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Despite its relatively isolated geographical location in East Asia, China came into early contact with western civilizations by way of the Silk Road and in the glory days of the Tang Dynasty (618-907), China's exchanges with the outside world were exceptionally animated and active. While the world gained from China such technologies and products as silk. porcelain, tea, papermaking, printing, gunpowder and the compass, China benefited from other civilizations in both material and spiritual terms. Buddhism, a religion with a non-material speculative philosophy and ultimate concern for life, was introduced to China and became inextricably merged into Chinese culture in the process.  相似文献   
试论第三方警务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第三方警务作为当代社会总体的一部分,它不但随社会的发展而变化,而且将在未来得到进一步巩固和发展。对第三方警务,应当从第三方警务的管辖和规制、第三方警务的要素、证据评价等方面去理解和把握。  相似文献   
Although the severe snowstorms that hit Southern China in January and big earthquake in Sichuan in May uncovered a number of weaknesses, they could not conceal the rising power's historical achievements over the past three decades. The reform and opening-up policies have benefited China considerably. The international media, attracted by the Beijing Olympics, will focus on these miraculous changes and the outside world will gain a deeper understanding of China. No matter what anyone says, there will be a new and general recognition of China's rise and the increasing interdependence between China and the world outside.  相似文献   
Taijiquan is a type of Chinese boxing that originated fromtaiji, a theory which studies-'the laws governing the changes of Yin and Yang. Quan means boxing. Thus, taijiquan is essentially an art of attack and defense based on the taiji theory.  相似文献   
世界许多国家对外空研究和在外空对地球的研究都给予优先发展的权利。这一发展趋势连同新近不断增强的外空活动商业化趋势,私人公司积极参与各种不同研究开发项目的必要性以及已经公布的创立一个或者多个永久性月球空间站的计划,都将使得外空活动中的专利保护越来越受到世界各国的重视。根据这种理念,如果一项受专利保护的发明在没有取得专利所有者同意的情况下在外空活动中被使用,那么当前对此最首要的任务就是建立一个明确的法律框架以确保其必要的法律确定性。  相似文献   
The Daur ethnic group were early settlers in the Daxing'anling area, and developed their own style of domestic architecture based on the natural environment and their life experience. Daur villages are quite spread out, with as few as a dozen and as many as a hundred households in each. In a typical Daur village, the houses stand in lines, kitchen gardens lie next to crop fields, and its streets are well ordered.  相似文献   
Three major events are responsible for the rampancy today of Al Qaedaism, the doctrine of Al Qaeda, an Islam extremist organization. They are: the Anti-Soviet Afghanistan War for the birth of the group; the September 11 terrorist attacks for the spread of its extremist demagogy and the war on terror for its branches networking into alliances worldwide. AI Qaedaism aims at driving away Western forces on the Moslem lands, overthrowing local Pro-West regimes, destroying Israel and setting up a Caliphate empire. Its rampancy has resulted from a combination of diverse factors at work under specific historical conditions rather an inevitable outcome of the growth of the Islam religion. As an ideological weapon for launching Jihad to oust Western influence and topple local regimes, Al Qaedaism reflects an extremist portrayal of modern Islam society, politics, economy and culture.  相似文献   
Ispent moree than two weeks of the spring fishing season with some Hezhe people at the Two-river Shore of Bacha Township by the Heilongjiang River in northeastern China. There I experienced their everyday life and their traditions of river-clearing and fishing.  相似文献   
In January 1896, the Swedish explorer and adventurer Sven Hedin (1865-1952) followed the Keliya River in the Tarim Basin in Xinjiang to trace its end in the desert. He wanted to find out where exactly it ran out...  相似文献   
本文从一个批判性的视角,探讨了20世纪六七十年代美国对拉丁美洲的政策。美国对拉丁美洲政策的转变是从林登.约翰逊时期开始的,而决定性的转变发生在20世纪60年代中期。面对该地区不稳定性的增长和美国控制能力的下降,尼克松政府认为,遏制西半球激进主义的最好办法就是培植当地的右翼势力,包括军人政权。这一政策取向既根源于尼克松个人对第三世界能否实行民主的怀疑,也在于他热切希望减轻美国在世界上的军事负担,维持这一地区的基本稳定,不给美国的大战略造成干扰。但这种做法忽视了人权,必然遭到拉丁美洲人民和美国民众的反对而无法继续下去。  相似文献   
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