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习近平总书记关于公平正义的重要论述是马克思主义理论在当代中国建设中的最新成果。大学生通过高校思政课全面学习习近平总书记关于公平正义的重要论述,能够提高认识和改造世界的能力,提升理论素养及实践水平。习近平总书记关于公平正义的重要论述融入“马克思主义基本原理课”必须做好学生学情分析、教学内容设计、教学方法探索和实践教学提升几个方面,真正让理论活起来,让课堂活起来,让学生动起来,实现高质量教学。  相似文献   
Preservation variance of soil DNA is neglected in the literature, and exceptional cases exaggerate amplification capabilities. This study sought to amplify a short mitochondrial fragment (212 bp) specific to Sus scrofa domesticus from the soil surrounding decomposing pig remains from an open‐air locale. Samples collected above the body at incremental distances after 145 days of initial placement yielded pig DNA. A secondary sampling was collected in 2017, approximately 768 days after burial. Inhibition tests corroborated that pig DNA was no longer present in the soil resulting in a loss of original DNA between 145 and 768 days. The results provide evidence that genetic material leaches out radially from the source and DNA fragments longer than 200 bp do not persist in soil for a relatively short timeframe in western Montana. The conclusions support the collection of soil in crime scene investigation procedures within the first few months of decomposition.  相似文献   
This study examines neuropsychological impairment in women who have experienced intimate partner violence using DSM 5 criteria for mild and severe cognitive impairment. A total of 108 females in Spain were included in one of three groups: psychological abuse (n = 24), physical and psychological abuse (n = 45), and no-abuse (n = 39). There were differences between the control and IPV groups in attention and executive functioning. Furthermore, approximately 25% of women experiencing IPV suffer mild neuropsychological alterations and 5% severe, mostly in memory and executive function domains. This evidence supports the growth in research that suggests psychological violence on its own to be as strongly related to poor health outcomes as physical violence in intimate partner relationships.  相似文献   
西夏战略文化植根于党项族的社会生活中,受制于其经济结构,沿袭其善战传统,是西夏文化在战略领域的具体体现。西夏战略文化的基本内涵一是桀骜尚武,二是独立自强,其军事战略理性缜密,外交战略务实灵活。西夏战略文化的成熟发达、积淀深厚,是其能长久立国的一个重要因素。  相似文献   
目的考察阿维菌素在急性中毒死家兔体内的再分布。方法按最小致死量一次性灌胃250mg/kg阿维菌素,HPLC法检测家兔死后0h、24h、48h和72h中阿维菌素的含量。结果给家兔一次性灌胃250mg/kg阿维菌素的临床死亡时间为120.6±9.2min(±s,n=10);测定了阿维菌素的致死血浓度和致死组织浓度;家兔死后0h~72h心血和各主要脏器组织中阿维菌素含量存在体内再分布现象;确定肝、肾、肺为最佳组织检材。结论阿维菌素在急性中毒死家兔体内的再分布数据,对法医办理此类案件具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   
发明人在完成一项发明创造之后,为使其发明创造获得专利保护,首先应当提交请求书、说明书及其摘要和权利要求书等文件。在这些文件中,权利要求书和说明书撰写的好坏直接影响到该项发明创造能否获得《专利法》保护,或能否尽快获得《专利法》保护,以及能否获得最佳的保护范围。我国《专利法》第五十六条规定,发明或者实用新型专利权的保护范围以权利要求书的内容为准。可见,权利要求书的撰写方式和撰写  相似文献   
2004年12月大事各方有如下评述:一、印度洋沿岸地区地震海啸造成生灵涂炭。26日,印尼苏门答腊岛西北近海,震中距海岸约30公里处发生8.9级大地震。受强烈地震冲击,印度洋沿岸地区发生40年来最强烈的海啸,导致斯里兰卡、印度、印度尼西亚、泰国和马来西亚数国十几万人丧生,几百万人无家可归。国际媒体大量报道海啸造成的灾情。法国《解放报》28日刊载《海啸之后有可能出现传染病》一文认为,无国界医生组织和其他几十个非政府组织都已行动起来,正在对灾后可能发生的疾病进行评估。一些医疗小组已经奔赴斯里兰卡、印度尼西亚的亚齐岛、泰国南部…  相似文献   
2005年8月大事各方有如下评述:一、中俄首次举行联合军事演习。18日,中俄“和平使命—2005”联合军事演习在俄罗斯符拉迪沃斯托克拉开帷幕,随后移至中国山东半岛和黄海一带。中俄联合军事演习的目的是共同打击国际恐怖主义、极端主义和分裂主义,应对各种危机,主要演练战略磋商与战役筹划、兵力投送、实施交战三大训练课目。演习跨越两国陆、海、空域,参演军兵种齐全,演练课目众多。演习还邀请了上海合作组织成员国和观察员国的代表到现场观摩。世界舆论对中俄首次联合军演极为关注。美国《华盛顿邮报》15日刊登彼得·芬恩题为《中俄将举行首…  相似文献   
Drawing on García Coll et al.’s integrative framework and the risk and resilience model, this study examined the relationships between adolescents’ perceived discrimination and psychosocial adjustment and the moderating roles of adolescents’, mothers’, and fathers’ cultural orientations and values, and adolescent gender in a sample of 246 Mexican-origin families. Using multilevel modeling with data from mothers, fathers, seventh graders (M age = 12.8 years; SD = .57 year) and older siblings (M age = 15.7 years; SD = 1.5 years), findings revealed that perceived discrimination was positively related to depression, risky behaviors, and deviant peer affiliations. In addition, parents’ cultural orientations and values and adolescent gender moderated the relationships between perceived discrimination and some indicators of adjustment. These findings suggest that parents’ cultural orientations and values can serve as protective and vulnerability factors in the associations between Mexican-origin adolescents’ perceived discrimination and their psychosocial adjustment.  相似文献   
Mexican-origin adolescent mothers are at increased risk for poor psychosocial functioning as a result of various stressors with which they must contend; however, existing theory suggests that cultural strengths may help mitigate the negative effects of stress. As such, the current study examined the associations between cultural and economic stressors and Mexican-origin adolescent mothers’ (N = 207; M age = 16.23 years, SD = 1.0) internalizing and externalizing behaviors, as well as the degree to which ethnic identity affirmation and familism values moderated these links. Adolescent mothers who reported higher levels of discrimination, acculturative stress, and economic stress also reported higher depressive symptoms and greater involvement in risky behaviors. Importantly, ethnic identity affirmation minimized the negative associations between cultural stressors and adolescents’ involvement in risky behaviors, with the associations being weakest among adolescents with high levels of ethnic identity. Familism appeared to serve a protective function under conditions of low levels of discrimination, but not under conditions of high levels of discrimination. Findings are discussed with special attention to the developmental and cultural contexts in which these adolescent mothers’ lives are embedded, and implications for future research and practice are presented.  相似文献   
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