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China Colors     
THE color red was that mostbeloved in the CelestialKingdom long before itsassociations with the Com-munist Party and the na-tional flag.Over the course of centuries,Chinese people have linked red with joy,happiness and auspiciousness.Bridesdressed in red.chunlian(Spring Cou-plets,a traditional facet of Spring Fes-tival,or Lunar New Year)decorations,are written on red paper bands,and redis the color of envelopes containing giftsof money at weddings and New Year.As regards the current econ…  相似文献   
SITTING in a Chinese parkor garden is the opportu-nity to indulge one's sensesin the sight and fragranceof peach, plum and cherryblossom, the sound of softly sinuouserhu music and the delicate flavor ofgreen tea sipped from a delicate por-celain cup. Gardens in the Kingdom ofHeaven are exquisitely miniature with-out being fussy. It is hard to believe thatChinese garden landscapes are man-made, created by specialists inspired bytheir eternal quest to mirror human na-ture by such means as th…  相似文献   
M ILLIONS of Chinese people start their sum- mer’s day with a fi ght – a battle, that is, for a place in the shade in the local park. The 72-year-old Bai Yixu is one of them. Every morning, she rises at 6am, drinks down a yo- gurt with a small cake, and rushes to her local common to per- form her daily exercises. There she meets dozens of her peers, all competing for that spot in the shade that will protect these health enthusiasts from the blazing sun. Summertime tempera- tures in Beij…  相似文献   
AFTER a trip to Huang- shan, China's five sa- cred mountains pale in comparison ..." goes the Chinese sayingHundreds, thousands and hundreds of thousands of people have journeyed to Huangshan every year for centuries tosee for themselves if the Yellow Mountain is, as rhapsodized by ancient poets, indeed the most beautiful in China. I had always thought of traditional Chinese paintings of Huangshan as phan- tasmagoric images created by artists en-chanted with its beauty whose mysti- cal de…  相似文献   
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