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孟庆华  罗树中 《中外法学》1992,(2):74-80,82,45
<正> 第一篇刑法的适用第一章刑法的领域范围第1条本法适用于在其领域内和属于其管辖的其他地域内所实施的犯罪行为。第2条本法同样适用于在国外对危害本国内部或外部安全、经济利益或公众健康所实施的犯罪行为。本法也适用于本国公职人员不论属何公民身份在国外所实施的侵犯国家管理的犯罪行为。第3条本法还适用于: 1.发生于停泊在国外的本国商业性或私人的注册船舶或航空器上,且未在实施地受到指控的犯罪行为。  相似文献   
The forensic science community raised the need for improved evidence recognition, collection, and visualization analytical instrumentation for field and laboratory use. While the 3D optical techniques for imaging static objects have been extensively studied, there is still a major gap between current knowledge and collecting high‐quality footwear and tire impression evidence. Among optical means for 3D imaging, digital fringe projection (DFP) techniques reconstruct 3D shape from phase information, achieving camera‐pixel spatial resolution. This paper presents a high‐resolution 3D imaging technology using DFP techniques dedicated to footwear and tire impression capture. We developed fully automated software algorithms and a graphical user interface (GUI) that allow anyone without training to operate for high‐quality 3D data capture. We performed accuracy evaluations and comparisons comparing with the commercial high‐end 3D scanner and carried out qualitative tests for various impressions comparing with the current practices. Overall, our technology achieves similar levels of accuracy and resolution with a high‐end commercially available 3D scanner, while having the merits of being (1) more affordable; (2) much easier to operate; and (3) more robust. Compared with the current practice of casting, our technology demonstrates its superiority because it (1) is non‐destructive; (2) collects more evidence detail than casts, especially when an impression is fragile; (3) requires less time and money to collect each piece of evidence; and (4) results in a digital file that can easily be shared with other examiners.  相似文献   
目的 探讨新型冠状病毒敏感的消毒方式对于常见现场生物物证如血、脱落细胞的检出影响,探索在疫情期间现场勘查、实验室检验及尸体解剖前后的合理消毒方式.方法 采用《消毒剂使用指南》推荐的几种不同浓度化学消毒剂和紫外线照射等方式,对常量的血、口腔拭子和稀释的血、唾液斑进行作用后的样本DNA检出情况进行对比.结果 常用消毒方式对...  相似文献   
西方国家的陪审制度有两种运作模式,一种是英美法系的陪审团制,另一种是大陆法系的参审制。这两种陪审制度的主旨都在于吸收普通民众参与诉讼,从而将“民间智慧”和“大众理性”引入司法领域,但是,在具体的制度设计上,二者之间则存在着明显的差异。这些差异的形成,与两大法系各自的司法制度和法律文化传统密切相关。  相似文献   
城市污水综合利用中的生物性污染问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
污水综合利用是解决北京水资源短缺的必然选择。文章分析了北京市城市污水处理厂出水生物性污染问题 ,并提出了对城市污水进一步消毒处理的必要性及存在的问题  相似文献   
弹性解决居民住宅区停车问题的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
居民住宅区停车一直是困扰交通管理者的一个棘手问题,如何解决其停车难停车乱的现状,如何较好规划今后小区建设中的停车问题,都是摆在交通管理者面前的课题。本文试借用物理学的弹性原理,对居民住宅小区的停车问题进行了研究,提出了解决居民小区停车问题的几条有效的途径。  相似文献   
我国公务员道德建设现状调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
公务员应当是道德的先行者,其德行操守对整个社会的精神文明建设起到至关重要的作用。本调查分析了我国公务员道德建设的现状,并提出了相关建议。建议包括:创新道德知识开发方法,加大政府信息公开力度,将平衡记分卡引入道德评价体系等。  相似文献   
我国《治安管理处罚法》第25条第1项确立了网络谣言扰乱公共秩序的违法构成"三要件",即网络散布谣言的客观行为、扰乱公共秩序的危害后果和主观故意。司法实践中,有些法院秉持"秩序至上主义"的逻辑,存在对违法构成"三要件"的背离,在部分案件中对网络谣言和公共秩序的扩大解释构成对公民言论自由的过度限制。面向未来,法院可通过对上述违法构成要件的合宪性解释,合理平衡公共秩序与言论自由价值的冲突。在客观行为的司法认定方面,应区分"公共言论"与"私人言论",涉及"公共言论"的网络谣言以"捏造或者歪曲事实"作为认定标准,涉及"私人言论"的网络谣言可扩大解释为包括"未经证实"的消息。在危害后果的司法认定方面,应将"公共秩序"解释为以"公众生活的平稳与安宁"为核心内容的现实公共场所秩序,并引入比例原则的审查。在主观故意的司法认定方面,对于涉及公共言论的"故意"的认定,可采用"实质恶意"原则,即只有在行为人明知其将做出虚假言论或者对于信息的真假辨认存在严重的过错时,才能认定其为"故意";对于涉及私人言论的故意的认定,可参照刑法上"故意"的认定标准。  相似文献   
The media allow crime to infiltrate the public’s consciousness in every conceivable way, thereby playing a major role in shaping the public’s opinion and attitude toward crime and crime issues (Barak, 1995; Fields & Jerin, 1996; Kappeler & Potter, 2005). Reporters constantly talk about crime, and crime related stories dominate the headlines of local and national newspaper outlets (Dowler, 2003; Pizarro et al, 2007). Some of the most highly rated television programs are based on crime plots and people across social, political, and racial demographics are constantly engaged in crime dialogue generated from local or national news stories. When the focus of these mediums is on youth they become even more profound and contentious. The images portrayed conjure up stereotypes that lead to fear and inflammatory remarks that become entrenched into the national lexicon. The current study uses data from the National Opinion Survey of Crime and Justice to test the relationship between crime-related media viewership and fear of victimization within a nationally representative adult sample. Approximately 42.67% of respondents reported regularly watching crime shows and about the same proportion (42.83%) believed their local media paid too much attention to violent crime. In addition to regular crime-show viewership, confidence in the police, gender, and recent contact with the police were associated with fear of victimization. This article adds to an existing body of research through a largely unexplored area in the administration of justice. It does so within the context of the U.S. juvenile justice system.  相似文献   
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