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崇祯是明朝的末代皇帝,他以兄终弟及的方式即位于危难之际,在内忧外患中执政17年,最后在风起云涌的农民起义的步步紧逼下,吊死煤山。近20年来,学界对崇祯的研究取得了比较丰富的成果,他的经历留给后人很多的思考。  相似文献   
"China's Model" is the outcome of China's political and economic development since China's reform and opening up and the globalization trend. It can be described as a dynamic framework of "One body with two wings", with Chinese Marxism as its core of guiding principles, and the interrelated spheres of political and economic development the two "wings" which grow from it. China's Model is not static, but the product of a continuous process of development. It represents a unity of opposites, blending national characteristics and international features.  相似文献   
奥巴马获2009年诺贝尔和平奖,令世人惊愕。奥巴马上台后并没有解决一起实实在在的国际冲突,只是提出了一套具有自由主义或理想主义的外交构想即获此殊荣,折射出当今国际政治一些重要领域的理念变化。冷战后欧洲大陆长期的和平环境使欧洲在诸如反恐、核威胁、环境问题等领域里形成自己的认知,奥巴马的外交构想迎合了这种心理期盼。然而奥巴马理想主义构想正面临朝核、伊核以及阿富汗等现实问题的挑战。  相似文献   
近十几年来,随着我国农业和农村经济的发展,特别是农业产业化经营的兴起和农村劳动力转移这一状况演进发展,被誉为"中国第三次土地革命"的土地承包经营权流转速度明显加快,规模不断扩大,形式多种多样,这是对家庭承包责任制的有益补充和完善,也是我国农业迈向现代化的未来之路。引导、规范农村土地承包经营权的合理流转,是当前摆在我们面前的重大课题。  相似文献   
应收账款,是企业因销售产品、材料、提供劳务等业务而应向购货方、接收劳务的单位或个人收取的款项,是企业的主要流动资产之一,其实质是企业向客户提供的融资性服务。形成应收账款的直接原因是赊销,而赊销是一把双刃剑,企业只有正确地运用赊销策略、合理确定信用政策,加强对应收账款的管理,控制应收账款可能产生的风险和损失,才能最大限度的享受应收账款带来的收益。一、我国企业应收账款的现状目前,应收账款在我国许多企业总资产中所占的比重越来越大。有关部门的统计数字显示,在我国上市公司最近两年年报中,超过60%的上市公司应收账款余额…  相似文献   
抗美援朝战争中的停战谈判决策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文重点探讨中国的"战争局部化"战略、志愿军作战目标的制订及其变化等因素--对停战决策的影响。中国军队入朝作战后进行的五次战役都伴随着停战谈判的考虑,有关停战的设想和条件也是不断变化的。有关的各种意见和决策始终联系着对"战争局部化"战略的理解、背离或贯彻。探讨停战谈判决策与探讨军事决策一样,都必须比较准确地理解中国决策层有关"战争局部化"的概念。  相似文献   
The twenty years after the end of the Cold War have witnessed a transformation of the mode of Sino-US relations from Security Issue-dominated to Complex Interdependence. Today, conflicts of interest between China and the US can be classified and resolved through normal channels, which protects the roots of good Sino-US relations instead of constantly placing them under threat. However, shifts in the relative power of the two countries, and shifting preferences in their interests continue to highlight the fragility of Sino-US relations. China needs to manage this fragile relationship carefully if it is to achieve its aim of a peaceful rise.  相似文献   
In 2019 the world economy will see a recovery momentum while the Chinese economy will maintain its long-term development prospects with resilience and great potential.However,there are both external uncertainties and internal downward pressures.  相似文献   
近年来,我国东部沿海企业“民工荒”已影响实体经济的健康运行,这是劳动力市场供求的“刘易斯拐点”,是市场有效供给不足的预警信号.它的成因既有社会管理与劳动就业观念,又有经济社会政策等诸多因素所致.面对新的发展环境和社会民意的变化,各级政府要加快经济增长方式深刻转变,加强产业转型升级和新兴产业的孵化;科学统筹城乡经济协调发...  相似文献   
In recent years,copious amounts have been written on Sino-U.S.relations.However,there has been little in the way of critical examination of the ideas proposed.Commentators are eager to put forward their judgments,but they are lax in testing their veracity and very few people have bothered to critically assess their logic,reasoning processes and the reliability of the facts they put forward.This article attempts to reflect on some of the most popular judgments on Sino-U.S.relations in recent years and to provoke further discussion.  相似文献   
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