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To our Readers     
Contemporary International Relations, the English journal published by China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, is now 15 years old. Since its conception as the first Chinese journal in English covering the field of international relations, it has presented to our readers numerous articles written by the research fellows of our institutes on the subjects of international affairs, international relations, and international relations theories. We have received numerous letters of encouragement and positive comments. We have also gotten letters in which our readers have given their opinions on what they would like to see in this journal. Some readers pointed out to us the mistakes in the translation. Other readers noted the occasional delay in delivery or even missing issues. We are grateful to those who have always supported us. We also feel the need to improve for those who have not been totally satisfied with our journal.  相似文献   
党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚持以上率下,身体力行,"四风"问题得到了有力整治。乐山市在解决机关"新‘四风’"的过程中,积累了"健全+整治"的经验,即健全常态教育,人人有责整治"四风";健全主业主责,划"责任田"整治"四风";健全专项整治,驰而不息整治"四风";健全监督方式,多方拓展整治"四风";健全执纪问责,关口前移整治"四风";健全激励机制,创新制度整治"四风"。  相似文献   
The paper presents lifetime and six-month prevalence of substance use by 1st, 4th, and 7th graders (N=2573). Smoking and alcohol consumption was surprisingly high even for 1st graders. The use of developmentally more advanced substances, such as marijuana, was associated with the use of substances that typically emerge earlier, such as beer. Significantly more of the multiple substance users in the 1st and 4th grade were already engaged in a variety of conduct problems and delinquent acts than were either single users or nonusers. The findings show that substance use, even at Grades 1 and 4, is an indicator of boys who commit a wide variety of problem behaviors. For the 7th graders, the use of marijuana was especially associated with the commission of more serious delinquent acts. Multiple substance use reported by the 7th graders also signified a higher frequency and volume of use. The results of the study are related to a developmental conceptualization of conduct problems, delinquency and substance use.Research interests: antisocial behavior and substance use.Research interests: the development of antisocial behavior and substance use; familial processes leading to deviant behavior; the prediction of delinquency.Research interests: development of concealing antisocial behaviors and processes that affect such development.  相似文献   
由于特殊的政治、社会与历史传统,第二次世界大战后,法国的社会保障制度形成了混合型特征,这种混合型社会保障制度在满足不同社会群体的社会保障需求的同时,也成为导致法国社会保障支出快速增长的重要制度性因素,并在事实上已成为不同社会群体实现和维护自身利益的经济乃至政治工具,使得法国社会保障制度改革表现出较之其他西方国家更加明显的艰难和缓进,并导致法国社会近年来罢工运动的频频发生。  相似文献   
全球化浪潮下,地区主义伴随区域一体化得到迅速发展。在西欧一体化过程中,西欧国家通过重视合法协定、强调功能整合以及超国家机构的建设形成了结构性地区主义;而在东亚一体化发展中,东亚国家则强调不干涉原则,突出国家主权至上,抵制和质疑超国家机构,从而形成了弱机制化的开放性地区主义。两种性质的地区主义的成因主要在于:西欧和东亚的历史发展体系不同,导致其各自成员国之间的经济政治制度同质性程度不同,成员国之间的集体认同以及对民族国家主权的价值观存在差异。就发展趋向而言,自金融危机后,欧洲债务危机频现,暴露了规范严谨的结构性地区主义的僵化弊病,而东亚一体化过程中,东盟、10+1、10+3、东亚峰会等对话形式层出不穷,则表明了缺乏规范机制下的地区合作效率的不足。  相似文献   
Protection of criminals'human rights is an important issue that has received full attention at home and abroad. The Communist Party of China (CPC) has always attached much importance to the protection of criminals'human rights. Since the founding of new China, the Party and the state have paid full attention to protecting the human rights of criminals.I.The CPC Has Set Great Store by the Protection of Criminals'Human Rights  相似文献   
Joe Kita 《中国减灾》2011,(5X):23-23
<正>戴夫·葛罗斯曼中校曾任美国西点军校心理学教授,他访问过数千名经历生死攸关的幸存者。这些人的共同点是心中早有一套应变计划,面临紧要关头时,不至于手足无措。随身携带准备被抢的钱凯蒂·欧温独自在美国新泽西州泽西市一座公交车站等车,一群青少年抢了她的皮包。她发火紧追,结果对方掏出一捆铜板打伤她的头,还害她撞到一辆车。  相似文献   
<正>伴随着人口的增长、战乱不断,自然灾害频繁、沙漠化严重以及全球粮食价格持续上涨,非洲大陆粮食供应不足。尽管过去几十年来国际社会展开各种形式的援助,从直接运送食物到赠送优质种子,都没有从根本上解决非洲饥荒问题。  相似文献   
信任是影响社会行为体互动的重要变量,但现有国际关系领域的信任研究大多注重经验分析,一般的理论探讨也常常忽视国家间信任的生成问题。本文就现有研究的主要路径进行了梳理和评介,并尝试从社会关系网络的角度建构一个国家间信任生成的研究框架。这一框架沿袭了进程建构主义的基本思路,主要观点为:嵌入在国际社会网络中的信任来源于国家间关系,以关系为本位的网络形塑了信任,信任反过来强化或削弱关系网络;在信任建构的进程中,信任规范得以产生、扩散和内化,进而影响国家的属性和行为;但由于关系网络本身是动态性的,特别是相互关系中存在不对称依赖,这使得信任具有社会资本的分配资源功能。  相似文献   

Joschka Fischer, Der Umbau der Industrie Gesellschaft (Rebuilding Industrial Society) (Frankfurt: Eichbom Verlag, 1989).

German Social Democratic Party, Grtindsatzprogramm der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschlands (Bonn, 1990).

Jurgen Hoffman, et al., Denn scttliesslicli produzieren wir Chemie: Die Externalisierung sozialen Kosten am Beispiel der chiorierten Kohlenwasserstoffe (Ultimately, We're Producing Chemicals: Externalization of Social Costs in the Chlorinated Carbon‐Dioxide Industry) (Hamburg: Hans Boeckler Stiftung, 1990).

Joachim Hirsch, KapitaSismus ohee Alternative? (Capitalism Without An Alternative?) (Hamburg: VSA Verlag, 1990).

Geronimo, Feuer end Flamme: Zur Geschichte und Gegenwart der Autonomen (Fire and Flame: On the History and Presence of the Autonomen) (Berlin: Edition ID‐Archiv, 1990).  相似文献   
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