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在强制戒毒场所对有心理问题或疾患的戒毒人员做心理咨询,与在社会上对求助者做心理咨询具有不同的角色冲突,需要具有心理咨询师身份的管教民警紧紧围绕监管场所的特点,扮演好管教民警和心理咨询师的双重角色,即不断创新心理咨询工作,做足做好心理咨询的事前工作,把处在监管状态下,有心理问题或疾患的戒毒人员转化为“类求助者”。监管民警适时扮演心理咨询师角色,运用心理咨询的程序和具体技术,对该“类求助者”做心理咨询工作,并取得良好的心理咨询效果。  相似文献   
1978年以来的改革开放以市场化为取向、以经济增长为导向、注重效率的经济发展模式在给妇女带来机会的同时,也使妇女发展面临一些问题。以人为本、以社会公正为目标的科学发展观对于性别平等具有重要的意义:为提高性别平等意识提供价值观基础;为认识不平等的性别关系提供方法论基础;为实现性别平等提供制度保障与启示。  相似文献   
严庆  刘琳 《贵州民族研究》2021,42(3):96-103
数字竞争伴随着数字技术的发展而产生,反过来又促进了数字技术的进步,进而对人类政治、经济、社会生活的各个领域产生深刻影响.族裔政治作为政治领域的一部分,也深受数字竞争的影响,体现在族性动员、族际关系以及民族政治发展三个方面.数字竞争对族裔政治的影响本质上是工具性的,一方面,它能够成为政治动员的工具,造成种族歧视、民族冲突,阻碍民族政治发展;另一方面,它也能够为政府所用,成为消抑族性动员的重要手段,促进相互包容.而其走向究竟如何进行,主要取决于治理者如何实施规制.  相似文献   
程明  吴波  潘琳 《岭南学刊》2021,(1):63-70
“后2020”时代农村返贫现象的产生是脆弱群体的“生活水平”在时间、空间、制度等多重维度约束下,由脱贫重返贫困或是边缘群体渐进式陷入贫困的连续动态演变过程。农村返贫治理将面临矢量转向、维度转向和效度转向等策略转向。针对“微量化”返贫现象持续存在、返贫群体识别、贫困主体能动性有效激发、返贫治理体系重构等现实困境,农村返贫治理需要从完善贫困群体利益保障体系、构建防止返贫预警系统与识别机制、建立可持续性脱贫内在机制、探索转型期贫困治理体系创新等方面进行路径优化。  相似文献   
党的十九届五中全会通过的《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和二〇三五年远景目标的建议》(以下简称《建议》),突出新发展理念的引领作用,强调“把新发展理念贯穿发展全过程和各领域,构建新发展格局,切实转变发展方式,推动质量变革、效率变革、动力变革,实现更高质量、更高效率、更加公平、更可持续、更加安全的发展。”习近平总书记在关于《建议》的说明中指出:“必须强调的是,新时代新阶段的发展必须贯彻新发展理念,必须是高质量发展。”李克强总理在今年《政府工作报告》中强调,“今年是我国现代化建设进程中具有特殊重要性的一年”“要准确把握新发展阶段,深入贯彻新发展理念,加快构建新发展格局,推动高质量发展,为全面建设社会主义现代化开好局起好步。”这些重要论述指明了“十四五”时期和今年推动经济社会发展的根本要求和重大任务。我们要认真学习领会和深入贯彻落实。  相似文献   
新冠疫情暴发以来,国际舆论环境不断恶化,西方媒体在对华舆论攻击过程中运用一系列框架整合与框架斗争手法,以期污名化中国,达到遏阻中国和平发展进程的战略目标。面对西方媒体涉华舆论的新特点、新手段、新目标,中国媒体必须加以辨析,取长补短,针锋相对,在框架策略上与时俱进,抢占与西方媒体进行舆论斗争的制高点。  相似文献   
刑事证据的初级资格旨在为法律决定之事实基础提供一般合理性根据,高级资格旨在为法律决定之事实基础提供高度合理性根据,主观资格旨在保障证据材料在价值上的可接受性。由于我国理论及实践对上述不同性质、不同种类的证据资格缺乏深入而清晰的认识,因而在刑事证据资格制度上存在初级资格要求不明确,高级资格没有严格区分始端资格与终端资格,主观资格偏离价值本位且取向较为单一等主要问题,从而在某种程度上导致刑事证据使用的不当,甚至酿成冤假错案。为了更加合理地使用刑事证据,我国的刑事证据资格制度应当明确初级资格要求,严格区分始端资格与终端资格,让主观资格回归其价值本位并且使之进一步合理化。  相似文献   
Order comes first in legal values, while laws should maintain the consistency and stability of order. The proposed China's environmental code (Code) shall restate the prevailing environmental legal norms and optimize the prevailing environmental legal order. From the perspective of stabilizing the legal order, common regulations of General Part of the Code should connect with the constitution and the prevailing environmental laws, determine the legal values of the Code-governing environment, and provide the foundation and basic framework for each subsequent part of the Code. Therefore, common regulations of the Code should recognize and support the constitution order and bolster the emerging eco-environment legal order relating to the eco-civilization construction. They should be coherent, value-orientated, and independent, inheriting the general framework of the prevailing Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China (PRC) and other specific environmental laws, and developing the applicable norms. Specifically, consistently with the legislative purposes, the Code common regulations should recognize the objectives of construction of eco-civilization and pursuit of social, economic and ecological sustainable development, and this pursuit should be carried out based on the basic principles; the application scope of ecological environment should be redefined in order to maintain the ecological value and overall ecological order; the clause on basic environmental obligations and the clause on citizens' environmental rights should be defined with the national environmental protection obligations as the main thread and the multi-player legal relationship as the framework; and the national environmental protection obligations should be preliminarily delivered with three clauses: national environmental protection financial support, environmental publicity and education, and global environmental governance.  相似文献   
台湾地区智慧财产法院的设立,最大程度地实现了知识产权案件的集中审判,审判效率获得极大提升。采用法官与技术审查官相结合模式,设置技术审查官辅助法官判案,有效解决法官技术知识不足问题。引入法院审理侵权诉讼可自行判断知识产权有效性制度,并协调各案间知识产权有效性判断的冲突,彰显案件审判之效率。  相似文献   
Yeats’On Baile’s Strand is an important work in the Irish Literary Revival. On Baile’s Strand is a thought-provoking ethical tragedy, and also a play that reflects the ideology of cultural nationalism of Yeats. In this play there is staged development from natural emotion, free emotion to ethical emotion and moral emotion. Cuchulain is motivated by his natural emotion and free emotion in most cases. He fails to take the ethical responsibility as a husband, father and little king, which aroused the jealousy, revenge and incrimination from Aoife and Conchubar. After killing his own son who he has never seen, Cuchulain regains his ration. His ethical emotion and moral emotion makes it impossible for him to withstand his guilt, even though he fights bravely in hundreds of wars and has killed numerous people. Finally, he goes to madness, and throws himself into the sea to fight against the waves. With Cuchulain’s tragedy of filicide and madness in On Baile’s Strand, Yeats warns Irish people of improving their morality and education, so as to promote the Irish national independence and national liberation.  相似文献   
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