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刘晓莉  刘迪 《东北亚论坛》2007,16(4):101-105
俄罗斯刑法通过生态犯罪的设立保护生态环境,俄罗斯生态犯罪立法的价值取向、范围及处罚方式等,值得中国刑法立法的借鉴。中国刑法应设立生态犯罪以取代传统环境犯罪;中国生态犯罪应将生态法益作为保护的必要要件,其立法范围也要予以拓展。  相似文献   
从20世纪80年代开始,我国用短短的20多年走完了发达国家上百年的历程。发展规模之大、速度之快世所罕见。但是,我们在发展中走的仍是传统发展之路,能源、资源消耗大,经济、社会效益低,特别是生态环境破坏严重、代价高昂。有关专家提出,靠传统的发展模式解决不了经济发展中面临的资源生产率问题,必须树立科学发展观,坚定地实施可持续发展战略,走循环经济发展之路。本文着力探讨解决经济增长与资源和生态环境之间的矛盾的出路———发展循环经济,并提出了相应的对策措施。  相似文献   
Until the important public dialog on 3rd World population issues began in the Soviet Uuion in 1965, ideological limitations and bureaucratic interests prevented policy makers from recognizing the existence of a world of national "population problem." Since then, freer discussions of the Soviet Union's surprising decline in birthrate and labor shortages have led to serious policy questions. Conflicting policy goals, however, have resulted in only modest pronatalist policies. The Soviet population problem is a result of interregional disparities in population growth rates between the highly urbanized Soviet European populations with low birth rates and the least urbanized Central Asians with dramatically higher birth rates. As a result, these essentially Muslim people will provide the only major increases in labor resources and an increasing percentage of Soviet armed forces recruits. Policy planners are thus faced with difficult options. Current policies stressing technological transfers from the west and greater labor productivity, however, are unlikely to solve further labor shortages and regional imbalances. Ultimately, nonEuropana regions will be in an improved bargaining position for more favorable nationwide economic policies and for a greater role in policy planning.  相似文献   
分配正义是建设中国特色社会主义的价值追求,也是构建和谐社会的客观要求。但现实中,由于分配问题导致的贫富差距已经越来越大,可以说解决分配问题已经到了刻不容缓的地步。而罗尔斯提出的分配正义思想不仅在20世纪制度伦理中有着无与伦比的影响,而且在当代主流意识形态中代表着“平等主义”,并且从正义角度的考虑系统地论证了他的平等分配观,其与一般的妒嫉式平等的不同。罗尔斯提出的差别原则,对于我国在市场经济建设中,政府充分发挥宏观调控职能,调节收入的二次分配,缩小贫富差距,有着巨大的理论指导意义。  相似文献   
中美高校都十分重视学生社团工作,但两国高校社团在与社会的联系程度、社团活动经费的筹集与充裕度、社团经费管理制度方面存在差异。因此,我们要完善政策体系,构建高校社团育人机制政策平台;加强组织领导,健全高校学生社团管理制度;加大资金投入,保证高校社团育人机制良好运行;增强相互交流,强化高校社团育人功能。  相似文献   
陶砥 《岭南学刊》2020,(3):94-99
重大疫情防控事关群众切身利益、社会大局稳定、国家安全和发展,广大人民群众是防控重大疫情的主体,是打好疫情防控阻击战、歼灭战的关键力量。党和政府在应对重大疫情的过程中积极开展群众工作,有助于及时遏制疫情蔓延,稳定社会秩序;维护群众切身利益,增强群众政治认同;磨炼党员干部,完善群众工作机制;推进国家治理现代化,展现良好国际形象。重大疫情防控背景下的群众工作主要通过引导、组织、反馈、保障四个方面发挥作用。  相似文献   
艾滋病群体属于特殊的弱势群体。卖淫、嫖娼行为则常常为道德所不耻,在中国法律体系中,一般属于行政违法行为。特殊主体与一般违法行为的不当结合,产生了严重危害社会的结果,也使其进入了刑法的视野。但是对这一行为在刑法上应当如何评价,在理论和实务中却存在着各种争论与冲突。总结各种观点,大多认为其可能构成传播性病罪、故意杀人罪、故意伤害罪。当然也有学者提出增设传播艾滋病毒罪的主张。笔者则认为该类行为宜认定为危害公共安全罪。  相似文献   
Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) is an attempt to marry redistributiveand neo-liberal economic policies. The South African state,however, has differing degrees of power to force redistributionon different sectors of the economy. Fisheries is one of thesectors where state allocation of licenses, exploitation rightsand quotas makes the prospects for BEE promising. In this article,we examine redistributive processes in the hake trawl industry.We conclude that BEE, despite its redistributive intentions,has been doubly conducive to the interests of large-scale SouthAfrican capital. To begin with, it has by and large confirmedthe historical share of fishing rights to incumbent, largelywhite-controlled, operators. Second, it has created a layerof ‘black captains of industry’ to whom incumbentsare increasingly outsourcing primary production in a volatile,high-risk and currently loss-leading sector. While fishing operationsare being outsourced under the banner of redistribution, thefish trade remains under the effective control of white capital.  相似文献   
The Inventory of Problems-29 (IOP-29; Viglione, Giromini, & Landis, Journal of Personality Assessment, 99(5), 534–544, 2017) is a 29-item, recently published, self-administered test aimed at assessing the credibility of various symptom presentations. Although available research strongly supports the use of this symptom validity test in malingering-related contexts, to date, only few studies have analyzed data from real-life forensic evaluations. To fill this gap and explore ecological and convergent validity, the current study analyzed data from 74 court-ordered evaluations aimed at establishing the possible presence of psychological injury. Such evaluations are high-stakes situations in which exaggeration or malingering occur relatively often. We used a research-supported and popular symptom validity test, i.e., the Structured Inventory of Malingered Symptomatology (SIMS; Smith & Burger, Journal of the American Academy on Psychiatry and Law, 25:180–183, 1997), as our criterion variable. The IOP-29 produced excellent area under the curve (AUC) values of .98 with a recommended SIMS total score cutoff (≥ 17) and .99 when eliminating too-close-to-classify cases (Rogers & Bender, 2018) and very large Cohen’s d effect sizes of 2.98 and 3.59, respectively. Crucially, when implementing established cut scores from previous research, the IOP-29 yielded very high specificity and sensitivity rates, and the predictions from the two tests were strikingly similar. Taken together, these findings support the strong convergent validity of the IOP-29 and its utility in applied clinical and forensic settings.  相似文献   
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