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Fatal fall from a height initiated with a swinging motion on the sagittal plane of the victim's body is examined. Method of analytical mechanics is adopted to establish the functional relations between the swinging angle of the body and the force needed to sustain the body until release, and the amount of the horizontal displacement that would occur after release. The analysis is applied to support an expert opinion presented in a criminal court in which two accused were convicted of murder for dropping a female victim from a bridge. The results indicate that it is unlikely for the body to locate as recorded by the police investigation report in the case. This study demonstrates that a straightforward mechanical analysis can be utilized to examine uncommon falling scenarios.  相似文献   
政治合法性是政治学研究的一个基本命题,是各个政权更是执政党应该首先解决好的重大问题。在我国,解决这一问题,关系到执政党执政地位的持久性、稳固性,关系到社会主义制度优越性的发挥和合理性认证。针对我国政治合法性的特殊性,我们党与时俱进,开拓创新,提出了“三个代表”的重要思想和建设社会主义政治明这一全新执政课题,构筑起了我国政治合法性的双翼,为实现执政党执政合法性和社会主义政治制度合法性的良性互动指明了前进方向和现实路径。  相似文献   
侦查讯问具有结果价值和程序价值。这两种价值的不同追求决定着侦查讯问的诉讼结构,而且该结构一般与庭审方式保持了相同的理念运作。然而从我国1996年刑诉改革以来,对抗制特色庭审方式与强职权侦查讯问方式存在着不可调和的价值冲突,以至司法实践中两种制度难以对接运作,问题颇多。  相似文献   
传统行政行为效力学说中的“执行力”是不全面和不准确的,它并不能涵盖所有行政行为,同时由其包含自行履行效力难免造成语义逻辑上的混乱;而“实现力”概念可以较好地解决这些问题。实现力的概念可界定为行政行为自身所具有的,实现自我所体现的行政目标与内容的法律效果。  相似文献   
法律英语的语言特点及课程设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着中国入世,法律英语作为一门新兴的专业英语将在中国迅速发展,然而,传统的通用英语教学不能满足培养涉外法律专业人才的需求。本文通过对法律英语的语言特点及其课程设计中应注意的若干问题的表述,谈对法律英语教学的一些看法。  相似文献   
自第二十次全国公安会议召开以来,有关公安队伍正规化建设问题越来越引起上级机关高度重视,公安部、财政部也对基层公安机关有关警力不足、经费保障等问题行文予以解决,但由于缺乏制度保证及各地区情况的特殊性,有关政策文件还不能完全解决实际困难。笔者在一年带队支教工作之余,与县公安局民警和领导长期接触中,深感公安工作现状有其典型性。一、编制不合理,警力严重不足,民警健康状况堪忧(一)特克斯县基本情况特克斯县位于新疆西北部的伊犁哈萨克自治州首府伊宁市的东南部山区,距乌鲁木齐市850公  相似文献   
本文主要对洗钱罪主体的争议问题作了论述,提出了洗钱罪的主体应当包括上游犯罪行为人,并从刑法理论、刑事司法实践、世界刑事立法现状及趋势以及国际刑事司法合作的角度进行了较为详尽的论述。  相似文献   
近年来,随着农村经济社会的快速发展,农村摩托车安全管理面临着新的问题:摩托车安全管理形势严峻,社会危害突出,交通需求矛盾突出,摩托车车主安全意识淡薄,社会执法守法环境较差。加强农村摩托车安全管理需要我们加强宣传教育,提高公民防范意识,实行综合治理,完善执法环境,科学管理,强化民本观念。  相似文献   
Past research has largely ignored the developmental changes within the child that account for the association between parenting and risk for delinquency. We used structural equation modeling and data from a longitudinal study of several hundred African‐American families to test the contentions of various theories regarding the sociocognitive and emotional factors that mediate the impact of parental behavior on a youth's risk for delinquency. Our findings largely supported the theories. The impact of monitoring/discipline was indirect through low self‐control and acceptance of deviant norms, whereas the effect of hostility/ rejection was indirect through low self‐control, hostile view of relationships, and acceptance of deviant norms. These two dimensions of parenting were no longer related either to affiliation with deviant peers or to conduct problems once the effects of these psychological characteristics were taken into account; the impact of these parenting practices was completely mediated by these four cognitive/affective variables. Contrary to expectation, however, these psychological factors did not mediate any of the relationship between caretaker involvement in antisocial behavior and child conduct problems.  相似文献   
The principal responsibility of refugee decision makers is todetermine those to whom refugee protection is owed. The mannerin which these decisions are to be made in Australia is thesubject of ongoing debate. However, that debate is not the subjectof this paper. The focus of this paper is on the credibilityassessment of refugee applicants and its principal purpose isinstructive. It is my hope that it will enhance the credibilityof credibility assessment within existing processes. Its secondarypurpose is to provide a basis from which policy makers may considerlegislative and other procedural change. It has been suggested that the ‘devil is in the detail’in refugee decision making. Working in a common law country,Australian refugee decision makers are afforded the (often binding)benefit of extensive judicial review of the refugee determinationprocess.1 Thus, for Australian decision makers, the ‘devilin the detail’ is often to be found in a plethora of bindinglegal precedent. Accordingly, while the first part of this paperdiscusses selected matters which have facilitated the assessmentof the credibility of refugee applicants in Australia, as oneof the most authoritative domestic sources available, the secondpart of this paper principally focuses on the expressed viewsof Australian courts after examining credibility findings indecisions of the Refugee Review Tribunal.2  相似文献   
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