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Recently, a metric approach to skeletal sex determination was published by Paiva and Segre which is based on the summation of two triangular areas defined by three distinct craniometric landmarks: Porion, Mastoidale, and Asterion. According to the authors, values for the total triangle > or =1447.40 mm(2) are characteristic for male crania, while values < or =1260.36 mm(2) are indicative of female skulls (95% confidence). In order to evaluate the method's validity, two sex- and age-documented samples of different provenience were analyzed (N=197). The results show that while the indicated measurements display significant sex differences, the technique is of little practical meaning where a single individual must be independently classified. It is hypothesized that differences in the expression of sexual dimorphism as well as a population-specific variability of the asterion location undermine the value of the mastoid triangle as a sex determinant.  相似文献   
Research on deception detection in legal contexts has neglected the question of how the use of evidence can affect deception detection accuracy. In this study, police trainees (N=82) either were or were not trained in strategically using the evidence when interviewing lying or truth telling mock suspects (N=82). The trainees’ strategies as well as liars’ and truth tellers’ counter-strategies were analyzed. Trained interviewers applied different strategies than did untrained. As a consequence of this, liars interviewed by trained interviewers were more inconsistent with the evidence compared to liars interviewed by untrained interviewers. Trained interviewers created and utilized the statement-evidence consistency cue, and obtained a considerably higher deception detection accuracy rate (85.4%) than untrained interviewers (56.1%).  相似文献   
This article examines a program designed to provide a family court with a means of lessening the probability that youths on probation for shoplifting will return to criminal behavior. A single staff member within the family court screened possible participants, all of whom were defined as first-time shoplifting offenders and had been assigned to formal or informal probation. Each individual was invited to participate in a four-hour clinic, during which time the realities and possible consequences of shoplifting were explained. If they were able to successfully complete six months of supervised probation, then only the administrative record remained; the conviction itself was expunged. Over a period of nine months, a total of 154 juveniles were invited; however, only 100 actually took part in all facets of the program. A total of 30 clinic attendees and 14 nonparticipants were excluded from the present analysis, owing to missing data, or the fact that at the time of follow-up, they were legally classified as adults. The prior and subsequent court contacts of 110 subjects are reviewed. While less than 3% of either group had subsequent shoplifting arrests, nearly 26% of the program group and 35% of the nonparticipants were rearrested. Factors associated with long-term success and failure are examined. Possible reasons for these observations are discussed, with specific grounding in the shoplifting literature and the concepts of juvenile diversion and “net-widening.”  相似文献   
Recent studies have focused on how different styles of homicides will be reflected in the different types of behaviors committed by offenders at a crime scene. It is suggested that these different types of behaviors best be understood using two frameworks, expressive/instrumental aggression and planned/unplanned violence, to analyze the way the offender acts at the crime scene. Multidimensional analysis is carried out on the crime-scene actions of 70 Korean homicides. The proposed frameworks are found to be a useful way of classifying homicide offenses, assigning 80% of homicides to a dominant theme. Results also indicate that behavioral differences can be related to the differences in the offender-victim relationship. Finally, implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
Haplotype frequencies for 11 Y-STR markers (DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS385, DYS437, DYS438 and DYS439) in a Romani population (n=63) from Slovakia, Jats of Haryana (n=84) and Jat Sikhs (n=80) from India were determined. The Slovakian Romani, the Haryana and Sikh populations were endogamous based on their unique haplotype ratio and haplotype diversity values, although the Sikh population appeared to be more diverse. AMOVA revealed non-significant differences between the Romanies and significant differences with non-Romani populations. The Macedonian Romani population differed from all Romani populations examined. Frequent haplotypes observed in Romani populations were sporadic in northwest Indian populations. Thirteen out of 316 populations worldwide were found to share the six most frequent haplotypes of the Slovakian Romanies when the screening conditions were narrowed based on the population size to be over 40, the occurrence of the haplotypes was more than one and the sum frequencies of the most frequent haplotypes was at least 0.02. The most common haplotypes were also observed in other Romani groups. When searching with two Indian (Malbar and Malaysian Indian) most frequent haplotypes under the same conditions matches could be detected in all Romani populations except for the Macedonian Romanies. The search with the Jat Sikhs and Jats of Haryana most frequent haplotypes resulted no matches in Romani populations.  相似文献   
This paper examines persistence and change in the Soviet Union's and then Russia's relations with Afghanistan with respect to development and security. First, a detailed analysis of the promise and reality of Soviet development assistance reveals conceptual shortcomings in their attempt to induce economic development in Afghanistan. The Soviet Union's heritage is then revealed in order to understand Russia's current perception of post-Taliban Afghanistan as well as Russia's emerging interests and commitment to Afghanistan's economic development. This paper argues that Russia will most likely replicate standard industrialization development approaches in contributing to Afghanistan's development. Therefore, Russia will probably run into problems similar to those that led to the failure of the Soviet modernization project, which consisted of large-scale development projects that were inappropriate to the country's institutions and the lives of most Afghans. It is questionable whether such reiteration will induce economic development now, in the complex setting of a fragmented and fragile state with a multitude of external players looking out for their own interests.  相似文献   
Abstract: The chemical profiling of illicit drugs is an important analytical tool to support the work of investigating and law enforcement authorities. In our work, comprehensive two‐dimensional gas chromatography–time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry (GC × GC‐TOFMS) combined with nontargeted, pixel‐based data analysis was adapted for the chemical profiling of 3,4‐methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA). The validity and benefit of this approach was evaluated by analyzing a well‐investigated set of MDMA samples. Samples were prepared according to a harmonized extraction protocol to ensure the comparability of the chemical signatures. The nontargeted approach comprises preprocessing followed by analysis of variances as a fast filter algorithm for selection of a variable subset followed by partial least squares discriminant analysis for reduction to promising marker compounds for discrimination of the samples according to their chemical profile. Forty‐seven potential marker compounds were determined, covering most of the target impurities known from the harmonized one‐dimensional profiling as well as other compounds not previously elucidated.  相似文献   
Gegenüber einer im Bewilligungsverfahren "übergangenen Partei" liegt keine "beh?rdlich genehmigte Anlage" iSd § 364a ABGB vor.  相似文献   
Der Genehmigungsvorbehalt nach § 446 Abs 3 ASVG ist nicht eine blo?e Organisationsvorschrift der internen Willensbildung, sondern eine Anordnung, die die Handlungsf?higkeit der vertretungsberechtigten Organe des Sozialversicherungstr?gers auch im Au?enverh?ltnis beschr?nkt. Eine nicht durch die erforderliche ministerielle Genehmigung gedeckte Willenserkl?rung des an sich zum Vertragsabschluss zust?ndigen Organs bindet den Sozialversicherungstr?ger daher nicht (hier: Abschluss des "Quanto-Snowball-Swaps"). ?ffentlich-rechtliche K?rperschaften sind verpflichtet, den Partner durch ihre Verhandlungsführer als Erfüllungsgehilfen über die Gültigkeitsvoraussetzungen des beabsichtigten Gesch?fts aufzukl?ren, sofern diese ihrem Organ bekannt oder leichter erkennbar sind als dem Partner. Wird der Partner im guten Glauben gelassen, es bestehe keine Genehmigungsbedürftigkeit, haftet die K?rperschaft auf das Vertrauensinteresse, wenn die Genehmigung in der Folge nicht erteilt wird. Auch für Sch?den aus einer Verletzung vorvertraglicher Aufkl?rungspflichten gilt, dass nur alle ad?quaten und im Rechtswidrigkeitszusammenhang stehenden Folgen vom Normzweck mit erfasst sind. Die Kausalit?t rechtswidrigen Verhaltens reicht allein nicht zur Haftungsbegründung aus. Die übernahme des Risikos aus einem Vertrag, der vom anderen Teil mit Dritten abgeschlossen wurde, ist nur ausnahmsweise vom Schutzzweck des Grundverh?ltnisses erfasst. Umst?nde, die erst nach Vertragsabschluss erkennbar waren und die der Schuldner bei Eingehen der Verpflichtung nicht berücksichtigen konnte, dürfen ihm auch nicht unter dem Gesichtspunkt des Schutzzwecks zum Verh?ngnis werden. Wenn der gesch?digte Vertragsteil mit der bedungenen Leistung Interessen verfolgt, die nicht mehr in der Leistung selbst liegen und daher vom üblichen Entgelt nicht abgedeckt werden, und überdies der Eintritt des Folgeschadens noch von einem Entschluss eines Dritten abh?ngig ist, der h?ufig kaum vorhersehbar ist, muss eine Zurechnung verneint werden. Mit dem Schutzzweck des Genehmigungsvorbehalts nach § 446 Abs 3 ASVG w?re es unvereinbar, dass der Sozialversicherungstr?ger zwar nicht das eigene Spekulationsgesch?ft, aber jenes, das vom anderen Teil mit einem Dritten abgeschlossen wurde, erfüllen müsste. Eine hohe Professionalit?t des Kunden kann nicht ausschlie?en, dass er im Einzelfall bezüglich eines bestimmten Gesch?fts einer Fehlvorstellung unterliegt. Auch ein versierter Gesch?ftspartner darf nicht in die Irre geführt werden. Die Erw?gungen des BGH zu hochkomplex strukturierten und riskanten Finanzprodukten (XI ZR 33/10x, dort: "CMS Spread Ladder Swap"), die auf die Wohlverhaltensregeln des § 31 des deutschen Wertpapierhandelsgesetzes gestützt wurden, k?nnen in Grundzügen auch nach ?sterr Recht Beachtung finden, wenn es sich um ein komplex strukturiertes Produkt handelt, dem ein der H?he nach kaum kalkulierbares, aber schon wegen eines einseitigen Kündigungsrechts asymmetrisch verteiltes Risiko anhaftet (hier: "Quanto-Snowball-Swap").  相似文献   
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