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This article explores the different and sometimes conflicting explanations of the success of the collective enterprises (town–village-enterprise) in China during the first phase of transition (1979–1995). It is argued that explanations, relying on cultural variables are not sustainable and this for two reasons. First, the importance of the collective enterprise is shrinking while the private sector is clearly on the rise. Second, other factors, referring to characteristics of the local and central political, administrative and economic environment, in which the Chinese enterprise has to (had to?) operate, provide for a sufficient explanation of the peculiar structure of the Chinese collective enterprises. These enterprises are seen as the result of ?bureau-preneurship’ because local bureaucrats were integrated in their management in order to pre-empt predatory behaviour and to facilitate the relationships with the central institutions. The article contributes to the property rights’ theory of the firm as it analyses an empirically very important case in which firms with unclear property rights and structures, apparently not conducive for incentives, might still be the most efficient option.  相似文献   
The legal file     
In this essay I examine the criminal defense file. I argue that being a largely neglected “object” of the legal field, upon a close examination, the file discloses its intriguing materiality as what is predicated on the structure of the fold that allows for the objective, virtual, and narrative spheres to overlap in a specific act-object, which, with Gilles Deleuze, I call objectile. A subsequent phenomenological analysis of the legal file as objectile shows how its constitutive features help the attorney shape ordinary matters into plentiful matters, turning the file into a locally designed sign system. Once exposed, this system reveals its relations to the legal system at large, with individual activities, institutional practices, and legal procedures all being a part of a complex manifold that is law.  相似文献   
吉尔吉斯斯坦新总理费利克斯·沙尔申巴耶维奇·库洛夫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年9月1日,吉尔吉斯斯坦议会投票以绝对多数批准了巴基耶夫总统对政府总理人选的提名,费利克斯·沙尔申巴耶维奇·库洛夫正式出任政府总理。库洛夫1948年10月29日出生于吉尔吉斯斯坦伏龙芝市(今比什凯克市)。他14岁开始在工厂当车工学徒。1967~1971年,在苏联内务部鄂木斯克高等警察学校学习。1971~1991年,在吉尔吉斯斯坦内务部系统工作。1971~1975年,为吉尔吉斯斯坦内务部监督员;1975~1978年,为苏联内务部学院学员;1978~1980年,任吉尔吉斯斯坦内务部处长;1980年12月~1987年10月,担任吉尔吉斯斯坦塔拉斯州内务局副局长和局长。1987~1991年…  相似文献   
经济发达地区的富村表明,市场经济的不断发展正在推动以文化为基础的传统理性向以利益为基础的现代理性转变,并出现理性与非理性、个人理性和公共理性的二元悖论。个人理性主要表现为“自我”的利益行为选择;公共理性主要表现为“集体”的公共利益行为选择。在这样的选择中村庄人际关系理性化和利益计算构成了农村社会关系的基础,由此使得个人理性不断强化和公共理性不断衰弱的态势日益突出,并伴随着非理性冲动的行为方式,从而影响村庄合作精神的提升和村庄平稳发展。因此,在新农村建设中必需加强制度和道德规范建设,促进公共理性的成长,全面提升村庄的合作能力,以实现农村社会的和谐发展。  相似文献   
This article focuses on media reportage of offensive juveniles, past and present, to elicit lessons that the twenty-first century can learn from the Victorian past in terms of diversionary responses. How to prevent vulnerable juveniles sliding into dangerous criminality is a continuing preoccupation: the issue explored in this article relates to the creation of the identity of the criminal juvenile. In utilising the concept of semi-criminality to label certain types of juvenile anti-social behaviour the Victorians avoided actual criminalisation of socially offensive but, in legal terms, minor behaviours. The reasons for and negative consequences of the abandonment of this concept by the modern age are explored, including the reconceptualisation of where responsibility for juvenile offending lies in the modern era.  相似文献   
This article revisits the Baroda Incident 1875, providing a detailed examination of the Enquiry or ‹trial’ for the first time, and locating that examination in the wider socio-cultural context of the nineteenth century British Empire (especially the Raj) and the exporting of the ‹British’/English legal culture to the Empire. The implications of the establishing of British principles of justice, including the value placed upon Indian-generated evidence and testimony by the courts, are explored, in order to establish the Baroda Incident as a significant miscarriage of justice. Using historical methodologies as well as postcolonial insights, it demonstrates that the concepts of justice on which the British prided themselves were intrinsincally racialised as well as gendered, with profound modern resonances. Dr. Judith Rowbotham is a Reader, School of Arts and Humanities, Nottingham Trent University.  相似文献   
英国记者安东尼·布朗写的《兵不厌诈》一书中,在叙述第二次世界大战英军与德军在北非战场决战时有这样一段话:"阿拉曼战役一开始,隆美尔 军队失败的命运就注定了.……隆美尔所采取的每一个重大军事行动都被'超级机密'暴露.隆美尔成了最没有希望的将军了.他给希特勒的一系列密电,蒙哥马利都通过'超级机密'看到了……而希特勒发给隆美尔的复电,蒙哥马利有时甚至比隆美尔看到得还要早……"  相似文献   
从历史和政策角度看,增加军事透明度不是一项孤立的事务或活动,应将其置于建立信任措施这个大背景和大前提下来讨论,并考虑到其方向性与层次性,兼顾实力透明与意图透明.中美军事相互透明伴随着两国安全互信的起伏而变化.当前中美军事透明度问题的日益升温,反映出在中美战略关系调整的大背景下,美国希望通过促使中国提高对美军事透明度,更准确地判断中国的军事实力和把握中国的战略走向.中美相互军事透明度有待提高,但其程度与双方在安全上相互信任程度是基本吻合的,因此,关键问题在于增加两国政治和战略互信.中国已经并将继续在推进包括中美在内的相互军事透明和促进军事互信方面做出自己的努力.  相似文献   
吴献萍 《行政与法》2007,(12):114-117
随着诉讼制度的发展,刑事被害人的诉讼地位经历了一个由高到低再逐渐提高的过程。我国修改后的刑事诉讼法提升了被害人的法律地位,并一定程度上强化了其诉讼权利,但在保护被害人诉讼权利方面仍存在着一些不足,应当采取相应的措施加以完善。  相似文献   
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