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目前,司法机关对危险驾驶犯罪的醉酒认定标准较为宽松,导致实践中部分无社会危害性的行为被纳入犯罪圈。为贯彻新时代良法善治的刑事司法理念,对危险驾驶犯罪中醉酒标准的认定应持审慎态度,建议借助证据法遏止醉酒驾驶行为过度犯罪化倾向,对于危险驾驶犯罪中的醉酒认定不宜过度依赖血液酒精鉴定,侦查机关应充分收集各类证据,统一交由审判者依其理性最终确定该行为是否构成犯罪。  相似文献   
基层党建引领社区治理是实现制度优势向治理效能转化的重要路径。部分基层党组织缺乏组织力、领导力,街道与社区等社区治理主体职责界定不明晰、治理载体单一,导致以党建推动社区治理制度向效能转化存在困境。天津市“战区制、主官上、权下放”模式着力强化基层党组织建设、明确街道与社区作为社区治理“主战区”、强调领导干部这个“关键少数”的主体责任、坚持治理重心下沉,有效推动了党建引领基层治理的体制机制创新。新时代提高社区治理效能必须坚持以党建为引领、以基层为主体、以人民为中心、以问题为导向、以创新为手段、以制度为保障,构建基层社会治理新格局。  相似文献   
A central concern of access‐to‐justice studies is whether the socioeconomically disadvantaged individuals can obtain effective assistance in dealing with their legal problems. Using the newly collected data from the 2011 Taiwan Survey, this article examines Taiwanese people's advice‐seeking behavior in general and explores the effect of income in particular. This article finds that income had a significantly positive correlation with the likelihood of obtaining legal advice, but it has no impact on obtaining nonlegal advice. By contrast, education had little bearing on the decision to obtain legal advice, but it had a positive influence on seeking nonlegal advice. This article argues that although the gravity of problem was more influential than income on obtaining legal advice, the effect of income should not be easily dismissed. Moreover, the contrasting effect of education on obtaining nonlegal advice strongly suggests that its use was determined by people's knowledge of its existence and capability of accessing such service. To improve the disadvantaged's access to justice, care should be taken not only to increase publicly funded legal advice services but also to enhance the public's awareness of their availability.  相似文献   
This paper describes a method for verifying the authenticity of a seal impression imprinted on a document based on the seal overlay metric, which refers to the ratio of an effective seal impression pattern and the noise in the neighborhood of the reference impression region. A reference seal pattern is obtained by taking the average of a number of high-quality impressions of a genuine seal. A target seal impression to be examined, often on paper with some background texts and lines, is segmented out from the background by an adaptive threshold applied to the histogram of color components. The segmented target seal impression is then spatially aligned with the reference by maximizing the count of matching pixels. Then the seal overlay metric is computed for the reference and the target. If the overlay metric of a target seal is below a predetermined limit for the similarity to the genuine, then the target is classified as a forged seal. To further reduce the misclassification rate, the seal overlay metric is adjusted by the filling rate, which reflects the quality of inked pattern of the target seal. Experiment results demonstrate that the proposed method can detect elaborate seal impressions created by advanced forgery techniques such as lithography and computer-aided manufacturing.  相似文献   
北美洲高纬度地区是一片冰天雪地的世界,在那酷寒的莽原中,生活着数万爱斯摩人,他们生活在北美格陵兰西北部,以北极为家.他们的文化在形态各异的世界文化之林中,闪耀着奇异的光芒,充满了神奇的魅力.尤其是他们独特的衣、食、住、行,更为人类如何适应寒冷恶劣的自然环境提供了宝贵的资料和依据.  相似文献   
目前农村剩余劳动力转移问题已得到学术界广泛的关注,并成为近期学术热点之一.但对于人民公社时期剩余劳动力状况的研究尚不多见,笔者认为,该时期农村积存下了大量的剩余劳动力,只不过被掩盖在"全民就业"的体制之下.因此,廓清公社体制对剩余劳力及其流动的制约因素,分析由此所造成的经济、政治、社会各层面上的影响,也就具有重要的理论价值和现实意义.  相似文献   
东北抗日联军的军事训练工作,是东北抗日联军为提高官兵军事素质和部队作战能力而进行的军事理论教育和作战技能教练的活动.军事训练是提高部队战术技术水平、增强指挥员组织指挥作战能力、培养部队组织纪律性和优良战斗作风的主要手段.  相似文献   
东北抗联从她的前身工农义勇军和反日游击队时起,就非常重视加强政治思想工作,从而有力地保证了这支人民抗日武装战胜多种艰难险阻,直至夺取抗日战争的胜利。制定政治工作条例,明确政治思想工作目的、任务、内容和方法由工农义勇军、反日游击队发展起来的东北抗日联军,其成份主要是工人、农民、知识份子和其它劳动群众,还包括被改造的义勇军、山林队和反正伪军,既有汉、朝、满、蒙等各民族群众,还有一部份参加中国共产党的朝鲜共产主义者和朝鲜爱国战士。中共中央为把这支成份复杂的部队建设成一支人民抗日武装,加强对这支部队的政治领导和…  相似文献   
《最高人民法院关于审理侵犯专利权纠纷案件应用法律若干问题的解释》,自2010年1月1日起施行。针对《解释》的规定,就其中涉及的主要问题作出探讨,包括专利权保护范围的确定依据、确定原则与确定方法,发明与实用新型侵权判定中的捐献规则、禁止反悔规则与全面覆盖原则,关于外观设计相同或者近似的认定以及现有技术抗辩与现有设计抗辩。  相似文献   
社会创新的方法:从评估切入   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加强社会管理和创新是构建和谐社会的应有之义,而评估是推动社会创新的重要动力和手段。本文首先从理论上探讨评估之于社会创新的推动作用,然后在回顾和总结国外社会创新评估实践经验的基础上,对照中国现实,提出我国加强社会创新评估体系建设若干思考和建议。  相似文献   
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