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当今世界上有3种类型的检察制度:以英国、美国为代表的英美法系的检察制度;以德国、法国为代表的大陆法系的检察制度;以中国为代表的社会主义国家的检察制度。在这3种检察制度中,新加坡属于第一种,而中国不言而喻属  相似文献   
  With Asia's economy still booming in the second half of the 1990's “Asian values” were announced by some politicians (Lee Kuan Yew, Mahatir, Ishihara, Mahbubani etc.) and contrasted with “Western values”. Soon a controversial debate within Asia ensued (Kim, Fidel Ramos ea..), into which also the western democracies joined. The “West” however reacted rather defensively to the new assertiveness of some Asian statesmen, inspite of the fact that the authors of this debate put into question the western dominance in global value setting which has been in existence since the French revolution. But has this debate withstood the test of time, the challenges posed by the recession in Asia and by the ever increasing globalization? Hardly. The crisis has destroyed the notion that “Asian values” had been the main cause and guarantor of Asia's exorbitant growth rates. While in the West Christianity forms the essential basics of culture, in Asia there is a multitude of coexisting - and frequently confronting world religions. There is no other continent which in cultural and political terms is so contradictory and potentially conflict ridden like Asia. “Asianism” as a concept was surely also intended as an instrument to integrate multiethnic Asian societies with weak internal cohesion. At the same time it served to neutralize the human rights issue. In the meantime the debate has become quieter and more dispassionate. In the developed West the notion gained acceptance to abandon “Eurocentrism”. At the same time there is recognition that “Asian values” are not exclusive. Also in Europe the family plays a special role. A debate on values is needed for societal integration – also in the “West” which should become more aware of the need to reassert the origins of its own spiritual foundations. Following September 11th the west is well advised to continue the dialogue on values with Asia. Update and expanded version of an article first published in: Au?enpolitik IV/1996, p. 326 “Beginnt das pazifische Jahrhundert?” I would like to thank Julia Prati for the translation of the updated and expanded version of this article  相似文献   
目前,乌鲁木齐市环保局向全社会征集环境治理的建议和对策。笔者在党校的讲台上给乌市县科二级干部灌输了十余年市场经济理论,至今仍觉得计划经济的观念在我市干部头脑中根深蒂固,仍然认为乌鲁木齐市全面大开发、大发展要以市场取向的改革总揽全局,环保工作也不例外。此文是笔者一家之言,只是对环保的视角之一,仅供读者参考和评议。  相似文献   
In two recent cases, Grutter v. Bollinger, 539 U.S. 306. (2003) and Gratz v. Bollinger, 539 U.S. 244. (2003), the Supreme Court held that the Equal Protection Clause permitted state schools to use race-sensitive admissions in order to obtain the educational benefits that flow from a diverse student body. The diversity-based argument for race-sensitive admissions, scholarships, awards, and other opportunities at universities should have been rejected because it does not consider the full range of costs and benefits and because the more narrow educational effects probably weigh against such programs. However, this does not suggest that applicants’ race, ethnicity, and gender should be ignored. Rather the same consideration that led to the defeat of the diversity argument, i.e., reasoning capacity, supports the consideration of demographic factors. However, attention to such factors further undermines the consequentialist case for affirmative action.  相似文献   
中国共产党迄今走过85年的历程。85年中,中国共产党始终没有停止探索和追求的脚步,不断创造辉煌业绩。改革开放的中国,在治国方略上几经调整,邓小平提出“两手抓,两手都要硬”,江泽民提出“以德治国”,胡锦涛继2004年提出要永葆共产党员先进性,今年又面向全社会提出树立社会主义荣辱观。一个有步骤、循序渐进、着眼于全局的教育工程展现于世人。值此中国共产党建党85周年之际,我们特邀中国著名党史党建学家黄苇町为大家解读这一战略的伟大意义——当前,一个以“知荣辱、树新风”为主题的道德实践活动,正在中国大地上兴起。我们每个党员干部,…  相似文献   
在中央对苏维埃政权的构图中,小地主和富农都被摒除在领导机关之外,且小地主还被列入应受打击的对象。而实际情况是:那些由小地主和富农所充任的乡村领袖不仅在革命运动中得以幸免,并通过各种方式在新政权中继续发挥作用,割据区域是一种传统与革命两种权力运作方式共存的局面。纵然中共一直在努力地试图加以改变,但要斩除盘根错节的原有乡村社会关系,塑造一种单纯的以革命信仰为中心的社会网络,不能一蹴而就。不能回避的是,正是那些原有的乡村领袖或以革命者的身份或以某种妥协的方式在乡村中继续发挥着影响,而原有的习俗与惯例也在革命中没有发生令农民难以忍受的改变,中共的新生政权才得以生存而至巩固。一心要改变这种状况的中共,是在两难的情况下应承着这种局面。  相似文献   
如果把推进反腐倡廉建设科学化进程视作为一个系统工程,究竟如何提高其科学化水平,首要之急应是进一步促进反腐倡廉形势评判的科学化。不断提高反腐倡廉形势评判的科学化水平,既是一个重大的政治问题,又是深入开展党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争的基础和前提。所谓反腐倡廉形势评判的科学化,简言之,就是指对反腐倡廉现状及发展趋势的认识逐步走上科学化轨道的状态和过程,包括对腐败现状及其发展趋势的正确认识和对反腐败斗争现状及其发展趋势的正确认识两个基本方面。要科学地分析判断评价反腐倡廉形势,首先应该明确由谁来评判、采用什么样的标准、评判什么内容等。不同的评判主体和不同的评判标准,对反腐倡廉形势的分析判断评价是有很大差异的,甚至会出现完全不符合实际情况和发展趋势的谬误。提高反腐倡廉形势评判的科学化水平,不仅要坚持正确的原则,更为重要的是要遵循科学的方法。方法的科学性直接决定着反腐倡廉形势评判的科学化水平。  相似文献   
信息技术的飞速发展极大地推动着经济和社会的发展,信息化建设正在全方位地渗透到各个领域,新的发展形势为公证管理工作提出了更高的要求。我国《公证法》在2006年3月1日实施后,将为公证事业发展开创一个新的发展时期。如何加快公证事业发展步伐,实现计算机技术管理应用,提高办  相似文献   
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