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Tactical coalition voting (TCV) is a balancing strategy where voters choose to vote for their second preferred party in order to influence the policy direction of the government coalition formed. In this paper, we experimentally evaluate the extent voters in a PR system engage in TCV. We find significant evidence that voters in the laboratory, even those not experienced with PR systems, choose strategically to affect post election coalitions using a balancing strategy, although the percentage of voters who do so is much less than that predicted by the theory. We also find that although voters who are less informed are less likely to use a balancing strategy, strategic motivations are still a factor in their behavior.  相似文献   
This case series documents and examines the association between autoerotic asphyxiation, sadomasochism, and serial sexual murderers. Autoerotic asphyxiation, along with other paraphilias found in this population, is reviewed. Five cases of serial sexual killers who engaged in autoerotic asphyxiation were identified worldwide: four from the United States and one from Russia. Case reports for each are provided. All (100%) were found to have sexual sadism in addition to autoerotic asphyxiation. Furthermore, two (40%) had bondage fetishism, and two (40%) had transvestic fetishism, consistent with these paraphilias co-occurring in those with autoerotic asphyxiation. Overall the group averaged 4.0 lifetime paraphilias. Some possible relationships were observed between the offenders' paraphilic orientation and their modus operandi, e.g., all of these serial killers strangled victims-suggesting an association between their sadistic and asphyxiative paraphilic interests. The overlap of seemingly polar opposite paraphilias in this sample--sexual sadism and autoerotic asphyxiation--is explored from a historical and clinical perspective. Multiple commonalities shared between these five offenders and serial sexual murderers in general are addressed. A primary limitation of this study is its small sample size and empirical basis; the results may not be generalizable beyond the sample. The findings from this study support the supposition that crime scene behaviors often reflect paraphilic disturbances in those who commit serial sexual homicides.  相似文献   
Abstract: It is generally accepted that the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and in particular its section 15 “equality rights,” will significantly affect Canadian public policy and administration. We argue that the principal change wrought by the Charter will be that judges, applying judicial methods of reasoning, will have the final say on many policy problems formerly managed exclusively by administrative institutions, applying administrative methods of reasoning. The article compares these “institutional logics” through close examination of two documents, both addressing the issue of sex discrimination in maternity benefits under the Unemployment Insurance Act (UI). The first document, obtained through the Access to Information Act, is a 1978 briefing memorandum to the Canadian Employment and Immigration Commission advising on the likely outcomes of the impending Supreme Court decision on the Bliss case. The female plaintiff in Bliss alleged that UI maternity benefits violated the Canadian Bill of Rights equality provisions. The second document is an influential law review article on the Bliss case by Professor Marc Gold. Addressing the same policy problem, the documents come to very different conclusions. By using these documents as examples of administrative and judicial reasoning, we demonstrate how different assumptions about the nature of “discrimination,” sources of authority, the weight of financial considerations, the relevant facts and institutional mandates will tend to lead to conflicts between the courts and administrators. Sommaire: Il est un fait généralement reconnu que la Charte des droits et libertés, en particulier I'article 15 intitulé“Droits à I‘égalité”, aura un effet considérable sur la politique et I'administration publique au Canada. Selon les auteurs, le principal changement introduit par la Charte sera que les juges, suivant un rai-sonnement judiciaire, auront le dernier mot sur de nombreuses questions politiques auparavant réglées exclusivement par des institutions administratives, suivant une logique administrative. L'article compare ces “bgiques institutionnelles” en examinant de près deux documents sur la discrimination sexuelle dans les prestations de maternité prévues par la Loi sur I'assurance-chômage. Le premier document, obtenu en vertu de la Loi sur l'accès à I'information, est une note d'information datant de 1978, destinée à la Commission de I'Emploi et de l'Immigration du Canada, et exposant dans quel sens la Cour supréme allait probablement rendre son jugement dans l'affaire Bliss. Dans cette affaire, la plaignante alléguait que les prestations de maternité versées par l'assurance-chômage n‘étaient pas conformes aux dispositions de la Déclaration canadienne des droits concernant l’égalité. Le second document est une importante analyse critique du jugement rendu dans l'affaire Bliiss, faite par le professeur Marc Gold. Les deux documents, qui traitent du même problème de politique, parviennent à des conclusions très différentes. Utilisant ces documents comme exemples de logiques administrative et judiciaire, les auteurs montrent comment des situations conflictuelles entre tribunaux et adrninistrateurs pourraient résulter des diverses hypothèses sur la nature de la “discrimination ”, les sources d'autorité, l'irnportance des considérations d'ordre financier, les faits pertinents et les mandats institutionnels.  相似文献   
He is author most recently of Law in a Democratic Society;and Science, Language, and the Human Condition.  相似文献   
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