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2008年国际金融危机以来,美国的实力和影响力确实有所下降,但从长期趋势看,美国的经济、科学技术、军事实力、国际政治影响力、文化软实力等并没有出现根本性变化。美国当前在制造业、金融业、财富分配、财贸赤字、军费和国际战略、人口结构、社会价值观等方面的问题虽然比较严重,但是,这些问题基本上是局部的,目前并不能从总体上、根本上影响美国的总体实力和地位,更不表明美国整体在走向衰落。  相似文献   
此次全球金融危机结束一年来,美国经济持续低迷,失业率居高不下。在这种背景下,奥巴马在外交方面信守选举中的诺言,于2010年8月31日宣布美军在伊拉克的作战行动结束,并将在2012年年底撤出驻伊拉克的全部美军.随后,在2010年12月召开的北约会议决定,  相似文献   
随着我国改革开放的飞速发展 ,我国社会生活的方方面面也都发生了深刻变化。社会生活日趋法律化、国际化 ,特别是我国加入了世贸组织后 ,上个世纪 90年代初制定的国家赔偿法自身存在的缺陷逐渐显露出来。这些问题是 :1、赔偿范围太窄 ;2、赔偿程序过于繁琐 ;3、赔偿方式和计算标准的规定多有不当。修改意见 :1、扩大赔偿范围 ;2、调整和简化赔偿程序 ;3、修改和补充赔偿方式和计算标准 ;4、完善国家追偿制度。  相似文献   
证据是诉讼的无冕之王。我国民事诉讼法对证据的规定需要进一步完善。而 1999年出台的《海事诉讼特别程序法》则对证据问题做了突破性的规定即庭前陈述制度和庭前举证制度。这是我国证据制度领域的一个飞跃。本文将对上述两个制度做比较研究 ,并对《海事诉讼特别程序法》庭前陈述制度和庭前举证制度进行较为深入的探讨 ,以期对我国证据制度的发展和完善有所补益  相似文献   
党校作为学习、宣传、研究马克思主义理论的阵地和党性锻炼的熔炉,在构建社会主义和谐社会的实践中,要切实抓好理论研究,为构建和谐社会提供理论指导;切实抓好干部培训,为构建和谐社会提供人才支持;切实加强自身建设,为构建和谐社会做出贡献。  相似文献   
This paper reports on triad activities in Hong Kong from 1997 to 2004. In opposition to the popular view that mass triad migration to Western countries would occur around the period when Hong Kong was turned over to Mainland China in 1997, what has actually happened is that in the last decade Hong Kong triad members have increasingly been found to enter the Chinese market. There are three general trends of triad activities in Hong Kong. First, triad members from various societies group together to run profitable criminal projects. Second, they team up with legitimate entrepreneurs to monopolize a newly developed market. Lastly, triad members increasingly invest in legitimate businesses. Sun Yee On, Wo Shing Wo, and 14K are selected to be three case studies that illustrate the latest development of triad societies. The data for this paper are largely based on the author's research on triads in the last ten years, and on recent in-depth interviews with anti-triad police officers and different informants in Hong Kong.  相似文献   
<正> 三、美国当前预防犯罪的观点、途径和策略尽管司法有所改进和发展,美国的犯罪仍然是严重的。日益明显的是不能指望刑事司法制度承担控制犯罪的全部职责。当然,刑事司法机构仍然是对付犯罪的正式的主要社会力量,但人们越来越认识到单靠直接针对罪犯的方针策略是不能充分控制犯罪的。无论刑事可  相似文献   
<正> 1997年3月14日第八届全国人大第五次会议通过了修订后的《中华人民共和国刑法典》。新刑法典在致力于确立罪刑法定原则、严密刑事法网、严格刑事责任,完善罪刑制度,加大刑罚投入的同时,对法定罪种的法定刑结构也作了必要的调整,如进一步扩大了罚金刑的适用范围,在144个条文中规定了罚金刑,针对不同犯罪分别规定了罚金刑并科制、选科制和单科制,摒弃了罚金刑得并科的立法方式,全部采用了必并科制。扩大了没收财产的适用范围,取消了部分死刑罪名,适当限制了一些犯罪的死刑的适用范围,调整了部分犯罪的法定刑幅度。但是,总的说来,法定刑结构的调整并不是这次刑法典修订的重点,修订刑法典时对法定刑结构  相似文献   
<正> 一、英国法院英国的法院,可以从不同的角度进行不同的分类。首先,可把英国的法院分为高等法院和下级法院。高等法院包括上诉法院和高级法院(the high court,它由大法官法庭"the Chancery Division"、高等法庭"the Queen’sBench Division"和专门法庭"the family division"组成,在伦敦和几个地区性中心开  相似文献   
Since the 1990s, public outcries over the “return” of human cargo commonly point to the physical horrors of travel as a key sign of the inhuman and the unfree in contemporary social life. Whether in debates over migrant shipwrecks across the Mediterranean or over air rage battles on budget American flights, the moving vehicle and its uncomfortably tight quarters often serve as the space par excellence for grappling with questions of proper stranger sociality and the limits of “fellow feeling” or moral sympathy in a globalizing world. This paper examines how a relatively novel problem of “comfort” came to inform and shape the politics of mobility starting in the late eigteenth century when abolitionists first successfully argued for distinguishing the human/izing rights of passengers from the movement of nonhuman goods through sensory invocations of the techno-rational and embodied terrors of the slave ship. Through both the historical and contemporary cases discussed, this paper suggests that the problem of comfort was never just a technical one of cramped transport resolvable through mere material and instrumentalist means. Rather, comfort is better described as a form of technics in so far as its technical-material dimensions are always already entangled with an existing social repertoire of ideas, habits, and aspirations, that is, it has aesthetic and affective capacities as part of moral imaginaries of how to deal with Others and, in turn, how to live the good life.  相似文献   
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