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In this paper, we discuss a range of issues concerning developing country participation in current global climate change mitigation negotiations, especially India and China. We argue that the problem of redefining ‘common yet differentiated responsibilities’ in a way which allows developing countries room to pursue their individual development goals while still achieving the necessary level of carbon mitigation is central to the debate. The choice of negotiating instruments, effective technology transfer and financial support, and other related issues have been raised principally by China and India, and may also be raised by several other countries. Kyoto non-compliance by Annex 1 countries will also greatly impact the negotiating power of China and India and other developing countries. We conclude that, once basic principles are clearly defined, the greatest incentive for China and India to participate in climate change negotiations is the prospect of future negotiating rounds that can be linked to a large number of climate change related issues, such as intellectual property, the potential for financial transfers and trade/market access.  相似文献   
国际体育仲裁制度评介   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
<正> 在第26届奥运会期间,笔者以中国首任国际奥委会体育仲裁法院仲裁员的身分赴亚特兰大执行任务,参加了该体育仲裁法院亚特兰大特别仲裁庭的全部相关工作,接触了一些资料和文件,并在昂德拉德诉佛得角国家奥委会(Andrade Vs.Cape Verde Noc)一案中担任仲裁员,从而对国际体育仲裁这一比较新的法律制度有了一个基本的了解。 一、国际体育仲裁的概念 与国际政治仲裁和国际商事仲裁相比,国际体育仲裁具有以下特点:(1)仲裁的主体是自然人(运动员、教练员、体育官员等)、法人(国际奥委会、国家奥委会、体育联合会、体育协会、体育俱乐部、体育新闻机构等)和承办国际体育赛事(如奥运会、亚运会、世界锦标赛等)的城市政府;(2)仲裁的对象是与国际体育活动有关的  相似文献   
面对中国的法学   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
本文通过对 2 0 0 3年所发生的孙志刚事件和刘涌案的反思 ,指出中国的法律人必须重新在中国的环境中理解法律 ,在中国社会变迁的时空中来理解中国的法律问题 ,要更多用中国人自己的眼光和视角 ,审视包括法律人自身的一切。  相似文献   
实质的刑法解释论之确立与展开   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
苏彩霞 《法学研究》2007,29(2):38-52
在刑法的解释与适用上,存在着形式的刑法解释论与实质的刑法解释论之争。形式的刑法解释论主张对刑罚法规进行字面的、形式的、逻辑的解释,实质的刑法解释论主张对刑罚法规进行实质的、价值的、合目的的解释。实质的刑法解释论是对形式的刑法解释论的扬弃,它不仅与刑法规范的特点、结构、内容相一致,具有方法论意义上的合理性,而且满足了我国刑事法治目标与罪刑法定原则兼具形式侧面与实质侧面的要求,适应了我国犯罪概念与犯罪构成体系形式与实质相统一的特点,具有优越的合理性。我国刑法应确立与贯彻实质的刑法解释论立场。  相似文献   
我国上市公司委托书征集立法研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国现行有关委托书征集的立法主要是委托授权的内容 ,对于征集行为还没有明确、详细的规范。随着我国上市公司股权结构的日趋多元化 ,委托书征集(包括委托书争夺 )现象将会不断发生。证券监管部门应在考察我国资本市场现状和今后发展趋势的基础上 ,借鉴其他国家相关立法 ,尽快制定有关委托书征集规则。  相似文献   
增强高校工会思想政治工作实效性的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高校工会思想政治工作是教职工思想政治工作的重要组成部分.高校工会的思想政治工作除了具有思想政治工作的一般特征之外,还具有自己独特的"个性",有其独特的优势,即更能够紧密结合实际,从而更能取得实效.增强工会思想政治工作的实效性,应该做到"五个融入",即在学校改革中融入思想政治工作、在民主管理中融入思想政治工作、在师德师风建设活动中融入思想政治工作、在校园文化活动中融入思想政治工作、在建"家"活动中融入思想政治工作.  相似文献   
Children of immigrants who do translations and who interpret for others using their heritage language and English are known as language brokers. Although prior research suggests that children of immigrants’ perceptions of the language brokering experience vary greatly—from feeling a sense of efficacy to feeling a sense of burden—what remains unanswered in the literature is identification of the antecedents and processes that help to explain the varying psychological experience of language brokers. Using data from a two-wave prospective longitudinal study of 256 Chinese American adolescents, the present study tested potential mechanisms that may be responsible for adolescents’ perceptions of the language brokering experience as a sense or burden or sense of efficacy. The results demonstrate that adolescents’ Chinese orientation sets in motion a family process that is linked to variations in the perceptions of adolescents’ language brokering experience. Adolescents who are more Chinese oriented have a stronger sense of familial obligation, and these adolescents are more likely to perceive that they matter to their parents. Adolescents’ perceived sense of mattering to parents, in turn, is associated positively with a sense efficacy, and negatively with a sense of burden as language brokers. Those adolescents who are less Chinese oriented have a weaker sense of familial obligation, and these adolescents are more likely to feel a sense of alienation from their parents. Adolescents’ sense of perceived alienation from parents, in turn, is associated with a sense of burden as language brokers. Implications for developing interventions for children who act as language brokers for their parents are discussed.
Su Yeong Kim (Corresponding author)Email: Email:
通过对200余种透明胶带紫外导数光谱分析,确定了最佳分析条件,验证了分析方法的重现性和稳定性。分析了不同胶带紫外导数光谱产生变化的原因,证明紫外导数光谱法是一种快速、简单、可靠、实用的鉴别透明胶带来源的方法。  相似文献   
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