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民事行政裁判执行的检察监督   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
常怡 《法学家》2006,(4):1-4
一、从民事行政裁判执行的现状看引入检察监督的必要性 我国<宪法>确立了人民检察院的法律监督地位,1989年、1991年颁布的<中华人民共和国行政诉讼法>、<中华人民共和国民事诉讼法>又具体确立了人民检察院的民事、行政检察监督权.根据上述法律规定,从应然意义上讲,<行政诉讼法>第10条、<民事诉讼法>第14条都是授权性条款,人民检察院应当享有民事行政的检察监督权,包括对民事行政裁判执行的检察监督权.但自检察机关开展民事行政检察监督工作以来,几乎从未涉足民事行政裁判执行的检察监督.在倡导程序公正和执行程序独立价值的今天,为最大限度地杜绝执行过程中的随意性和权力滥用,重视和解决"执行难"、"执行乱"问题,显得极为重要与紧迫.因此,有必要对民事行政裁判执行建立起检察监督机制.  相似文献   
沉默权与中国刑事诉讼   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
孙长永 《现代法学》2000,22(2):18-23
中国现行法之所以没有确认被追诉者的沉默权,有政治、诉讼制度、社会现实和文化传统等多方面的原因;在中国建立沉默权制度。既要从价值判断上明确其必要性,又要充分考虑到可能面临的技术难题;但从社会的宏观背景来看,中国建立沉默权制度的艰巨性远远超过技术设计和价值判断的范围,必须特别注意相关制度的建设和程序规则的完善。  相似文献   
Wherever an impact mark is found, either on the surface or on the recovered projectile, it is important for forensic investigators to extract useful information in solving shooting-related cases. This article reviews a collection of works on examination of impact marks upon striking of projectiles on inanimate objects, emphasizing on the retrievable information from a shooting scene and their forensic significance in shooting event reconstruction. Literature suggested that impact marks on target surfaces and the degree of deformation on striking projectiles vary according to different combinations of ammunition and surface materials. It was noted that conditions in real-case scenarios further differed unpredictably in comparison with controlled studies, where forensic investigation should be treated as case-specific basis. Furthermore, the way forensic science is researched and applied operationally has to be reconsidered to reduce the gap via translational approach for more effective use of forensic evidence.  相似文献   
The present study takes a motivational perspective that views youths’ educational and career engagement as influential and potentially competing for the same motivational resources in the transition to adulthood. We investigated whether motivational engagement with educational and career goals in the year after high-school graduation was differentially associated with educational, career-related and subjective well-being outcomes 2 and 4 years after school graduation. Our longitudinal study of a multi-ethnic sample of Los Angeles high-school graduates followed participants 2 years (N = 561; 61.5 % female) and 4 years (N = 364; 59.8 % female) after high school graduation. The findings indicate that motivational engagement with educational goals after high school graduation predicted educational attainments and psychological well-being at follow-up 2 and 4 years after graduation, and occupational progress at 4 years after graduation. Work hours assessed shortly after high school graduation were associated with poorer educational outcomes both at 2 and 4 years after high school. Occupational goal engagement was not associated with better outcomes, but predicted less educational attainment 4 years after graduating. Thus, educational goal engagement predicted favorable outcomes, whereas career-related goal engagement for the most part was neutral with some select associations with negative educational outcomes. A strong motivational commitment to educational goals, but not to career goals, is an important component of a successful transition to adulthood.  相似文献   
<正>近年来,河南省涉金融民商事案件多发,民间借贷纠纷、金融借款合同纠纷、信用卡纠纷等案件中均出现了一些新特点、新问题,亟待金融监管部门予以重视,加强对金融领域的监管。一、民间借贷纠纷案件多发,反映出防范化解金融风险压力依然较大(一)相关数据分析自2015年起,民间借贷纠纷超越离婚纠纷,成为河南省民商事一审案件中案件数量最多的案由。2019年至2021年,全省法院共计新收民间借贷纠纷一审案件572061件,占同期民商事一审案件(2967495件)的19.28%。  相似文献   
德国五金工会(IGM)明确指出在过去20年间,由于放任自由、不受管制的金融市场恣意发展,潜伏的危机和风险不断增加,导致了金融市场的完全失控.全球性金融危机的爆发,进一步表明危机治理不可能通过市场自身得以实现,恢复经济正常良好运转离不开政府的调控和社会综合治理.为就业岗位提供安全保障、推行民主参与、完善资本和金融市场的政策管理规定、减少投机行为和防止利润流失、税收失控等措施,都是积极应对金融危机的有力举措.  相似文献   
美国著名的马克思主义经济学家和苏联问题专家大卫·科兹认为,苏联体制的终结是其特有体制的独有特征和特殊历史的产物,但苏联经验以及苏联体制为未来兴起的任何一种可行的社会主义体制的形成,提供了重要教训.他认为理想的社会主义模式应该具有几点鲜明的特征:国有化的生产方式、经济计划化、为使用而进行的生产和民主.经过对资本主义和社会主义经济不断研究,大卫·科兹指出,目前资本主义已经发展到了全球化新自由主义的阶段.随着新自由主义资本主义模式的社会积累结构中各种矛盾日益尖锐,这种模式的资本主义将有可能无法再继续发展下去.  相似文献   
Does board diversity or representativeness influence organizational performance? Though it is understudied in both the public and the nonprofit sectors, learning more about this critical subject can enhance organizational performance within highly collaborative settings. Community mediation centers, which rely on multiple public and private resources to meet their programmatic objectives, provide excellent case studies for analyzing the impact of different kinds of interorganizational linkages on organizational performance. A multitheoretic view incorporating agency, resource dependence, and stakeholder perspectives is employed through a national sample and a two‐stage analysis using a logic model to test the cumulative impact of board characteristics and interorganizational relationships on organizational outcomes. Organizations’ collaborative capacity depends on several kinds of boundary‐spanning activities, including network ties, revenue sources, and the number of stakeholder groups represented on the board.  相似文献   
"推进党的建设科学化"作为党的十七届四中全会提出的重大命题和任务,突出反映了我们党对自身建设历史经验与现实状貌的深刻总结和理性把握,其本质在于倡行尊重科学、尊重事物变化发展规律的价值取向和行动原则,使党的建设理论和实践真正立基于科学,立基于马克思主义执政党建设客观规律之上,从而取得实实在在的成效。"推进党的建设科学化",要求全党上下一心、共同努力,勇于探索、求真务实,以马克思主义科学理论指导党的建设,以科学方法推进党的建设,以科学制度保障党的建设。  相似文献   
于长敏 《东北亚论坛》2006,15(1):121-124
《大陆小道》以伪满洲国首都新京(今长春)为舞台,以作者本人为主人公,用写实主义手法记述了1944年12月至1945年8月作者所亲身经历的一切。笔饱墨酣地描绘出生活在“新京”的日本军人、职员及各层人士的反战思想、厌战情绪、思乡情结、求生本能,揭露了日本军国主义统治的残酷性和日本失败的必然性。  相似文献   
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