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美国为首的北约对南斯拉夫的空袭已有月余,事态发展已超越军事打击范围,给周边及欧洲经济社会带来一系列严重影响,不能不促使人们对北约空袭进行更深层次的思考。冷战结束后,地区冲突的通常后果是大批难民潮,而巴尔干这个“火药桶”被点燃后果更不堪设想。对此美国决...  相似文献   
上半年国际形势发展趋向邴金伏今年上半年,国际形势继续发生着深刻而重大的变化。和平与发展的主流受到来自政治、经济、安全等诸多方面的挑战。一、世界格局多极化进程有新发展,美国“一超”地位受到诸多方面的挑战。首先,欧元启动,欧盟在多极化格局中的地位提高。5...  相似文献   
在新旧世纪和两个千年交替之际,经济全球化和政治多极化继续保持强劲势头。信息、生物、新材料、新能源等领域的新科技革命日新月异,世界和平与发展进入新的发展阶段。世界各国全面审视、厘定国家发展战略,为新世纪综合国力竞争构筑坚实发展平台。世纪之交的国际形势呈现出缓和与竞争同步发展的趋势。一、世界经济增势强劲,进入战后第二个黄金增长周期世界经济已完全摆脱金融危机的阴影,增长速度明显加快。2000年创多年未有的最高增长记录。根据IMF等国际权威机构秋季报告预测,世界经济增长率将达4.7%。发达国家增速为4.2%,美国有可能创5…  相似文献   
近期,来自世界各地的大批移民蜂拥西欧各国,其中不少是难民。据联合国难民事务高级专员公署驻波恩发言人说,仅1990年一年,离开东欧地区的人达130万。这些人绝大部分流向西欧。目前,英国总人口中国外出生的人数已占8%,法国达11%,超过国外出生人数占人口总数6%的传统移民国家美国。英国内政大臣肯尼思·贝克惊呼:“如此大规模的移民,在最近欧洲历史上是从未有过的”。  相似文献   
第二次大战后,美国为了遏制苏联,维护世界霸主地位,在亚洲、欧洲和美洲等地建立了许多军事基地和军事设施。随着世界形势的变化,美国这些基地的存在问题日趋突出,要求“美国佬回家去”的呼声也越来越高。 在亚洲:美国在菲律宾建立了海外最大的军事基地,它们对于美国在亚太地区与苏联抗衡和支援  相似文献   
For the last few years, every country has rushed to draft its own crossing-century development strategies. As we enter the new century, all nations feel imperative to enrich, examine, and readjust their primary strategies in the process of implementation. World economy has turned to a growth in restoration. There are three types of uneveness in international strategic balance of power: (1) the US turns out to be more prominent as the sole superpower among the major powers; (2) the developed countries have strengthened their superiority over the developing countries; (3) serious imbalance is clearly enlarged within the developing countries. As the configuration of world forces changes, some new trends are emerging in American hegemonism, as indicated in the Kosovo War. Since the war has imposed great impact on many fields of international relations, every country is stimulated to readjust its national security strategy and raise the military role to a new level. Various thoughts and viewpoints are rampant in the Western world, and multi-polarization is surging forward twisted and wavily. While the international disarmament and arms control efforts have been severely undermined, a new round of arms race is resumed, and regional conflicts break out frequently, national splittism and religious fundamentalism spreading epidemically as well. In the context of complicated international situations, Chinese foreign relations are facing critical challenges, while its international role is rising step by step. In Year 2000, despite the inevitable regional instabilities, the intensity of clashes shall be lowered to a large extent, and constructive forces will regain their historical prevalence. The world economy will run out of the shadow of the Asian financial crisis, and grow at a relatively even scale. The major powers will stabilize their relationships in a strategic interval, buying time to digest dividends, rehabilitate forces, reassess loss and gain, and readjust their policies. Struggles begin for establishing a new international order in the 21st century.  相似文献   
苏联解体,存在了近半个世纪的战后两极冷战对峙体制瓦解,世界各大力量中心都在谨慎地调整战略,重新确定自己在国际关系体系中的位置。第三世界国家也相应进行了一些战略调整,呈现一些新的趋向。 第一,实行全方位开放,调整发展战略。 在美苏两极对峙时期,第三世界国家中,有些亲  相似文献   
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