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禁毒情报与地理信息系统的结合可以把与禁毒有关的信息资源与对应空间地理数据集成在GIS平台之上,更好地实现信息的共享、智能筛选和案件线索关联分析。在此基础上通过研究禁毒情报地理信息系统在关联分析图形化、强制关联、“模式化”智能侦查分析等方面的应用技术,可以提高效率、节约警力、促进科技强警。  相似文献   
目的研究云南苗族常染色体9个STR基因座遗传多态性并分析其遗传结构。方法采用荧光标记PCR复合扩增、基因扫描自动分型技术调查了87名云南苗族无关健康个体9个STR基因座等位基因分布情况。结果9个基因座共检出52种等位基因和109种基因型,等位基因频率分布在0.005 7~0.718 4。经计算杂合度(H)为0.402 3~0.8161、多态信息量(PIC)为0.4090~0.8057、个体识别力(DP)为0.6429~0.943 6、非父排除率(PE)为0.115 3~0.565 4。x~2检验显示所有基因座均符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡。聚类分析结果显示,苗族、僳僳族、傣族、德昂族、普米族及景颇族遗传关系较近。结论为进一步研究STR遗传结构奠定了基础,在人类学、法医学等领域也有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   
Existing studies either overlook the importance of the juridical enforcement of employment protection legislation in determining the labor market consequences of dismissal payments or else neglect the possibly judicial biases caused by a tight labor market due to the assumption of exogenous judicial errors. By calling for endogenously determined judicial errors, this paper not only traces the effect of a firing litigation on employment, but also explores the possible effects of labor market conditions on judicial mistakes. We show that worse labor market conditions (a larger dismissal pay) will induce judges to be more favorable toward fired workers (firms). Thus, a higher level of unemployment (a larger dismissal pay) will decrease (increase) the possibility of a type-1 error and increase (decrease) the possibility of a type-2 error. It is also shown that, while a policy that lowers a type-1 error will increase the employment level, a lower type-2 error, somewhat surprisingly, will not necessarily have a positive effect on employment. Besides, in departing from the findings of previous analyses, we find that dismissal pay can either increase or decrease the employment level, with this crucially depending on the probability of juridical mistakes.  相似文献   
《珠江三角洲地区改革发展规划纲要》(以下简称〈纲要〉)的颁布实施为珠三角地区的发展带来巨大动力,也为佛山经济社会发展带来机遇。科学发展观作为马克思主义中国化的最新成果,是发展中国特色社会主义必须坚持和贯彻的重大战略思想。当前,司法行政工作的重点就要紧紧围绕《纲要》的实施开展各项工作,以科学发展观为统领,全面履行司法行政工作法制宣传、法律服务、法律保障三大职能作用,为《纲要》的实施提供法律服务和法律保障。  相似文献   
Hongyi Lai 《当代中国》2010,19(67):819-835
This article evaluates China's model of development, especially its main component, i.e. its model of governance. It suggests that China's model of development is marked by an imbalance between fast opening of the economy and the society and sluggish opening of the political system. The Chinese society has become much more open, reflected in the Chinese growing awareness of their legal rights. The Chinese economy has become highly internationalized and open, but much of Chinese politics is closed. China's governance is marked by pro-growth authoritarianism. The Chinese state is effective in opening up the economy, promoting reform, and generating economic growth, but offers weak protection of people's rights and ineffectual mitigation of social grievances. These imbalances help produce social protests. Viable solutions are discussed.  相似文献   
1949年中国政权鼎革之际,如何建立一个具有合法性的新政权,是摆在中国共产党面前的一大难题。难之所在:一是未经民主选举执政者的合法性势必有所欠缺;二是民主选举一般要在有权威的执政者领导下依法有序地进行。本文所要探讨的主题是中共如何以民主选举兼容政治协商、多元共治的精神,通过实践包容性民主达致最大限度的政治共识,使新政权的建立平稳有序且不失民意。  相似文献   
廖承志是新中国侨务工作杰出的领导人之一,其侨务工作经验十分丰富、侨务思想十分宝贵.正是在廖承志等老一辈革命家的努力下,新中国才开辟了建国初期海外侨务工作的大好局面,为我国的经济建设,为国际的和平事业与友好往来作出了杰出的贡献.  相似文献   
自愿戒毒、社区戒毒和社区康复反映了我国戒毒模式由过去以强制戒毒、劳教戒毒为中心向现在以社区戒毒为中心的转变。戒毒也实现了从行政处罚到治疗矫正的理念嬗变。遗憾的是,现行强制隔离戒毒制度却偏离了这种理念,仍然固守昔日的"处罚"逻辑,制度内容和戒毒人员的权利弱化难以体现戒毒人员的主体地位和戒毒的治疗矫正性质。这种现状应得到改变,还强制隔离戒毒以应有面貌,使我国戒毒模式体系真正实现协调和统一。  相似文献   
随着《合同法解释(二)》出台,我国正式规定了情势变更原则,但却未能明确该原则和商业风险的界限,尽管两者会导致截然不同的结果。文章从现行法规定出发,总结我国法院的有关判例,分析原则背后的民法原理,并参考美国法的相关规定,对商业风险和情势变更的区分提出了建议。  相似文献   
邓海军  赖辉 《青年探索》2010,(4):46-48,49
团的十六大以来,积极运用网络等新技术手段来开拓创新基层团建工作格局成了新形势下团建工作的新要求。广州增城团市委积极贯彻以上要求,结合双百人才计划的实施,以大学生村官群体为对象、成立并利用大学生村官网络团委这一新的工作载体,积极探索团建格局创新的手段,这些探索、实践为未来网络团建继续创新提供了宝贵经验。  相似文献   
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