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Change: Threat or Opportunity for Human Progress? / Üner Kirdar. ‐ New York : United Nations, 1992.‐5 v.

Contents: vol. 1. Political change; vol. 2. Economic change; vol. 3. Globalization of markets; vol. 4. Changes in the human dimension of development, ethics and values; vol. 5. Ecological change: environment, development and poverty linkages. ISBN 92–1–126029–9. ‐ ISBN 92–1–126024–8 (vol.1). ‐ ISBN 92–1–126025–6 (vol.2). ‐ ISBN 92–1–126026–4 (vol.3). ‐ ISBN 92–1–126027–2 (vol.4). ‐ ISBN 92–1–126028–0 (vol.5)

Le commerce des armes / par Romain Yakemtchouk. ‐ Bruxelles : Institut Royal des Relations Internationales. Centre interuniversitaire de recherche independant, 1992. ‐ 320 p. ‐(Studia diplomatica; 1–3)

Droga, problema europeo : una “terza via” fra proibizionismo e legalizzazione? / Andrea Chiti‐Batelli. ‐ Milano: F. Angeli, copyr. 1992. ‐ 239 p. ‐ ISBN 88–204–7440–9

L'economia italiana net mondo che cambia : 1990–911 / a cura di Franco Bruni e Fabrizio Onida. ‐ Bologna: il Mulino, copyr.1992. ‐ 291 p. ‐ ISBN 88–15–03655–5

L'elmo di Scipio : studisutmodello di difesa italiana a cura di Carlo M. Santoro. ‐ Bologna: iI Mulino, copyr. 1992. ‐ 297 p. ‐ ISBN 88–15‐ 03656–3

L'Europe et le Monde arabe : cousins, voisins / Bichara Khader. ‐ Paris : Publisud; Ottignies : Quorum, 1992. ‐ 254 p. ‐ (Horizons euro‐arabes). ‐ ISBN 2–86600–644–5 (France). ‐ ISBN 2–930014–06–7 (Belgium)

Le Grand Maghreb et l'Europe: enjeux et perspectives I Bichara Khader. ‐ Paris : Publisud; Ottignies : Quorum, 1992. ‐ 263 p. ‐ (Horizons euro‐ arabes). ‐ ISBN 2–86600–643–7 (France). ‐ ISBN 2–930014–02–4 (Belgium)

Le interrelazioni fra iniziativa esagonale e Alpe‐Adria in un’ Europa che cambia : prima riunione degli Istituti di relazioni internazionali dell'iniziativa del Centro‐Europa = Die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen “Esagonale” un “Alpen‐Adria” in einem sich wandelnden Europa : erstes Treffen der Institute für internationale Beziehungen der mitteleuropäischen Initiative = Inter‐relations between the “Esagonale” and the “Alps‐Adria” initiatives in a changing Europe : first workshop of the institutes of international affairs of the Central‐European initiative : Trento ‐24.1.19921 a cura del Servizio studi della Regione autonoma Trentino‐Alto Adige. ‐ Trento : Regione Autonoma Trentino‐Alto Adige, 1992. ‐197 p.

The Pentagonal/Hexagonal experiment: new forms of cooperation in a changing Europe / Hanspeter Neuhold (ed.). ‐Wien : W.Braumüller, copyr.1991. ‐145 p. ‐ (The Laxenburg papers; 10). ‐ ISBN 3–7003–0945–7

Red Microchip : Technology Transfer, Export Control and Economic Restructuring in the Soviet Union / Daniel L. Bughart. ‐ Aldershot : Dartmouth, copyr. 1992. ‐ x, 250 p. ‐ ISBN 1–85521–308–7

Vers une nouvelle Europe? l publié sous la direction de Mario Telò. ‐ Bruxelles : Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles, 1992. ‐ XIV, 561 p. ‐ (Etudes européennes). ‐ ISBN 2–8004–1055–8

Les voix du soulèvement palestinien 1987–1988 : édition critique des communiqués du Commandement National Unifié du Soulèvement et du Mouvement de la Résistance Islamique / Jean‐François Legrain; traduction française en collaboration avec Pierre Chenard. ‐ Le Caire : CEDEJ, 1991. ‐ 270, 351 p. ‐ (Dossiers du CEDEJ). ‐ ISBN 2–905838–23‐X

Western Europe and the Gulf : a Study of West European Reactions to the Gulf War / carried out under the auspices of the Institute for Security studies of Western European Union; edited by Nicole Gnesotto and John Roper. ‐ Paris : WEU. The Institute for Security Studies, 1992. ‐ viii, 219 p. ‐ ISBN 2–909567–00–1  相似文献   
The regulation of intellectual property rights takes place in a range of international venues. This proliferation of international venues greatly enhances the potential for venue shopping. We argue that different levels of domestic regulation and differing degrees of judicialization account for actors' preferences over institutional venues. We take into consideration two scenarios. Conceiving of judicialization as the delegation of adjudication to an independent third party and the enforcement through multilaterally authorized sanctions, we show that: (i) upward regulatory harmonization leads actors preferring weak regulatory intellectual property rights standards to strive for venues with low degrees of judicialization, whereas those favoring stringent intellectual property rights protection prefer highly judicialized venues; and (ii) downward harmonization leads to the opposite constellation of institutional preferences. We show how these expectations hold by way of in‐depth case studies of two instances of global intellectual property rights regulation: the regulation of plant genetic resources and intellectual property rights for medicines.  相似文献   
Described here is a case of suicide with the use of a chainsaw. A female suffering from schizophrenia committed suicide by an ingenious use of a chainsaw that resulted in the transection of her cervical spine and spinal cord. The findings of the resulting investigation are described and the mechanism of suicides with the use of a chainsaw is reviewed. A dry bone study was realized to determine the bone sections, the correlation between anatomic lesions and characteristics of chainsaw. The damage of organs and soft tissues is compared according to the kinds of chainsaw used.  相似文献   
After a drug-facilitated sexual assault (DFSA), a woman was found in a drowsy state at home. She remembered having drunk an unknown beverage by the accused. Blood samples (collected 8 hours after the DFSA), two glasses, and a teaspoon seized by the police were analyzed. Acepromazine, a phenothiazine tranquilizer used in human and veterinary medicine, was detected in the residue of one of the glasses. In spite of acepromazine absence in the victim's blood, the possible use of acepromazine in the DFSA was reported to the police. Two weeks later, a suspect admitted having orally administered acepromazine to the victim. Using a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method, this compound was subsequently detected (31 pg/mg) in a sample of the victim's hair collected a month and a half after the DFSA. A potential short elimination half-life in humans and/or the well-known in vitro degradation of acepromazine could explain the negative blood result. DFSA toxicological investigations are challenging and can be complicated when a rather unusual substance is concerned. In particular, special care should be taken when interpreting the results, taking into account elimination and/or instability data, when available.  相似文献   

This article examines the legitimization and institutionalization of ‘parental alienation’ discourse in the Province of Quebec, Canada. It draws upon an analysis of 31 documents (legislation, research reports and articles, training documents, professional documents and media articles) and interviews with 13 key informants, who were selected based on their knowledge of ‘parental alienation’ in research, policies or practices. The research findings reveal that the legitimization and institutionalization of ‘parental alienation’ discourse is a more recent process than in other provinces and countries, but that it has now permeated child custody as well as child protection proceedings. Academic researchers and media have been instrumental in this legitimization and institutionalization process, while the role played by changes to child protection policies is more ambiguous. The findings reveal researchers’ and experts’ tendency to distance themselves from Gardner’s controversial work on ‘parental alienation syndrome’ and to address the critiques by proposing new approaches and new concepts. However, the terms ‘parental alienation syndrome’, ‘parental alienation’ and ‘alienating behaviours’ are often used interchangeably, and assessment practices tend to rely on similar indicators.  相似文献   
The decree of 21st of June 1993 sets out how to express the female gender in profession names and function titles in official and administrative publications of the Communauté française de Belgique. It has helped to change mindsets. The guide Mettre au féminin (“Express the female gender”) allows civil servants to fulfil the requirements of the decree and helps promote the usage of the female gender in the French language. First published in 1994, it has been reviewed and re-edited in 2005. Even if the visibility of women in language usage is on the increase, it faces not so much linguistic but ideological obstacles. Le décret du 21 juin 1993 installe la féminisation des noms de métier et des titres de fonction dans les textes officiels et administratifs de la Communauté française de Belgique. Il aide les mentalités à progresser. Le guide Mettre au féminin permet aux fonctionnaires de respecter le décret et sert à promouvoir l’emploi du féminin dans l’usage de la langue française. Paru en 1994, il est mis à jour en 2005. Même si la visibilité des femmes dans l’emploi de la langue augmente, elle rencontre des obstacles non pas linguistiques mais idéologiques.  相似文献   
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