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对于云服务器租赁等新型网络服务提供者而言,应当灵活地理解《侵权责任法》第36条中所述的"通知删除"规则。因为该类网络服务提供者对于他人通过其提供服务所传递的信息及内容,并无实际控制或影响的能力,一概地要求其断开所提供服务,可能有违"手段-目的"应合比例性的要求。当然,权利人发出的通知应当满足必要的构成要件。若因其不当行使通知权利,也应受到必要的惩罚。根据阶段不同,对新型网络服务提供者也有不同的责任要求,具体而言:其在事前应履行必要审查义务,在事中应主动判断通知内容并确定可以采取的适当必要措施,而在事后视其过错程度承担相应的责任。  相似文献   
1941年日本在发动太平洋战争的同时,开始对东南亚地区实行财政金融统制,采取政府出台相关政策、军队和金融机构具体实施的方针,滥发军票和南方开发金库券,对占领区征收苛捐杂税,排挤当地商业银行,严重破坏了当地原有的财政金融秩序,给东南亚各国人民造成巨大损失。  相似文献   
目的通过比较吸烟与不吸烟个体外周血DNA甲基化谱的差异,评估DNA甲基化在区分吸烟与不吸烟人群中的应用价值。方法根据下载于NIH的GEO公共数据库的人类全基因组DNA甲基化数据,运用Student’s T检验和聚类分析的方法评估外周血特定CpG位点DNA甲基化程度在吸烟与不吸烟人群中的差异。结果特定Cp G位点上,非吸烟人群与吸烟人群的DNA甲基化有显著区别。结论检测人外周血的甲基化情况可以区分吸烟和非吸烟人群。  相似文献   
沉默权问题与侦查讯问是紧密相关的,沉默权制度的实施将直接影响到侦查人员和犯罪嫌疑人在侦查讯问中行为策略的实施和利益的分配。传统上关于沉默权问题的探讨过于抽象和意识形态化,无法使人得出对沉默权的理性认识。以经济学的市场商品理论来理解沉默权,从该视角审视这一制度,帮助研究者们全面、理性地认识沉默权,并借此分析侦查讯问的互动状态,得出沉默权制度有利于保护无辜者的结论。  相似文献   
政治文明建设的关键是对权力的制约和监督。十六大报告和《“三个代表”重要思想学习纲要》 都把政治文明建设与对权力的制约和监督联系起来,是中国特色社会主义政治建设的创新和进步。  相似文献   
Determination of mechanical asphyxia as the cause of death has always been difficult for forensic pathologists, particularly when signs of asphyxia are not obvious on the body. Currently, depending on only physical examination of corpses, pathologists must be cautious when making cause-of-death appraisals. In a previous study, four biomarkers—dual-specificity phosphatase 1 (DUSP1), potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily J member 2 (KCNJ2), miR-122, and miR-3185—were screened in human cardiac tissue from cadavers that died from mechanical asphyxia compared with those that died from craniocerebral injury, hemorrhagic shock, or other causes. Expression of the markers correlated with death from mechanical asphyxia regardless of age, environmental temperature, and postmortem interval. However, a single biological index is not an accurate basis for the identification of the cause of death. In this study, receiver operating characteristic curves of the ΔCq values of the four indexes were generated. The diagnostic accuracy of the indexes was judged according to their area under the curve (DUSP1: 0.773, KCNJ2: 0.775, miR-122: 0.667, and miR-3185: 0.801). Finally, a nomogram was generated, and single blind experiment was conducted to verify the cause of death of mechanical asphyxia.  相似文献   
<正> 一、交通事故的基本情况我国因交通事故死伤者的人数,自最高峰的1970年以来呈现出一种持续减少的趋势,尤其是1979年因交通事故而造成死亡和伤害的人数与1970年相比已分别减少了50%和40%。但是自1979年后,交通事故却呈现出一种急剧上升的趋势(附表一略)。特别是1985年截至11月底全国所发生的交通事故已达五十万零二百七十起,与1984年同时期相比增加了二万六千九百三十四起。其中造成死亡的为八千四百零三人,比1984年同时期增加了三十四  相似文献   
20世纪90年代中期以后,中国开始积极利用多边安全合作维护自身的利益。为了解决朝核危机,中国促成了六方会谈,并在会谈中发挥了建设性作用。和平解决朝核问题、维护国家安全以及通过会谈改善中美关系是中国的重要战略思考。提高国际形象以及推动朝核六方会谈向机制化方向发展也是中国的长远考虑。因六方会谈的长期中断和国际形势的变化,中国的基本战略思考也发生了微妙的演变,即中国希望朝核六方会谈的机能向一般意义上的安全对话平台方向扩展。另外,通过推动重启六方会谈的实际行动,表露了半岛危机必须和平解决的立场,借以维护朝鲜体制安定,同时也表现了愿与美国协作、和平解决地区安全问题的态度,以避免新的冷战出现。  相似文献   
The empirical record of dispute settlement cases under World Trade Organization (WTO) rules on energy subsidies consists only of cases against renewable energy (RE) subsidies, whereas WTO members have not challenged others’ much larger and environmentally harmful fossil fuel subsidies. Yet, the WTO agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures would at first sight seem to create possibilities to forestall environmentally harmful subsidization. In this article, we assess possible explanations for the skewed distribution of energy subsidies dispute settlement complaints at the WTO. We argue that differences in legally relevant characteristics of fossil fuel subsidies, on the one hand, and RE subsidies, on the other hand, largely explain this observation. In the case of RE subsidies, in particular, the disputes filed to date have targeted a much narrower set of measures than the whole range of RE subsidies currently in place, namely those incorporating a local content requirement component. Although this finding is not new, we have probed into this question more systematically, both by widening the scope of the empirical analysis from actual to potential WTO disputes on energy-related policies the European Union and the USA might have initiated, and by systematically assessing the plausibility of alternative explanations.  相似文献   
在市场力量的作用下,随着经济全球化与区域经济一体化的发展,粤港澳合作也将迎来新的发展机遇.面对合作治理时代的到来,如何通过合作关系的构建,拓展粤港澳现有的合作模式将具有重要意义.  相似文献   
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