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经济体制改革使得中国经济取得了史无前例的成功,进入二十一世纪,中国处于体制转轨、社会转型的过程中,在此期间腐败现象亦非常突出,引起党及国家高度关注,并出台一系列的政策、法规打击和预防职务犯罪,贿赂犯罪作为职务犯罪中最主要的犯罪之一,其司法现状不容乐观。  相似文献   
在中毒或疑似中毒案件中,毒物鉴定对于提供侦查线索与犯罪证据、澄清案件性质、还原犯罪过程具有重要意义。基于液液萃取和分散固相萃取原理而建立起来的QuEChERS方法,由于其快速、简单、廉价、高效、可靠、安全等优势,正逐渐应用于法医毒物分析的样品前处理过程中。本文综述了QuEChERS方法的基本原理及其在提取和净化等过程中的优化改进,重点详述近年来QuEChERS方法在法医毒物分析领域的应用现状,并对未来发展方向进行展望。  相似文献   
Over the past decades, consume of slimming agents considerably increased in several countries, including Brazil, due to weight-loss and stimulant properties. Since these drugs are controlled to prevent illicit and indiscriminate use, there is a parallel illegal market that uses the Internet and irregular pharmacies in order to distribute these formulations. Slimming agents produced by these illegal sources are known for being manufactured with little or none quality control resulting in uncertain and unknown formulations. For forensic purposes, apprehended pharmaceuticals have to undergo a process of chemical identification that can be difficult due to its complex matrix. In this sense, application of assisted energies in the extraction step such as microwave irradiation can be a promising method to increase the recuperation of the target molecules of the sample. Therefore, the aim of this research was to identify four slimming agents apprehended in Brazil by means of visual inspection, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry. Moreover, the efficiency of solid-liquid extraction and microwave-assisted extraction was compared. It should be noted that our work was one of the few to use Differential Scanning Calorimetry and the application of microwave irradiation in the analysis of apprehended materials. Results showed that the majority of the samples was counterfeit being composed of one or several adulterants or contaminants. Initially, visual inspection resourcefully screened the slimming agents for possible signs of falsification, however it failed to detect fraudulent products that were very similar to veridical medicines. Sequentially, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy detected functional groups present in the samples while the presence or absence of the alleged active ingredients were successfully measured with Differential Scanning Calorimetry and, thus, providing a full chemical screening of the apprehended materials. Gas Chromatography- Mass Spectrometry confirmed the presence of adulterants such as caffeine, fluoxetine and phenolphthalein as well as contaminants such as sulfurol in the falsified samples. Finally, comparison of extraction procedures indicated that microwave-assisted extraction increased the recovery of compounds detected in chromatographic analysis to a greater extent than solid-liquid extraction.  相似文献   
万勇 《行政与法》2006,(12):141-144
美国证券规章制定的监督包括立法监督、司法监督、行政监督和非正式监督,各种监督构成一个完整的体系。其监督过程是一个由过程到结果的监督,是监督主体对其程序和实体合法性进行全方位的监督。相对于美国证券制定的监督体系,我国尚存在很多需要完善的地方。有必要借鉴美国经验,完善我国证券规章制定的监督制度。  相似文献   
论刑法经济   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在运用刑法遏制犯罪的过程中,国家不仅是正义的化身而追求刑法的公正,同时也是一个具有理性的经济人,因此国家必然关注刑法的投入和产出比例的经济关系,刑法经济问题由此而产生。刑法公正是刑法追求的首要价值,对刑法经济问题的研究必须首先研究刑法经济与刑法公正的关系,并以此来确定刑法经济在刑法价值体系中的位置。  相似文献   
The authors report on a drug fatality of a 21-year-old man with a propofol (2,6-di-isopropylphenol) dependency. Propofol was detected in tissues and body fluids using SPME-GC/MS methods. The postmortem concentrations of propofol were 364 ng/ml in urine, 71 ng/ml in heart blood and 79 ng/ml in femoral blood. The drug addict had only an autodidactic medical knowledge, but had inserted himself a permanent cannula for intravenous injection of propofol several times a day. The injection material was bought via online auctions from eBay. The case illustrates how job-related drug dependencies become indistinct due to the free access to information and goods via the Internet.  相似文献   
万军 《拉丁美洲研究》2016,(4):23-41,154,155
中拉国际产能合作正在积极推进,经济上的互补性使中拉经贸关系近年来获得了迅速的发展,但在中拉经济增长减速的背景下,单一的贸易结构制约了双方经贸关系扩展的空间。当前中拉都在积极推动经济结构性调整,拉美的基础设施建设存在着旺盛的投资需求,一些拉美国家正在实施以工业化为核心的经济发展规划来促进产业多元化,而中国完备的产业体系和雄厚的生产能力非常契合拉美经济发展的现实需求。加强中拉产能合作,不仅有利于拉美地区充分利用中国的装备、技术、资金推进基础设施建设并加速工业化过程,也有助于中国的经济结构调整和开放型经济新格局的构建。当前中拉国际产能合作进展顺利,重点产业领域合作初见成效,但也面临着国际产能合作的广度和深度不足、拉美政局变化导致经济政策缺乏稳定性和持续性、合作过程中与当地社会沟通不足、重大工程建设中如何有效地履行环境保护和社会责任等新挑战,文章就此提出了若干政策建议。  相似文献   
万毅 《证据科学》2014,(2):157-165
法学研究强调逻辑的严谨性以及语言的规范性,作为法学分支学科的证据法学当然亦莫能外。但是,近年来方兴起的证据法学科,在我国开展的时日尚短,且一直与传统的证据学学科之间纠缠不清,以至于我国证据法学的学科体系迟迟不能建立,甚至连作为学科基础的基本概念都未能达成共识,缺乏统一性和规范性,理论研究和证据实务中用语不规范的问题一直存在,混用、误用基本概念和术语的现象较为普遍。这不仅影响到理论研究的严谨性,甚至干扰到实务操作的实效性。  相似文献   
In this introduction to the special issue on ‘Women's work in changing labour markets’, we argue that a combination of digital advances, notably the digitization of individual- and contextual-level data, the creation of internationally comparable occupation-based classifications, and the development of statistical models allowing for contextually informed analysis, has brought us to the brink of new developments in the field of women's work. Census and vital registration data contain more information on occupations of women than previously thought, and when used in combination with other digitized sources they allow one to assess the possible under-registration of women's work, as illustrated by some of the contributions to this special issue. Other contributions show how standardizing occupation-based classifications allows for temporal and regional comparisons of women's work and makes it feasible to study how community or regional characteristics influence that work. None of these developments – large-scale digitization of individual-level data, standardization of occupational titles and measures of stratification, and contextually informed analyses – is completely new; in some cases they are actually rooted in a venerable research tradition. However, in combination they might well constitute a cascade in the history of working women.  相似文献   
<正> Ⅰ 伦纳德·霍布豪斯(Leonard Trelawney Hobhouse,1864——1929)是英国著名的哲学家、社会 学家、政治理论家,新自由主义的主要代表人物。他着重阐发了个人自由与国家干预的关系,个人 自由与社会和谐的关系,经济自由与政治自由的关系,自由和民主的关系,等等。  相似文献   
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