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Currently, China's surrounding environment is undergoing a historic profound change. This change is not only an important reflection of thein-depth development of globalization and informatization under the global readjustment of the international power structure and regional order, but also the result of the interaction between the accumulated energy "vibration" caused by China's 30 years' rapid development and its neighboring countries "readapting" to it. A comprehensive,  相似文献   
A dualistic-order thesis has been emerged as a widely-used concept to describe East Asia’s regional dynamics. According to the thesis, the economic and security spheres of the region have become divorced from one other, whereby China and the United States dominate the economic and security realms, respectively. This paper demonstrates the deficiencies of this thesis, based on a comprehensive assessment of the economic and security developments in the region, as well as the strategic choices of small and middle regional powers. In order to form a more accurate and systematic understanding of regional prosperity and stability, this paper develops an economy-security nexus approach by integrating the interactions of regional actors in both the economic and security realms into a unified framework. From this perspective, East Asian regional order is sustained by a delicate coupling of regional economic and security configurations: ‘hot economics’ is accompanied with cooperative security interactions. Although China and the United States are not the dominant actors in either field, their relatively benign interactions in both realms collectively play a significant role by shaping the strategic environment for regional actors, allowing them to enjoy a large degree of strategic flexibility and increase their security and prosperity.  相似文献   
地区管辖的确定,是审判权归属最终确定并运行的标志。历经学理考量的以地域为核心的地区管辖原则,受一国司法体制、警察、检察官、法官权力配置以及程序阶段设置等诸多因素的影响,在立法和司法实践中呈显出各具特点的确定体系、机制、功能及不足。本文拟通过对各法域下地区管辖立法的规范分析和逻辑解读,完成对代表性国家地区管辖确定的指导思想与确定原则、预期价值与实际效果、设计要素与现实阻碍、管辖冲突与程序救济等进行多方面比较考察,为我国刑事诉讼地区管辖比较研究提供理论支持和程序借鉴。  相似文献   
按照传播仪式观,民族主义是传媒叙事的重要脚本。在体育英雄叙事中,媒体往往刻意强调英雄的民族身份,同时在"反抗书写"中塑造东方的英雄,这种叙事隐藏着"自我东方主义"的权力话语。本文通过对台湾《中国时报》中的286篇有关"林书豪"的报道分析发现,随着时间推移,林书豪的新闻报道逐渐位移于头版,新闻价值发酵,林书豪的符号弥散于报纸各类新闻里;他以各种能指出现于媒体标题和行文中,并被媒体通过不同报道视角来进行追捧和赞美;在媒介塑造中,林书豪的台裔、亚裔等"民族/种族"身份与他的英雄故事混杂在一起,"林书豪神话"的媒介叙事被民族主义、身份认同等权力话语所裹挟,成为整合台湾社会、凝聚民意的符号。  相似文献   
有关海上油污污染的国际公约对于专属经济区内油污损害沿海国专属管辖权的规定过于笼统.我国民事诉讼法律规则对于专属管辖权的性质也并未加以区分.在此情况下,有关专属经济区内油污损害管辖权积极冲突在所难免.从国际公约的演进可以看出,各国对于海上油污污染管辖权的扩张成限缩之势.我国应尽快明确专属经济区船舶油污专属管辖权,并将其定性为一种国内层面的专属管辖,这对于满足涉外案件审判需要、保护各方当事人利益显然更为有利.  相似文献   
目前制约公安院校英语教学水平和学生英语创新能力提高的因素有很多,除教育机制、教学条件、教学内容等因素外,英语教学普遍疏忽了学习者综合运用各种学习策略对信息积极加工的能力和学习过程自我监控的能力,即疏忽了把学习过程看成是发现问题、提出问题、分析问题和解决问题的过程。在英语课程教学中,要进行英语教学与管理的创新,因材施教;在语言学习的过程中引导学生进行创新性学习。公安院校教师应及时转变教学观念,探索教育新策略,寻求培养学生创新能力的教学模式和方法指导。针对公安院校英语"教"与"学"的问题进行思考与分析,提出应从教育理念、教学思想、教学方法、教学手段和教学质量管理五个方面入手深化教学改革,使公安院校教学从根本上实现"五个转变",从而达到事半功倍的教学质量与管理的创新。  相似文献   
知识产权服务业是我国服务业中的一个重要组成部分。知识产权商业性服务机构则是知识产权服务体系和服务业中的主体因素,其建立和健全的状况对于我国知识产权服务业发展至关重要。我国知识产权服务机构的建立和发展具有与我国知识产权法制度建设高度相关的特点。随着知识产权在国家和社会生活中地位的不断提升,我国知识产权服务机构将具有更广阔的发展前途。  相似文献   
精通源语和目的语是对口译员语言功底的基本要求.在中国与东盟交往日益频繁的背景下,既熟练掌握本国语言、又深谙东盟国家语言的口译人才亟需.本文以近年中国—东盟重大外交事件中的真实语料为例,探讨母语能力欠缺会对口译质量形成的制约作用,认为应在口译人才的培养过程中重视和加强汉语修养,并提出相应的具体对策.  相似文献   
The social and public interest remains one of the fundamental principles and goals pursued by all legal departments. Its independence is prerequisite to its legal protection. However, the attention given to it by the jurisprudential circle is not enough. Through demonstrations and theoretical exploration, this article conducts an analysis of the independence of the social and public interests, in the hope that it can raise the attention of jurisprudential field; and proposes that the social and public interest, with its independent legal appeal, is an interest pattern which exists in parallel with the personal interest or the national interest because of the independence of society.  相似文献   
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