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一百年前的1908年,清朝政府在各种压力之下,权衡利弊,颁行了《钦定宪法大纲》,从而开创了中国立宪之路,同时也开启了中国的宪政之路。但是,宪法、宪政毕竟是舶来品,在与中国特定国情相结合过程中,产生了种种的理论上的激烈争论;亦在实现宪政之路上出现了种种的曲曲折折。当然,中国要实现宪政、必然要实现宪政,这是历史之大势,浩浩荡荡,奋勇向前,应当是毋庸置疑的。在《钦定宪法大纲》颁行一百年之际,反思清末的立宪与中国的宪政之路,无疑是一件有意义的事情。  相似文献   
华侨华人不但对所在国的经济社会发展作出了重要贡献,对中国经济发展也起到了重要的推动作用,南亚华侨华人在维系中国和南亚国家友好关系中作出了不可磨灭的贡献。该文建议,在桥头堡建设的大机遇之下,必须高度重视南亚国家的华侨华人的地位和作用,以更好地推动云南企业走向南亚。  相似文献   
“社会正义”无疑是马克思哲学当代性讨论中不容忽视的重大理论问题。清理并剖析相关研究成果,对于回应西方政治哲学思潮的执战并开展批判性对话,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。学界关于这一问题存有若干争论。马克思“社会正义”理论在应对重大现实课题中彰显了其“批判”与“规范”的双重向度。  相似文献   
<正> 在联邦德国北部很远的地方,有一个叫佛兰斯堡的城市。达座风景如画的古城有十万人口。它从波罗的海向北延伸,在联邦德国北部边疆。不到四英里就是丹麦的边境。在11月末,这儿是寒冷的世界一角。一九八一年十一月二十一日,星期六,寒风刺骨。虽然福勒斯垂斯区在佛  相似文献   
江泽民同志从解放思想、实事求是的思想路线出发 ,以一种继往开来、开拓进取的创新精神 ,在新的历史条件下继承、丰富和发展马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论 ,使我们党对马克思主义理论的认识达到一个新境界。  相似文献   
一、开展大声势、大规模的校内法制宣教工作联合校方组织开展法制讲堂、大型图片展览、集中观看录像资料等多种形式的系列法制宣教活动。联合中学确定每年12月第一周为法制宣传周,组织全员性的《治安管理处罚法》知识竞赛。通过系列活动,广大学生的法律知识得到了丰富,守法用法意识明显增强,自身的防范和保护能力明显提高。  相似文献   
中国传统的婚俗文化反映了中华民族深层的文化心理。对这一问题的讨论将有助于我们从中吸取精华 ,批判糟粕 ,对于今天的精神文明建设 ,不无借鉴。  相似文献   
统一思想是搞好竞争上岗的重要基础,坚持公开、民主、公平、竞争,是搞好竞争上岗的关键,党委重视是搞好竞争上岗的有力保证,处理好三个关系是搞好竞争上岗的有利条件。  相似文献   
A fatal case of 1,4-butanediol (1,4-BD) oral ingestion is reported here, in which a 51-year-old man was found dead in his bed. According to the police report, the deceased was a known drug user. A glass bottle labeled (and later confirmed to be) “Butandiol 1,4” (1,4-BD) was found in the kitchen. Furthermore, the deceased's friend stated that he consumed 1,4-BD on a regular basis. The autopsy and histological examination of postmortem parenchymatous organ specimens did not revealed a clear cause of death. Chemical-toxicological investigations revealed gammahydroxybutyrat (GHB) in body fluids and tissues in the following quantities: femoral blood 390 mg/L, heart blood 420 mg/L, cerebrospinal fluid 420 mg/L, vitreous humor 640 mg/L, urine 1600 mg/L, and head hair 26.7 ng/mg. In addition, 1,4-BD was qualitatively detected in the head hair, urine, stomach contents, and the bottle. No other substances, including alcohol, were detected at pharmacologically relevant concentrations. 1,4-BD is known as precursor substance that is converted in vivo into GHB. In the synoptic assessment of toxicological findings, the police investigations and having excluded other causes of death, a lethal GHB-intoxication following ingestion of 1,4-BD, can be assumed in this case. Fatal intoxications with 1,4-BD have seldom been reported due to a very rapid conversion to GHB and, among other things, non-specific symptoms after ingestion. This case report aims to give an overview to the published of fatal 1,4-BD-intoxications and to discuss the problems associated with detection of 1,4-BD in (postmortem) specimens.  相似文献   
The evolving opioid epidemic in the United States, fueled by illicit fentanyl, has greatly increased deaths from illicit drug use. These nonnatural deaths require formal death investigation. The National Association of Medical Examiners states in its Forensic Autopsy Performance Standards that autopsy remains a necessary component for proper investigation of suspected acute overdose deaths. If a death investigation office lacks adequate resources to investigate all deaths under its jurisdiction while meeting expected standards, then that office may be forced to consider altering its protocols for investigation by changing the types of deaths investigated or the extent of its investigations. Drug death investigations take longer to complete because novel illicit drugs and mixtures of drugs complicate toxicological analyses, prolonging a family's wait for completion of a death certificate and autopsy report. Public health agencies must also wait for results, but some agencies have developed mechanisms for rapid notification of preliminary results to allow timely deployment of public health resources. The increased deaths have strained the resources of medicolegal death investigation systems throughout the United States. Given the significant workforce shortage of forensic pathologists, newly trained forensic pathologists are too few to meet the demand. Nevertheless, forensic pathologists (and all pathologists) must make time to present their work and themselves to medical students and pathology trainees to encourage an understanding of the importance of quality medicolegal death investigation and autopsy pathology and to provide a model that can encourage interest in a career in forensic pathology.  相似文献   
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