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侵权法的基本范畴   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
权利救济和行为自由是侵权法的基本范畴,贯穿在侵权法思考的始终。侵权法中重要问题的讨论,也都围绕这一基本范畴而展开。自由止于权利。权利救济和行为自由之间存在着互相制约、此消彼长的关系,权利救济范围的扩张,意味着行为自由范围的收缩。反之,行为自由的扩张,权利可获得救济的范围也便收缩。在制定侵权法规范时,在进行侵权案件的裁判时,在考虑对受害人救济的同时,需要考虑权利和自由之间此消彼长的关系。并非权利越多越好。对权利的救济,也并非越多越好。  相似文献   
在德国,辩诉交易制度完全是实践中自发的产物。德国辩诉交易实践的形态、产生、争论及相关司法判决和改革草案的分析表明,辩诉交易已经成为德国解决刑事案件的方式之一,这种方式的出现回应了德国刑事诉讼的特点及其面临的困境,同时也缩小了两大诉讼模式的差距,呈现了世界范围内体系差异而解决方式一致的诉讼规律。德国辩诉交易实践表明,在我国建立基于被告人认罪而迅速结案继而获得刑罚减轻的结案方式成为可能。  相似文献   
加强民族地区和谐文化建设,既符合民族地区加快经济社会发展的迫切要求,又有利于民族地区传统文化的继承和发展,对促进民族地区的繁荣振兴具有十分重要的推动作用。  相似文献   
刑事和解制度是我国借鉴西方国家“恢复性司法”的新方案而进行的司法改革措施。刑事和解主要适用于未成年犯、过失犯、初犯、偶犯等轻微刑事案件,其目的是使被害者获得赔偿,侵害者获得宽恕,有利于犯罪人顺利回归社会,对于减少和预防犯罪大有裨益,体现了人类社会治理犯罪的理念的更新与进步。然而在我国刑事和解却缺少配套措施,以致在实施上缺乏可操作性。就刑事和解与社区矫正的关系来看,一方面社区矫正是刑事和解的必要配套机制,另一方面,刑事和解也有利于改善社区矫正的效果。刑事和解与社区矫正可谓互为条件,相互促进,因此在立法设计、实施程序与机构设置等制度构建上也应相互协调,使有限的司法资源得到充分有效的运用。  相似文献   
行政公益诉讼调查权,是检察机关履行公益诉讼职责的重要保障。在行政公益诉讼中,检察机关并不是普通的原告,而是以法律监督机关的身份,与法院共同处理公益被侵害的问题。在此前提下,调查权就是一项基于法律监督而产生的公权力,具有公权力的一般特征。目前,检察公益诉讼调查权制度还存在、缺乏法律授权、刚性不足的问题,加之检察机关自身的问题,使得调查能力未能及时跟上。构建独具一格、符合公益诉讼制度特征的调查权体系,需要强化调查权的刚性、完善保障机制,赋予检察机关相应的调查措施,构建特殊的证据规则和保全规则,完善立法授权,整合内部力量,促进公益诉讼专业化发展。  相似文献   
社区文化是一定区域内的社会共同社所反映出来的有关人的行为方式、社会习俗、价值观念、思维定向、地域心态等文化现象的总和。当前城镇社区文化存在的主要问题是 :宣传工作不够 ,群众认识有待提高 ;主管部门不明确 ,各项关系尚未理顺 ;法律法规有待建立和健全 ;经费开支难以完全保障 ,建设水平参差不齐。针对这种现状 ,应从宏观和微观两方面来加强和改进城镇的社区文化建设。  相似文献   
A group of 256 female and 248 male adolescent students were assessed regarding nutritional practices and psychological attitudes associated with the development of eating disorders. While the majority showed adequate nutritional practices, there was a high prevalence of dieting and the consumption of low-calorie foods among the girls. For boys, there was no relationship between a strong desire for thinness and restriction of foods high in calories; boys tended to report that hunger and positive affective states were related to overeating. A risk factor conception of nutritional and psychological precursors to the later development of an eating disorder was discussed.This research was supported in part by a Biomedical Research Support Grant to Dr. Cheryl Perry.  相似文献   
"两新"组织党组织和党员作用的发挥问题,是新时期非公党建工作中面临的一个重要课题.通过对珠海市部分"两新"组织的党组织和党员的问卷调查和实地访谈所得结果的分析,提出了解放思想,树立"服务、促进、引导"的党建工作理念;把扩大工作覆盖面作为实施固本强基工程的重要举措;多渠道筹措党建工作经费;在维护企业和职工合法权益方面有所作为等四个方面发挥党组织和党员作用的对策.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the experiences and discourses of transnational migrants from the Bamenda Grassfields of Cameroon. It uses Nyongo, a popular form of witchcraft that privileges zombification over instant gratification through instant and total death, to seek to illustrate how the tensions occasioned by everyday witchcraft offer migrants and their communities the opportunity to interrogate, adapt to, reject or appropriate new ideas of being acquired through encounters with difference. The paper thus attempts to capture not only what it means to see oneself as a victim of Nyongo, but to detail the contradictions involved with inhabiting spaces that conjure images of Nyongo. While not primarily about potent witchcraft fears, violence and afflictions, the paper does point to how the metaphorical and sometimes joking self-image of zombiehood by Bamenda Grassfielders in the diaspora offers a discursive resource among others for ongoing negotiations of belonging, personal success and expectations. The paper argues that the collectivist notions of success from which migrants and their home communities draw are such as to warrant accusations, counter-accusations, and images of Nyongo as a way of seeking a healthy balance between marginalization and exploitation, social responsibility and personal success, home of origin and home of refuge. The accusatory language of victimhood employed by migrants to describe their subjection and ultra-exploitation by forces at home and in the host countries is evidence that, to them, home is neither simply to be found “at home” or “away from home”.  相似文献   
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