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噬菌体在细菌性疾病诊断和治疗中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从重组噬菌体法、生物扩增法、噬菌体触发的离子级联感应技术及耐药性检测4个方面阐述了噬菌体在病原菌检测中的作用;从细菌分型的角度阐述了噬菌体在病原菌分型中的应用;从活噬菌体、裂解酶、药物载体3个方面陈述了噬菌体在细菌性疾病治疗方法中的研究进展,并分析了噬菌体在应用中的优缺点,展望了今后的研究和应用前景。  相似文献   
与同时代的思想家不同,章太炎的群独思想蕴含着对现代性的反思与超越.在群独理论的建构中,他以互释的方式阐释群与独的概念,辩证地指出大独必群,群必以独成.在此,他解构了传统群独对立的二元模式,建构了群独融通合一的大独观与大群观.章太炎以个人主义为价值原则,但在不齐而齐的本体原则与各是其是的秩序理想的阐释下,价值原则最终导向了群体,体现出其群独思想中个体与群体同向性的理论旨归.在全球化视域下,在共生原则的支配下,章太炎的群独理论可为当今时代思考个体与共同体的关系提供有价值的思想资源.  相似文献   
JIANG Yijia has an ambitious goal in life.The successful entrepre-neur wants to bring hope to his fellow villagers by improving their life quality and beautifying their countryside.Jiang,who won a national award for his contribution to poverty allevia-tion,is the Party secretary of Gongshi Joint Village (consisting of Gongshi and five other neighboring villages) in Sui-ning City,Sichuan Province.Under his leadership,the village that had no road access and whose farmland was largely abandoned is now full of fruit trees on the mountain slopes,while the fields located at the foot of the mountain are fertile and lush.Most villagers now live in storied houses,drive their own cars,and have tap water and natural gas in their homes.In their spare time,villag-ers go to the village cultural and sports activity center to exercise,read books,and play chess.  相似文献   
From the Report on the Work of the Government to the draft Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan(2021-2025)for National Economic and Social Development and the Long-Range Objectives Through the Year 2035,rural revi-talizationhas virtually become a hot topic for this year's sessions of China's top legislature and top political advi-sory body.Deputies to the 13th National People's Congress(NPC)and members of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC)handed in their pieces of advice and proposal that aim to comprehensively promote the country's rural revitalization.  相似文献   
“以人为本,全面、协调、可持续”的发展观的提出,不是偶然的,它的形成有其历史必然性。它的形成既是在我国改革开放的伟大实践中,以社会主义经济快速发展为基点,以可持续发展为必经阶段,深刻总结国际国内经济社会发展经验教训的基础上形成的,更是以马克思主义理论尤其是历史唯物主义为其理论前提的。  相似文献   
作为方法的华南:中心和周边的时空转换   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
"中心"和"周边"是两个灵活的、相对的概念,从儒家文化的视角着眼,"周边"并不限于中国的少数民族地区,还涵盖了包括东亚、东南亚等周边国家和地区.特别是在华南区域,"周边"的概念在汉族社会内部的不同民系、汉族和少数民族等各族群的互动中,又有着新的内涵和外延.从这一研究视角出发,我们可以重新审视以宗族为中心的华南汉族社会结构的研究、华南族群与互动的研究、华人和东南亚社会的人类学研究.在某种意义上,我们可以窥视华南视野下中国研究的特点.可以认为,华南研究已经具备了方法论的含义.  相似文献   
JIANG Yijia has an ambitious goal in life.The successful entrepre-neur wants to bring hope to his fellow villagers by improving their life quality and beautifying their countryside. Jiang,who won a national award for his contribution to poverty allevia-tion,is the Party secretary of Gongshi Joint Village (consisting of Gongshi and five other neighboring villages) in Sui-ning City,Sichuan Province.Under his leadership,the village that had no road access and whose farmland was largely abandoned is now full of fruit trees on the mountain slopes,while the fields located at the foot of the mountain are fertile and lush.Most villagers now live in storied houses,drive their own cars,and have tap water and natural gas in their homes.In their spare time,villag-ers go to the village cultural and sports activity center to exercise,read books,and play chess.  相似文献   
当今社会,精神疾患比率越来越高,精神障碍者犯罪也呈上升趋势。在侦查讯问过程中,通过犯罪嫌疑人对其犯罪的供述,分析其犯罪动机及其他们对犯罪的认识问题,来判断是否符合精神障碍者犯罪的特点,并依据法律的规定和要求对案件进行处理,是非常必要的。  相似文献   
在德日刑法学界及台湾地区学界,关于间接正犯的概念及其成立范围的问题存在诸多论述与争议。借用德日间接正犯概念的大陆刑法学界,对此问题的研究稍显薄弱。间接正犯需要理论上的重新审视与结构分析,以求得对于该理论的正确认知,从而明确其在现有刑法体系中的适当位置与理论定位,最终澄清间接正犯理论概念的来龙去脉、存与不存之根基。  相似文献   
随着我国法制化建设的不断加强,司法实践已对活体损伤法医学鉴定提出了更高的要求。要使活体损伤的法医学鉴定真正实现依法、客观、公正、科学,就必须要正确理解和运用法律规范,严格活体损伤鉴定程序,遵循活体损伤鉴定基本原则和依据,了解相关因素及其注意事项,熟练掌握检验鉴定的基本方法技能。以严谨求实的态度和高度负责的精神,综合分析、深入研判活体损伤鉴定相关问题,才能确保活体损伤鉴定质量,适应新形势的需要。  相似文献   
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