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独立董事制度与上市公司治理结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国证监会引入的独立董事制度,作为一项改革举措,社会各界看法不一,其最终结果尚难定论。独立董事制度在操作上应由中国证监会牵头建立“上市公司独立董事人才库”,通过统一培训与考核,再向各家上市公司指派,以避免独立董事与上市公司陷入“囚徒困境”,确保独立董事既“独立”又“懂事”。  相似文献   
今年国庆长假,我和侗族画 家、四川文联主席杨长槐相 约,他从北京出发,早已对贵州风光心向往之的我从上海起程,在贵阳会合,一起到生活中去汲取营养,切磋创作。我们在西江苗寨为依山建造的吊脚楼而着迷,在花溪古镇青岩为浓郁的民族风情而动容,在黄果树为势如天降的大瀑  相似文献   
文学艺术界的朋友聚在一起时,往往喜欢海阔天空地闲聊,容易慷慨激昂地发宏论。前几天,我们这些文艺界和在文艺界服务的人,集中学习贯彻党的六中全会决议精神时,就有这样一些问题提了出来:关于加强社会主义精神文明建设的决议中为什么要突出强调思想道德和文化建设呀?耍“以优秀的作品鼓舞人”的人本身怎样“优秀”起来呀?“都应当是人类灵魂工程师”的某些人的灵魂究上怎么样啊?有个别文艺家的所作所为、所言所行,距离“有理想、有造稳、有文化、有纪律的社会主义公民”的要求好象太远了吧……在热烈的讨论中,不可避免地提到了某…  相似文献   
靳羽西在中国百姓的心目中多少有点东方美神的象征意味,其实不仅是在中国,美国的《人物》杂志也称靳羽西为“中国最有名的女人”,《纽约时报》还把她誉为“中国化妆品王国的王后”。羽西的确是个漂亮有魅力的女人,她亲和、自信,那张娃娃般的脸庞仿佛要永远留住童年的天真。  相似文献   
China Revisited     
It was in November 1975 that Iwas posted to the People's Re-public of China as Tanzanian Am-bassador Extraordinary and Pleni-potentiary. I served in China fornine years. During that period Ivisited many places in all the prov-inces except Tibet and Taiwan.China was coming to the end of  相似文献   
On 31 December 1991, the Chinese State Council Housing System Reform Leading Group announced this Opinion, setting out targets, principles, and policies for the reform of the system of provisional housing in urban areas. Section 1 of the Opinion provides that the long-term goal of reform is to convert the distribution of housing from a system based on welfare allocation to one based on commodity exchange either by purchase or rental. Section 2 sets the following targets for reform: a) within the period of the Eighth Five-Year Plan, the system will be converted from one of low rent to one in which the calculation of rent will be based on cost of upkeep, administration costs, and depreciation; b) by 2000, the calculation of rent will be based on the above factors, as well as interest on investment and property taxes; and c) in the long term, the calculation of rent will be based on all of the above factors, as well as land rent, insurance premiums, and profit. Section 4 deals with policies for managing various problems such as rent increases and subsidies, sales of housing, financing for housing, the system of investment in and construction of housing, and administration of housing. This Section provides that a three-level housing investment fund based on municipalities, work units, and individuals will be established.  相似文献   
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