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国际秩序走向何方?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
这次全球性金融危机还在继续.一些国家经济缩水,社会动乱导致政府垮台,全球应对新型挑战的努力也因为关注点转移而打了折扣,或受制于此而力不从心.金融危机对国际政治、经济、社会甚至安全等方面的综合性影响是严重的.  相似文献   
U.S. New Efforts     
In any index of weighing a country‘s strength of economy, military, science and technology, and culture appeal, etc. , the present “super position“ of America is an unprecedented international reality ever since the rise of the sovereign states more than three centuries be   fore.……  相似文献   
Although the severe snowstorms that hit Southern China in January and big earthquake in Sichuan in May uncovered a number of weaknesses, they could not conceal the rising power's historical achievements over the past three decades. The reform and opening-up policies have benefited China considerably. The international media, attracted by the Beijing Olympics, will focus on these miraculous changes and the outside world will gain a deeper understanding of China. No matter what anyone says, there will be a new and general recognition of China's rise and the increasing interdependence between China and the world outside.  相似文献   
美国对外战略评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年,布什政府继续推进反恐战争、努力应对三场危机、更加重视大国协调、积极参与亚太合作、加快落实军事调整、全面谋划外交转型,希望开拓安全与外交战略的新局面。但这些措施取得的成果十分有限。随着外部困境的加深和内部政治生态的变化,美国对外战略的进一步调整势在必行。  相似文献   
On August 1-2, China and the United States held a strategic dialogue. This is in fact the first mechanized strategic dialogue between China and America. Both sides decided to hold such a dialogue alternatively in each other's capital twice a year.The significance of the first comprehensive and mechanized senior dialogue between the two sides to discuss strategic issues of common interest cannot be underestimated. Therefore, it was an event that attracted worldwide attention. Apart from paying attention tothe dialogue itself, the media hope to fully understand the cause of the dialogue, the result of the first strategic talk, the influence of the talk on bilateral relations. The Editorial Department of Contemporary International Relations invited scholars from the Institute of American studies of China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations to hold a discussion to provide our readers some food for thought over relevant issues.  相似文献   
Dramatic changes have occurred in the post-Cold War world strategic configuration and international order with their replacements burgeoning. This confronts nations, big powers in particular, with new strategic choices. Indeed unfolding before us is a contention among them for seizing the initiative in the emerging international landscape in the 21st century.Thus how to correctly assess and respond to these changes for pursuing a reasonable strategy and selecting a right policy option is not only a matter of primary concern for the academic community, but also a major foreign policy task before a rapidly growing China. For this, a symposium on this theme was recently sponsored by the Editorial Department of Contemporary International Relations to solicit from a dozen or so Beijingbased well-known scholars and experts for their views on and policy suggestions for such issues as the current overall strategic picture, global configuration, trends of the international order and the strategic environment facing China. Excerpts of their major views are as follows.  相似文献   
In general,any regional order or international order depends on the strategies of major powers.The order arises because powers have chosen it while it is passively accepted by other parties.International orders are relatively stable.The cunrent international order under the UN framework as the principal axis was formed after the Second World War.Our principles of peace and development have been set within it,and the behavior and legal norms of sovereign nations within international relations are meant to comply with it.Regional orders are changeable,for example they could be bipolar,unipolar,dominated by several big powers,or multilateral such as the EU and ASEAN.  相似文献   
Gtreat expectations rest upon the U.S. and China, as the biggest economies in the developed and developing worlds, with regard to tackling challenges in the global economy and building a new world order. The governments have enjoyed a solid cooperation within the framework of G20. A rising China looks forward to an improved economic order and more effective responsiveness to other global challenges, and so will begin to participate in global affairs with a positive and constructive attitude and bear responsibilities commensurate with her status. China has benefited from the existing global economic order, and so will try to be a reviser or a reformer rather than a revolutionist in the world economic system. This article will assess Chinese influence on the global economic order and related U.S. factors from a long-term perspective.  相似文献   
2005年世界大势前瞻   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在我们相继推出“2003年世界大势前瞻”和“2004年世界大势前瞻”之后,读者反响之热烈可谓超乎想象。尽管有观点上的不同,然更多是肯定、赞誉及鼓励。这让我们信心增强的同时,感受更多的则是压力。的确,研究国际问题的学者本就常有“雾里看花”之感叹,而要抽象出世界发展的大势更是谈何容易!与2003“战争年”不同的是,2004年的局势演化主要体现在“看不见的战线”,据此要把握2005年的世界大势尤需知微见著和多领域的交融与碰撞。为不负广大读者的期待,我们于新年伊始特邀请中国现代国际关系研究院院长陆忠伟研究员及相关领域的13位专家举行对谈,希望这篇“2005年世界大势前瞻”有助于您的进一步思索,撞击出您新的灵感。  相似文献   
2006年,国际格局调整加快,世界热点问题升温,大国协调进一步展开,中国外交硕果累累。2007年,世界将进入深度调整,国际形势总体趋向缓和,但局部紧张可能加剧,尤其是伊朗核问题有可能升级,中国外交则在面对新机遇的同时有可能遭遇更复杂的挑战。鉴此,《现代国际关系》编辑部于2007年1月6日举办“2007年国际大势前瞻”研讨会,特别邀请30多位京内外专家学者在总结、回顾2006年国际形势的基础上,着重对2007年国际形势及中国外交的变化趋势进行前瞻性分析。现将研讨会主要观点辑录如下,以期有助于读者更准确把握国际形势走向。  相似文献   
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