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Studying dipterans at the scene of a death can provide essential information for interpreting the evidence and help to reconstruct the events happened to a corpse in the past. Molecular tools have been employed for identification at specific levels in the cases of cryptic species or poorly conserved specimens. Identification of specimens is essential in forensic entomology since each species has a specific growth rate, which determines the calculation of the minimum post mortem interval (minPMI). In addition, phylogeographic reconstruction within a species can help to differentiate the haplotypes from a geographic area, thereby helping to clarify the possible relocation of a corpse. The morphological identification of Sarcophagidae species is often difficult, especially for the females. This is an important Diptera family since some of its species are among the first to reach a corpse, especially in warm areas. In this study, we compared the sarcophagids found in human corpses in forensic cases in Alicante (southeast of Spain) with specimens collected from baited traps in the same area and surrounding provinces. In total, 189 specimens were collected, comprising 72 from forensic cases and 117 from baited traps. Molecular identification was conducted by sequencing the cox1 mitochondrial gene and analyzing the sequences using ABGD, GMYC, and BIN species delimitation methods. The median joining algorithm in the PopART program was used to construct phylogeographic networks. Eight species in the family Sarcophagidae were identified. The most widely collected species were Sarcophaga argyrostoma and Sarcophaga tibialis. The haplotype networks obtained for these species did not indicate a clear geographic distribution of haplotypes. The S. argyrostoma samples from Alcoy were clearly isolated. The results demonstrated that this method is useful for identifying Sarcophagidae samples in forensic investigations and it can be employed for minPMI estimation.  相似文献   
与养老保险相关的成本转嫁可以分为三个方面:(1)社会保险领域之外向养老保险领域的成本转嫁;(2)社会保险内部转嫁;(3)养老保险内部成本转嫁。不断指向养老保险的成本转嫁增加了养老保险的支付风险和脆弱性,严重威胁到我国养老保险的可持续性。本文从地方政府、企业和员工等利益主体的理性行为入手,基于养老保险的俱乐部产品性质,分析地区、代际间以及部门间的养老成本转嫁,进而提出恢复养老保险制度的独立性以及建立养老保险基金收支平衡的评估体系等建议。  相似文献   
19世纪中叶以前的朝鲜,从未进入西方世俗世界的视野中。这种状况在19世纪60年代以后逐步改变。实际上,在整个19世纪后半叶,西方列强和崛起的日本都将侵略的矛头对准了朝鲜。伴随着列强侵略的进程,“隐士之国”朝鲜被揭开了神秘面纱。在向世人揭开朝鲜面纱时,西方传教士在中国创办的《教务杂志》(TheChineseRecorder)发挥了重要作用。由于西方传教士长久生活于朝鲜社会中,更少有功利性,因而反映的朝鲜面目更具有真实性和全面性。  相似文献   
省直管县是我国十二五期间地方行政体制改革的重要内容之一,但学术界对改革后地级市的角色定位和职能转变研究较少,这与其重要的现实意义形成了强烈的反差。本文认为,应将省直管县后的地级市定位为城乡分治、市县并置格局下的区域增长极,加快政府职能转变,逐步裁撤涉农职能,强化宏观调控职能,重视文化教育职能,突出公共服务职能,通过行政区划的渐进调整、省级政府的职能转变以及市县关系的重新建构体现其定位与职能的匹配性。  相似文献   
策略人和策略决策模型:草原管理的智能体模拟分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统决策理论忽视了对人的策略性行为和策略决策的考察。本文通过对草原管理的智能体模拟分析,发展了策略人和策略决策新模型,并重点研究了策略人的四种典型策略决策:策略性投票、掩盖性、交易性和学习性策略决策。智能体模拟分析发现,在特定条件下,策略人的策略决策深刻影响个体的具体行动,并进而影响个体的行动结果(例,草原的可持续发展)。进而探讨了通过政策或制度安排来利用策略人的策略决策谋取预期政策或制度收益的可能性和其现实响应,并与策略人的四种典型策略决策相对应,依次讨论了策略约束性、保护性、诱导性以及学习性四种政策或制度安排。  相似文献   
The global economy faces an uncertain future.China also faces challenges to ensure steady economic development. shared his views with Financial News on how China will prevent financial risks and reform its financial system in 2012.Edited excerpts follow:  相似文献   
亚洲经济一体化——基于多国FTA战略角度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
过去十年内,亚洲经济一体化取得了长足的发展,这一地区的主要经济体开始广泛地参与到区域经济一体化进程中。但是,由于历史纠葛、经济规模和发展水平差异,各方的区域经济一体化战略存在很大的差异。区域内外各方力量的博弈,更为亚洲经济一体化的未来发展增加了新的不确定性,也使得亚洲经济一体化开始逐渐偏离亚洲统一市场/大范围的区域FTA目标。唯有未来亚洲经济体经济实力格局发生变化,才可能从内部促成亚洲经济一体化回归其既定目标。  相似文献   
新中国行政法是在党的十一届三中全会以后迅速发展起来的。它前行的每一步都凝结着思想解放的成果,它未来的发展亦有赖于思想进一步解放。行政法观念与制度变迁的基本走向是:从管制行政到控权行政再到服务行政,从依政策行政到有法可依再到实质法治,从全能政府到职能转变再到行政组织法治化,从单方强制到刚柔相济再到合作参与,从轻视程序到程序合法再到程序当正,从公权神圣到接受监督再到完善监督、救济制度和建立责任政府等。  相似文献   
I.A.A. Thompson: Crown and Cortes. Government, Institutions and Representation in Early‐Modern Castile (Variorum, Collected Studies Series CS 427, Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot, 1993, pp. 352; ISBN 0–86078–393–6; £49.50)

Janusz Mallek: Preußen und Polen: Politik, Stände, Kirche und Kultur vom 16. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1992. Schriften der Mainzer Philosophischen Fakultätsgesellschaft Nr. 12, pp. 207; ISBN 3–515–05943–1; DM 58)

Cristiana Senigaglia: Il gioco delle assonanze: a proposito degli influssi hobbesiani sul pensiero filosofico‐politico di Hegel (Florence, La Nuova Italia, 1992, pp. 235)  相似文献   
以公平为导向的职称评审制度构建研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
公平的制度安排是专业技术人员对职称评审制度的理性诉求,但在现实职称评审运作中,存在不少问题,造成了职称评审制度的公平缺失。构建以公平为导向的职称评审制度,应在职称评审的规则与程序、专家库建设、评委会管理、业绩证据认定和评审过程监督等方面作出制度设计。  相似文献   
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