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通过对汶川地震恢复重建规划的分析可以发现,行政规划的确定将对众多社会群体的法律利益和事实利益产生重大影响。为此,有必要构建行政规划中的公众参与程序,作为公有制前提下公共利益与个体利益的平衡器,并以主体性公众参与作为目标模式。在行政规划的公众参与过程中,容易因公众参与的无限扩张导致政府决策效率低下甚至无法决策,或因公众利益的分化和参与不平衡导致社会公正受损,或者发生公众意见对法律和政策目标的偏离,对此均应竭力避免和纠正。  相似文献   
走什么路、举什么旗,这是关系中国发展全局的根本问题。党的十七大向世界人民庄严宣告:高举中国特色社会主义旗帜,坚定不移地走中国特色社会主义道路。十七大这一鲜明的主题蕴涵着深刻的内涵:旗帜就是方向,是中国历史经验的总结;旗帜就是马克思主义中国化的集中体现;旗帜就是形象,引导人们自觉地向美好的未来走去。中国特色社会主义,是当代中国发展进步的旗帜,是全党全国各族人民团结奋斗的旗帜。  相似文献   
This study integrates a brand community theoretical framework and a social networks approach to the study of political marketing on social media. It analyzes Twitter activity by and about all Republican candidates during the month of January 2016 prior to the Iowa primary caucus. Specifically, it identifies key patterns of information flow and political brand community emergence surrounding each candidate as well as brand social mediators who play influential roles in content flow. Findings detect network clusters - subgroups of siloed users - who converse to exchange information with one another rather than with disconnected others in any given political brand community. We classify these clusters in two groups: direct communities that surround a brand – here, a candidate – and indirect communities that consist of users who talk about the political brands but are not directly connected to the brand. Within this fragmented community structure, brand social mediators have the power to bridge direct and indirect brand communities across the network. Among the winning and trailing brand communities, different sets of brand social mediators, patterns of information flow, and network structures emerge. The findings suggest that the more successful a political brand is in voter polls, the weaker the social ties and relationships are within the brand communities. The interactions between political brands and their direct vs. indirect communities also exhibit different patterns of information flow. While direct brand communities demonstrate a higher level of reciprocity, indirect brand communities show a higher level of density. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
近年来,群体性事件日益增多,规模也有扩大趋势,在一定程度上影响了社会稳定。诱发群体性事件的主要因素是,公民认为自己的合法权益受到侵害时缺乏有效的救济渠道。为了维护公民的合法权益,创建一个更加和谐的社会,化解群体性事件应从以下几方面入手:一是扩大公民政治参与,让其充分表达自身的利益诉求;二是政府要依法行政,实现社会公平正义;三是确保司法公正,强化司法权威;四是公民应依法行事,理性对待群体性事件。  相似文献   
Chinese-American architect Maya Lin has become renowned by people in China recently because of her latest work-"What is Missing?" The multi-site project aims to raise public awareness of the current crisis surrounding biodiversity and habitat loss. Lin recently talked about the project’s background and her understanding of the relation between architecture and nature with Beijing Review.  相似文献   
中国共产党作为国际共产主义运动的重要成员,其领导的妇女运动也成为世界妇女运动的重要组成部分。在共产国际的指导下,中共创立之初就广泛地接触马克思主义妇女解放理论,并着手培养妇女干部和创建妇女运动组织。中共六大后,随着中国革命重心开始由城市转向农村,中共在共产国际的帮助下,借鉴苏联经验,在中央苏区艰辛探索一条符合中国实际的妇女解放道路,并取得了一系列的成绩。  相似文献   
四、大佛禅院-培育僧才的中心大佛禅院是峨眉山教育和培养僧才,弘扬佛教文化的中心,代表僧宝。如果说把峨眉山比着普贤菩萨化身的话,金顶是头,大佛禅院便是脚。脚踏实地,从基础开始,正是普贤精神的实质,培养僧才乃弘扬佛法的根本所在。(一)历史上的大佛禅院大佛禅院原名大佛寺,  相似文献   
通过和解解决刑事纠纷在本质上是个人权利(不追究权)对国家权力(刑罚权)的一种协调和平衡,在我国自古有之.它与刑事自诉制度、国家追诉制度、附带民事诉讼制度都有密切的理论联系.对刑事和解的法律规制可以从案件范围和和解方式来考虑.  相似文献   
特定法域的主义之争有其特殊的阶段、问题甚至概念,股东会中心主义的当代意义更是对机关分化不足的确认,经理中心主义则提示了董事会与经理分权的弹性。我国公司业务决策权力在机关之间分割,缺失决策权威与权力中心,造成了公司业务中决策主体的缺位、义务设定的落空和责任识别的困难。司法对公司行为的评价囿于决策问题本身而非机关的决策,从而加重了司法判断的负担,难以实现取向决策程序的方法论变迁,难以通过信义义务实现贴合交易语境的审查。对公司机关决策权属规范的再造,应首先明确董事会作为公司业务权力中心,从而将公司行为的评价难题转化为通过信义义务的决策责任追究问题,同时应在贯通权责逻辑的前提下为封闭公司保留分权的自由度。  相似文献   
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