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《折狱龟鉴》对中国古代司法鉴定方面的经验有详细的论述,其所收案例对于研究我国古代审讯心理作用重要。古代办案者利用做贼心虚心理,察言观色,暴露真凶;利用思维定势心理,细心观察,锁定真凶;利用错觉心理,瞒天过海,揭露真凶;利用惧证心理,使用证据,辨别真凶,成功地破获很多疑案。  相似文献   
自邓小平同志明确把马克思主义和毛泽东思想的精髓概括为“实事求是”之后,“实事求是”一词的使用频率便越来越高。然而,使用频率的提高并不意味着人们对这一概念理解的加深。事实上,日常生活中许多人都是在对实事求是的含义比较模糊的情况下而使用这一概念的。即使那些对这一概念的含义比较清楚的人,也并没有全面理解和掌握其含  相似文献   
(上接本文第一部分<原文及注、译、按>之162,载本刊2008年第3期) 163.子曰: "饱食终日,无所用心,难矣哉!不有博弈者平?为之犹贤手已." 注 "博弈":据焦循<孟子正义>, "盖弈但行棋,博以掷采而后行棋." "已",行为终止,没有行动或活动.  相似文献   
在大学生群体中,娱乐化、庸俗化倾向日益明显,恶搞正在成为时尚受到追捧,价值迷失、信仰失落,其中所表现出的“审丑”倾向尤其突出。高校中审美教育的缺失是重要原因。在高校美育工作中,实施美育渗透能最大限度地开发美育资源,真正实现对学生全面和谐自由发展的促进。  相似文献   
哲学批判不仅对哲学理论自身而且对具体科学理论都具有创新效应。哲学批判一旦启动,就意味着被批判的对象已经暴露出某种缺陷、甚至是致命的缺陷,而批判者也在一定程度上有了克服这种缺陷的思路、至少是念头。这种克服既有的某种哲学理论缺陷的思路或念头,实质上就是哲学或科学理论创新的萌芽。这种萌芽的发展和生长也就构成了哲学和科学理论的创新过程。  相似文献   
中国共产党反腐倡廉的思想理论体系,是几代中央领导集体对反腐倡廉理论和实践问题不懈探索的结晶,是马克思主义同中国反腐倡廉具体实践相结合的产物,具有鲜明的时代特征和中国特色。围绕提高领导水平和执政水平、提高拒腐防变和抵御风险能力两大历史性课题,党深入探索在改革开放和社会主义市场经济条件下反腐倡廉工作的基本规律,形成了有关反腐败的一整套完整的指导思想、基本方针、基本战略、工作任务、工作步骤、领导体制和工作机制,积累了反腐败斗争的丰富经验。  相似文献   
本文以一个村庄有过外出打工经历的青年女性口述资料为基础,分析了“外出打工”对青年女性地位的影响,探讨了“打工”前后女性在资源分配、资源控制能力、自我意识和自主性四个方面的变化。  相似文献   
(接上期 )三、河北文化发展的有利条件与制约因素面对日益复杂的国际、国内环境 ,面对河北人民日益增长的文化需求 ,面对建设经济强省的宏伟目标 ,认真分析河北文化的优势与不足 ,对于进一步明确我省文化事业发展的新思路 ,具有重要现实意义。河北文化发展具有的优势 :———河北有着悠久的历史和灿烂的文化 ,燕赵艺术具有独特的魅力和巨大的发展潜力河北具有悠久的文化历史底蕴和丰富的文化沉积。河北省的历史遗迹名胜在全国名列前茅 ,是全国第一文物大省。有不可移动文物 12 2 15处 ,全国重点文物保护单位5 8处 ,省级文物保护单位 5 42处 …  相似文献   
心脏传导系统的一种新型染色法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文建立了一种研究心脏传导系统和心血管形态学的特殊染色技术(改良的Masson’s三色法十Verhoeff’s弹力染色法),能在同一玻片上将起搏细胞、工作心肌、胶原纤维及弹力纤维区分开来,且操作简捷,色彩对比鲜明。  相似文献   
Social gender roles refer to the roles that are traditionally associated with women and men. Social gender role includes the personal attributes and behaviors which are culturally assigned to women and men. This study was conducted to determine the views of male students at Caucasian University Health School on social gender roles at work, social life, marriage, and family life. The study was conducted on male students studying at Kars Health School, Nursing and Health Officers Department during 2007–2008 academic year. The students were given 24 statements relating to work life, social life, marriage, and family life to determine their views on social gender roles. Results indicated that 30.2% of the male students stated that women could work in a paid job, 56.9% believed in equality of women and men, 44.8% approved honor killing, 40.5% said the girls should receive education as far as they can go, 54.3% said the role of the women was to “provide moral support to their husband and children”, 37.1% stated that husbands could beat their wives under certain circumstances, 52.6% said they witnessed violence in their family at some stage of their lives, 51.7% said the women’s environment should be decided by the spouses together, 25% said the women should engage in sexual intercourse with their spouses even if they did not want to. Men who thought the role of the women was to do housework/giving birth to children/looking after the elderly members of the house, and who approved honor killing and disapproved working of their spouses, and who did not believe in equality of women and men, were found to support violence to women by men. Moreover, the students who witnessed violence at some stage of their lives supported this view as well. It was considered that the students should be educated on the definition of violence and situations involving violence, and directed to consultant services.  相似文献   
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