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This study investigated the effects of family structure (parents together or not) and parental discord (ratings of the happiness of the marriage of biological parents) on the self-esteem of 199 female undergraduates. Family structure and happiness ratings were substantially related, with those separated rated as less happy. Self-esteem was significantly related to parental happiness, even with family structure controlled, but not to family structure with parental happiness controlled. With the sample divided into three groups (happy-together, unhappy-together, and separated) ANOVA showed a significant effect for group, with the unhappy-together group showing significantly lower self-esteem than the happy-together group, and the separated group intermediate. Parental discord thus appears to lower the selfesteem of daughters, whereas separation of parents does not. These findings support Heatherington's idea that children may be better off in a stable family where parents are divorced than in an intact family with much parental discord.Thanks are expressed to Susan Stevenson Cowles for her contributions to all stages of the study, and to Judith Fidati, Anita Katz, and Susanne Long for their assistance in the scoring and statistical analyses. The author is also grateful to Andrew Cherlin, Edmund Henderson, and Ruth C. Wylie for their helpful suggestions.Barbara H. Long is Professor Emeritus at Goucher College, where she has taught for 20 years. She is a social psychologist, having received her Ph.D. from the University of Delaware and has, at present, research interests in the attitudes of young women towards marriage and career.  相似文献   
倪龙 《公安学刊》2006,(2):91-93
在当前复杂严峻的违法犯罪形势下,利用公安信息化手段,实现公安机关各部门各警种之间、各地公安机关之间的资源共享、协同作战,可以实现对违法犯罪更有效的打击和防范。建立网上信息作战机制,是科技强警战略思想落实到具体公安工作中的必然结果。本文从科技支撑和制度保障这两个方面,阐述了公安机关如何建立网上信息作战机制的问题,并对建立网上信息作战机制,实现打击违法犯罪信息化作了展望。  相似文献   
我国当代社会具有明显的“泛政治化”倾向。“泛政治化”是一种缺乏政治理性的行为,它妨碍了正常的政治发展,使人们对社会问题不能做出实质的理解和处理,也使社会功能难以正常发挥,还常常带来政治冷漠。我们应当摈弃“泛政治化”的思维模式,构筑政治的理性主义,按照社会发展的规律来处理政治、经济、文化、体育、司法、教育等等的关系,以积极理性的心态来开展政治参与。  相似文献   
如何制定出科学有效的、反映各方面利益并为社会所普遍认同的公共政策,是所有现代政府所面临的基本问题以及获得政治合法性的关键所在。通过描述社会政治现象,分析政府行为,探讨集团决策模型的起源、基本内容、主要缺陷及其在我国现实政治中的发展等问题,建立起公共政策决策中的集团决策模型的基本理念和分析框架,可为我国公共政策决策的科学化和民主化提供有益的思路。  相似文献   
在发展同泰国的经贸关系中,广西与云南具有许多相似点,例如广西与云南的区位优势都很明显,都是中国通向东南亚的桥头堡,与泰国距离都很近;根据专家的研究,云南的傣族、广西的壮族与泰国的民族都是"同源异流",双方习俗相似、语音相近,两省区都有不少华侨华人在泰国.更重要的是,云南与广西在产业结构上都是工业不发达以农业为基础的省份,两省区与泰国产业结构趋同和产业水平相近,产业内贸易在双方贸易总额中所占比重很大.在这样相同的背景下,对云南与泰国的经贸关系和广西与泰国的经贸关系进行比较分析,找出其中的差距,借鉴云南的经验,挖掘自身的优势,对于进一步推动广西与泰国的经贸关系的发展无疑具有重要的意义.  相似文献   
文章论述了江泽民同志在庆祝中国共产党成立八十周年大会上的讲话中党的建设理论的一系列新观点、新思想,认为"三个代表"重要思想、坚持党的阶级性与增强党的阶级基础和扩大党的群众基础的统一、坚持党的最高纲领和现实纲领的统一、改进党的执政方式和工作作风等新观点,回答了党的建设进程中的重大理论和实践问题,是对党的建设理论的伟大创新.  相似文献   
本文认为,所谓"补资本主义的课",不仅是一种严重脱离群众、脱离实际的幻想,更是一种历史的倒退和历史的反动.  相似文献   
中国法学教育百年回眸   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
本文回顾了中国法学教育的概况,指出了每一发展阶段的基本特点,并在此基础上作了认真的反思,特别是重点分析了法学教育与社会变革、法学教育与职业教育、法学教育与高等教育的相互关系,以探索法学教育的规律。  相似文献   
It is of great significance for the Supreme Court of China (SCC) to take back the power of having judicial review for death sentences. For that purpose, first, we have to amend the procedures for judicial review for death sentences, including precisely defining the responsibility of the SCC to review death sentences, determining appropriate modes of review, prescribing the time limit of review, allowing the participation of defense lawyers and prosecutors, etc. Second, we must also amend the appellate procedures for capital cases, including holding hearings, comprehensive trial of key cases, and adjusting the time limit for the second instance. Third, we must improve relative systems that can directly affect the trial quality of capital cases, including the improvement of evidentiary rules, the reform of judicial committees, and the forbiddance to change an original sentence into a death sentence. Long Zongzhi, professor, chairs the academic commission at Southwestern University of Politics and Law. Meanwhile, he takes the vice chair of the supervising committee of legal education in the Ministry of Education of China. He advanced the theory of dual structure of criminal litigation in early 1990s and put forward the theory of relative reasonableness in late 1990s, which exerted great influence in academic law. Moreover, he has published a great number of works on criminal litigation, judicial system, and evidence law.  相似文献   
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