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The interactive effects of race and gender in a multi-dimensional assessment of police occupational stress were examined in this study. The sample from a large urban police department was divided into four subgroups: White males, African-American males, White females, and African-American females. Comparisons were carried out to assess group differences in three major domains of stress process: stressors, coping mechanisms, and multiple psychological manifestations of stress. Specific attentions were paid to observe any similar or dissimilar interactive effects of race and gender on the stress process. The results showed that dynamic factors such as measures of work environment and coping mechanisms contributed more in explaining police stress than static factors such as race and gender. Additionally, destructive coping and work-family conflict (spillover) were the most stable correlates of police stress across all subgroups included in the analysis. The impacts of negative exposure and camaraderie on police stress were conditional on the subgroup statuses. Limitations and implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   
党中央从全面建设小康社会、开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面的全局出发,提出了构建社会主义和谐社会的战略任务和奋斗目标,表明我们对发展的认识进一步深化,对中国特色社会主义的认识达到了新的境界。社会主义和谐社会,是经济、政治、文化更协调发展而又充满创造活力的社会,是政通人和、稳定有序的社会。和谐社会的建设既要有现代化社会生产力大发展为前提的、丰富的物质文明做基础,也离不开精神文明的各个方面积极成果的促进。网络文明以网络技术为基本物质依托,以网络文化为主要文化内容,给21世纪的现代社会的发展注入了新的生机和活力,…  相似文献   
荔浦县是广西民营企业起步最早、发展最活跃、最具规模的县区之一,荔浦民营企业在全县经济发展中占据着重要地位。如何实现荔浦民营企业的转型升级,促进荔浦民营企业的持续、快速、健康发展,推动荔浦的民营企业更好地为荔浦经济社会发展服务,是当前及今后一个时期必须解决的一个重要课题。  相似文献   
Collective bargaining between police management and unions is an important process that determines many aspects of police work, particularly the monetary benefits for line officers like salary and fringe benefits. Working with limited budgets, police administrators who engage in collective bargaining are obligated to negotiate with union representatives over wage benefits while attempting to maintain adequate financial resources toward other police operations. Though students of policing learn that police unions try very hard to increase economic reward for their members there is limited research on the effectiveness of their efforts. Since economic benefits are the primary focus of police unions, it is important; therefore, to evaluate the impact that collective bargaining has on salaries earned by police personnel. This study examines this issue by combining four waves of the Law Enforcement Management and Administration Statistics for the period 1990–2000. Pooled time series analyses reveal that large organizations that engaged in collective bargaining had higher minimum wages for officers during the period. As predicted, collective bargaining did not affect minimum chief’s salaries.  相似文献   
陈沫 《西亚非洲》2006,(9):47-51
石油价格高涨及国际石油市场形势的动荡,对产油国和石油消费国经济的发展有重要影响,中国随着石油需求的增加,寻求石油来源的稳定和安全日益重要。中东地区局势的不稳定性,油价、美元走势等世界经济运行中的不确定因素直接影响着沙特的石油生产,使其积极地寻求稳定的出口市场。中国与沙特具有以有益的合作方式开发利用这一利于两国经济发展的市场以实现共赢的基础。在了解发达国家在海湾及沙特石油领域的活动和沙特石油产业现状的前提下,中国在与沙特石油合作方面进行了有益的尝试。  相似文献   
从切实保护未成年人成长的立场出发,我国刑法中刑事责任年龄的最低限度,仍然应当维持在14周岁。并且对刑事责任年龄的认定,应当采取以生理年龄为基础,辅以心理年龄的标准。鉴于我国关于未成年人犯罪的刑罚制度以及非刑罚处置措施尚存在诸多不利于未成年人保护和矫正的问题,因此应当努力寻求完善之道。  相似文献   
新制度经济学与马克思主义经济学作为两种不同的经济理论,存在着研究对象、前提假设、逻辑起点、研究方法、制度理论、产权、制度和经济增长、国家理论和意识形态理论九个方面的差异。总体上,马克思主义经济学的制度分析与新制度经济学分析的差异,既表现在理论观点方面,也表现在方法论和分析路径方面。  相似文献   
人民监督员制度是我国检察机关基于<宪法>、<人民检察院组织法>以及我国根本政治制度一人民代表大会制度的相关规定和精神,同时结合我国检察机关在办理职务犯罪"三类案件"、"五种情形"的实际,摸索出来的一套体现"司法民主"精神和"公平正义"原则的成功做法.人民监督员制度在实践中起到的积极作用是主要的,值得肯定的,当然也存在着一些在理论上和实践中都需要进一步加以探讨的问题.从"司法民主"的要求和"正当程序"的法治精神出发来论证,人民监督员制度实际上是基于我国具体国情而产生的能够反映民主和法治价值的"检察制度",既有中国特色,同时也符合宪法学的一般原理,是一个值得在理论上进一步加以完善,在实践中在总结经验基础上进一步加以推广的检察制度.  相似文献   
土地征收、土地征用的概念与一系列相近概念长期处于模糊歧义状态,值得认真辨析;应当重新审视我国土地征收征用制度和农民土地权利保护机制。从财产法治的视角看,中国土地征收征用实践中存在诸多现实问题,突出的是滥用征地权力,征用范围过宽;征地程序不完善,缺乏透明度;征地补偿费不合理、不到位;安置途径简单化,社会保障不力;对违法占地行为处罚过轻、监管不力;等等。鉴于此,应当按照宪法新精神和《物权法》的立法原则以及我国财产法治发展的要求,从深化征地制度改革,规范征地审批权限和程序,改进征地补偿费的确定及分配方法,完善面向失地农民的社会保障制度,加强对征地补偿的监督等方面入手,逐步完善我国的土地征收征用制度。对于当下的农村土地流转制度改革以及不断出现的其他领域行政管理革新举措,应当用发展和法治的眼光来看待、冷静和宽容的态度来对待,同时改革的主事者也应更严谨、更审慎地对待此类重大的改革创新工作。  相似文献   
In research on policing, James Q. Wilson was among the first scholars to suggest that local political culture constitutes a significant factor in explaining variation among law enforcement agency practices. Almost forty years after the publication of Varieties of Police Behavior, a classic study of police organizational behavior, Wilson’s monograph remains the basis of a widely held theory used to explain variation in police agency behaviors. More specifically, Wilson (1968) identified three distinctive styles of policing: the legalistic, the watchman, and the service styles. In his empirical work with these styles of policing, Wilson argued that local political culture was the major determinant of variation in policing styles. The purpose of this study was to retest the validity of Wilson’s argument in today’s policing environment. Using panel data collected among police agencies across the U.S. surveyed in 1993, 1996, and 2000, the authors found that there was little evidence to support the application of Wilson’s theory to the practices of contemporary police organizations.  相似文献   
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