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Autoerotic fatalities encompass a wide array of means and mechanisms used to attain sexual gratification. The most commonly encountered autoerotic practice, specifically, autoerotic asphyxia, denotes death resulting from failure of a release mechanism of the apparatus designed to attain cerebral hypoxia for heightened arousal. Historically, the majority of victims of autoerotic death are Caucasian males under the age of 30. While autoerotic death is most often associated with a constrictive cervical ligature tied to either other parts of the victim's body or to an inanimate object such as a door, several other methods have been reported. These modalities include ligature around the thorax or abdomen, plastic bags covering the face, electrical current, inhalation of a toxic gas or chemicals, or partial or total submersion, known as aquaerotic asphyxiation. This study highlights 11 cases of atypical autoerotic death, including asphyxia with a plastic bag, electrocution, and inhalation of butane and nitrous oxide (N2O). Whereas the manner of death in the majority of autoerotic death cases is deemed accidental, we present and analyze unique and equivocal cases representing 4 different manners of death: accident, natural, suicide, and homicide. The 11 victims were all Caucasian and between the ages of 17 and 55. Ten decedents were males, 1 female. A comprehensive investigation incorporating a thorough scene analysis, gathering of the victim's history, and complete postmortem examination is necessary to elucidate both the cause and manner of death in these atypical cases.  相似文献   
Suicidal deaths involving explosives unconnected to terrorism are rare. The investigation of deaths from explosive devices requires a multidisciplinary collaborative effort, as demonstrated in this study. Reported are 2 cases of nonterrorist suicidal explosive-related deaths with massive craniocerebral destruction. The first case involves a 20-year-old man who was discovered in the basement apartment of his father's home seconds after an explosion. At the scene investigators recovered illegal improvised power-technique explosive devices, specifically M-100s, together with the victim's handwritten suicide note. The victim exhibited extensive craniofacial injuries, which medicolegal officials attributed to the decedent's intentionally placing one of these devices in his mouth. The second case involves a 46-year-old man who was found by his wife at his home. In the victim's facial wound, investigators recovered portions of a detonator blasting cap attached to electrical lead wires extending to his right hand. A suicide note was discovered at the scene. The appropriate collection of physical evidence at the scene of the explosion and a detailed examination of the victim's history is as important as documentation of injury patterns and recovery of trace evidence at autopsy. A basic understanding of the variety of explosive devices is also necessary. This investigatory approach greatly enhances the medicolegal death investigator's ability to reconstruct the fatal event as a means of separating accidental and homicidal explosive-related deaths from this uncommon form of suicide.  相似文献   
要实现东亚区域合作,推动东亚共同体的建设,解决东亚区域合作进程中存在的现实难题,当务之急需要处理好以下几个方面的问题:一是美国因素,即美国对东亚区域合作的态度与东亚对美国在区域合作中态度的看法;二是领导权,即必须要有一个坚强的领导核心推进东亚区域合作;三是互信原则的确立,东亚各国必须建立互信关系,尤其是东亚地区大国之间的相互信任:四是“低级政治与高级政治并行发展”,经济合作与政治安全合作同步进行。  相似文献   
The risk of suicide is significantly increased in schizophrenics; it is estimated that 10-13% of individuals suffering from schizophrenia commit suicide. Schizophrenia is marked by psychotic exacerbations and remissions, with persistent deterioration in baseline functioning with each relapse. We present a 10-year (1993-2002) retrospective review of Medical Examiners' cases of suicide of schizophrenic victims. Twenty-nine cases were between the ages of 20 and 75 (mean age of 41.6 years). The majority of victims were male (62.1%) and Caucasian (86.2%). The leading method of suicide for both males and females was firearm injury (48.3%) mostly of the head, followed by overdose (20.7%), and hanging (13.8%). A comprehensive investigation of the biopsychosocial factors is warranted in cases of schizophrenics who commit suicide. This study offers an insightful analysis pertaining to the determination of intent in formulating the manner of death in this unique population.  相似文献   
Over the past decade, access to health care coverage has become a crucial national concern. At the same time, the rising cost of health care, the aging of the population, and new accounting requirements for retiree medical benefits have caused employers to reevaluate their commitment to providing unrestricted health care benefits to the retirees. This article discusses the key federal appellate court decisions concerning an employer's decision to modify or terminate retiree medical benefits. It then explores alternatives for meeting the statutory, legal, and accounting challenges faced by employers who now offer retiree health care coverage.  相似文献   
Elder abuse and neglect refers to an act or omission resulting in harm, including death, or threatened harm to the health or welfare of an elderly person. Between one and two million elderly Americans experience some form of mistreatment annually. A ten-year (1992-2001) retrospective case review of morbidity and mortality among elders (age > 60 years) was conducted at a State Medical Examiner's Office serving a major metropolitan region in Kentucky and Indiana. This study addresses cases of two categories: 1) medicolegal autopsies and 2) examinations of living subjects pursuant to a Clinical Forensic Medicine Program. The authors present 74 postmortem cases, in which 52 deaths were attributed to a homicidal act and 22 deaths were suspicious for neglect. Of the 22 living victims of elder abuse and neglect, 19 cases constituted physical and/or sexual assault and three individuals suffered from neglect. This study summarizes the characteristic features of elder abuse in both postmortem and living cases and underscores the necessity for multi-agency collaboration in order to reach an accurate conclusion in case work. Policies established by a well-established elder abuse task force promote the collaborative interaction necessary to formulate criteria for prevention of abuse and death within this vulnerable population.  相似文献   
The compilation of all suicidal causes of death attained the third highest ranking of mortality between the ages of 15 and 24 following unintentional deaths and homicide in the United States, accounting for approximately 4000 deaths in 2002. A variety of biopsychosocial factors may contribute to adolescent suicidal behavior, including psychiatric disorders, risk-taking behaviors, and lack of a cohesive family unit. The authors conducted a 10-year (1993-2002) retrospective review of 108 Medical Examiner cases of suicide ages 11-17 and 358 cases ages 18-24 in Kentucky, which represents two thirds of the Coroner cases in the state. The majority of victims were male and Caucasian. The major causes of death were the same for the two age groups, specifically, firearm injury (72.2% and 70.7%), hanging (22.2% and 18.7%), and drug intoxication (2.8% and 5.3%). An integrated Coroner-Medical Examiner system profits in the public health arena by providing collaborative research data for policy decisions. The prevalence of youth suicide by firearm should prompt further discussion regarding ways to better identify high-risk adolescents and young adults and restrict pediatric access to unsecured household firearms.  相似文献   
Suicide by self-inflicted blunt force injury is rare. The authors report a case of a 48-year-old man who initially appeared to have died of a homicidal beating. The pertinent autopsy findings consisted of blunt force closed head injury combined with numerous cutaneous abrasions and contusions of the entire body. Further inquiries confirmed a medical history of paranoid schizophrenia and a previous attempt at suicide. This case represents an extreme example of severe blunt trauma sustained during fatal self-mutilation and masquerading as a homicide. It also underscores the importance of correlating a thorough background investigation with autopsy findings in determining the appropriate manner of death.  相似文献   
Café coronary deaths, as initially characterized, denote fatal occlusion of the upper airway by food substances. Such fatalities typically occur in individuals who either are clinically inebriated or have clinically significant neuromuscular dysfunction. Both conditions impair mastication and deglutition. The authors review the accidental deaths of two neurologically compromised patients under supervised care. Both subjects underwent complete medicolegal autopsy. In one case, ingestion of a prescribed emollient laxative precipitated death; in the other, death was attributable to aspiration of a contrast medium during a diagnostic radiographic procedure. These therapy-related deaths, which are regarded as a variation of the traditionally described café coronary fatalities summarized in the discussion, represent adverse events occurring during medical care. The adverse outcomes reviewed here are potentially avoidable and require special attentiveness by the clinicians directed to the particular condition of each patient. Such true aspiration-related deaths are confirmed on autopsy examination and are to be differentiated from the findings of agonal aspiration of gastric contents commonly encountered by the autopsy pathologist investigating deaths due to a great variety of natural and traumatic causes.  相似文献   
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