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舆情预警是公安机关正确决策、化解矛盾、维护稳定的重要前提。改进舆情监测工作,健全网络舆情预警机制,是构建社会主义和谐社会的必然要求。网络舆情预警机制是一个系统工程,公安部门需要做好舆情规划、舆情收集、分析处理、舆情预警四个环节的工作,把网络舆情信息汇集分析作为重点,同时利用先进技术作为保障。对于公安新闻的处理,公安机关可通过互联网平台与网民直接沟通来解决。  相似文献   
An improved method for detecting diatom in blood is reported. Blood of cadavers was obtained by cardiac puncture at inquest or from the left atrium directly at autopsy. The blood was hemolyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and filtered through membrane filter (47 mm in diameter and 5 microns in pore size). When the blood was putrefied, two or three pieces of membranes filters were needed because of choking membrane pore. The membrane filters were digested with fuming nitric acid and diluted with distilled water. The diluted solution was filtered through membrane filter (25 mm in diameter) again. After drying the membrane filter was immersed in oil. Diatoms on the membrane filter were clearly observed microscopically.  相似文献   
日本侵犯商业秘密犯罪中的商业秘密包括秘密管理性、非公知性与有价值性三个要素,较中国商业秘密构成要素的界定更为合理。中日将违约而使用、公开权利人商业秘密的行为犯罪化有违刑法的谦抑性,应予取消。中国侵犯商业秘密犯罪不宜效仿日本只定性不定量的立法模式,对于司法实践中出现的重大损失等情节的适用困境,可以通过增设定罪量刑情节的方式予以完善。中日侵犯商业秘密犯罪刑罚设置中应采取限额罚金与倍比罚金相结合的罚金制;针对不同的危害行为与主体增设多个量刑档次,做到罪刑结构的协调。  相似文献   
在对基层工会的实地调查中发现,许多企业中存在着人事部经理与工会主席身份合一的现象。二者的角色特征存在着本质不同,身份合一的局面导致了角色冲突,并造成了一定的体制性弊端。因此应该从明晰角色、明确职责、摆脱依附关系几个方面对工会主席进行角色调试。  相似文献   
Although proprietary medicines and decoction of processed aconite roots are the most widely used, tincture accounts for the great majority of aconite poisoning cases in China, indicating that it is much more toxic than other formulations. Aconite tincture is often self-prepared at home and raw aconite plants or roots are often used. Even if processed aconite roots were used to make the tincture, the amount of Aconitum alkaloids is highly variable, depending on the adequacy of processing and quality control. Aconitum alkaloids dissolve efficiently in alcohol. For these reasons, tincture contains very high concentrations of Aconitum alkaloids. Despite its high intrinsic toxicity, overdose of aconite tincture by the users has been common. Severe aconite poisoning can be complicated by fatal ventricular tachyarrhythmias and asystole. The public should be repeatedly warned of the danger of taking aconite tincture by mouth.  相似文献   
Zang Y 《法医学杂志》2000,16(3):135-136
对1992~1998年间206例非医疗过失尸检资料进行回顾性研究,表明涉及死亡的非医疗纠纷中各类疾病死亡占53.88%,难以避免的并发症占39.81%,医疗意外占6.31%.发生原因中对死因怀疑占44.66%,怀疑输液(血)错误占15.05%,怀疑治疗出问题占9.71%,怀疑用药错误或诊治延误各占8.74%,其它13.11%与医护人员态度不好、医院管理有关.  相似文献   
近年来各级人民政府、各行政执法部门广泛建立了行政执法责任制,对规范行政行为、提高执法质量、维护群众权益起到了积极的作用,但在执行中也暴露出一些问题。本文分析了一些突出问题的深层次原因,并对顺利推行行政执法责任制提出对策建议。  相似文献   
赵可 《公安学刊》2002,(1):10-14
在犯罪过程中 ,虽然加害人是行为的主体 ,被害人是行为的客体 ,但是主客体之间的关系总是处于不断发展和变化之中 ,这种相互作用贯穿于犯罪的全过程。同时 ,加害人与被害人之间在一定条件下也会发生位移和角色转换。  相似文献   
Cytochrome b gene for species identification of the conservation animals   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A partial DNA sequence of cytochrome b gene was used to identify the remains of endangered animals and species endemic to Taiwan. The conservation of animals species included in this study were: the formosan gem-faced civets, leopard cats, tigers, clouded leopards, lion, formosan muntjacs, formosan sika deers, formosan sambars, formosan serows, water buffalo, formosan pangolins and formosan macaques. The control species used included domestic cats, domestic dogs, domestic sheeps, domestic cattles, domestic pigs and humans. Heteroplasmy was detected in the formosan macaque, domestic pig and domestic cats. The frequencies of heteroplasmy in these animals were about 0.25% (1 in 402bp). Sequences were aligned by Pileup program of GCG computer package, and the phylogenetic tree was constructed by the neighbor-joining method. The results of sequence comparison showed that the percentage range of sequence diversity in the same species was from 0.25 to 2.74%, and that between the different species was from 5.97 to 34.83%. The results of phylogenetic analysis showed that the genetic distance between the different species was from 6.33 to 40.59. Animals of the same species, both the endangered animal species and domestic animals, were clustered together in the neighbor-joining tree. Three unknown samples of animal remains were identified by this system. The partial sequence of cytochrome b gene adopted in this study proved to be usable for animal identification.  相似文献   
刘科 《知识产权》2008,18(6):21-26
改革开放30年来,我国知识产权刑法保护的学术研究取得了丰硕成果,并为保护知识产权和建设创新型国家做出了积极贡献.但是,在学术研究日趋繁荣的背后,也存在着基本理论研究不够深入、理论研究脱离司法实践、深层次问题尚未得到重视等问题.在未来的知识产权刑法保护学术研究中,应当拓宽研究视野,创新研究方法,密切联系实际,服务基本国策,使我国刑法对知识产权的保护更加科学、有力、高效.  相似文献   
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