliefs, and hazardous drinking were positively associated with elevated IPV risk.Construction industry workers may have higher rates of IPV compared to general population samples that represent various occupations and social classes. Occupational factors appear to be significant correlates of IPV among these workers.  相似文献   
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