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我国将饮酒后驾车区分为饮酒后驾车和醉酒后驾车,但酒后驾车、醉酒后驾车酒精检测值标准及如何实施酒精检测并无相关规定。由于这些规定是原则性的.缺乏可操作性.导致警察在行使呼气酒精测试权的过程中的随意性和不确定性?应借鉴美国、日本和我国台湾地区在警察呼气酒精测试权的经验,贯彻“尊重和保障人权”的时代精神,合理构建我国警察的酒精检测权制度。警察在行使酒精测试权时。拦阻地点的选择,应限于已发生危害或依客观、合理判断易发生危害之场所;选择拦阻的对象应借鉴域外的“合理怀疑”理论。不能对涉嫌酒后驾驶的当事人强制进行呼气酒精测试.  相似文献   
"大桂林旅游圈"已经初具雏形,其总体运行态势良好,县域旅游与市区旅游原有格局被打破,县域旅游之间整合程度提升.桂林作为旅游中心城市对周边县域的辐射、带动作用表现在道路交通建设、旅游线路搭配、旅游信息提供上.  相似文献   
何国强  唐凯勋 《思想战线》2005,31(5):132-140
中国民族学界在20世纪三四十年代就有了"北吴南杨"之说.北学派的代表人物吴文藻和南学派的代表人物杨成志虽求学、治学和教学经历不同,学术倾向各异,但他们对中国民族学的贡献都非常突出.比较和分析南北两派,凸显其与学派的关系,客观地看待两个学派的学术传统,师其所长,大有裨益,同时,有助于中国民族学研究的发展定向.  相似文献   
新中国成立以来,贵州少数民族地区农村土地制度经历了农有农用、农有公用、公有公用、公有农用的变革历程。本文从历史的角度,旨在分析贵州少数民族地区农地制度的历次变革及意义,指出土地制度建设中存在的主要问题,以期为完善贵州农地制度提供必要的参考。  相似文献   
维护自由公平的竞争秩序与保护消费者权益实质是一个问题的两个方面。我国《反不正当竞争法》将消费者权益保护作为立法目标之一,并将消费者合法权益是否受损作为不正当竞争行为的认定标准之一,但由于消费者概念不明确,又缺乏直接的救济手段,该法的立法与实践出现了落差。不正当竞争行为认定中的消费者标准不宜套用《消费者权益保护法》中的消费者概念,同时在司法救济上,应赋予消费者以消费者组织的名义进行团体诉讼的有限诉权。只有这样才更能体现反不正当竞争法的立法宗旨。  相似文献   
马克思在1844年厘清了"意识""观念"与"现实生活"的差异,并将前者作为概念的本身来阐述。在此基础上,他说明了意识形态形成的"实践"环节,并透过对"意识"与"观念"的表述,首次在意识形态视阈下阐释了"生活决定意识"的原理。马克思对"观念"的使用包含两种语境:"一般"观念及"具体"观念。在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中,他指出在资本主义生产条件下人的(一般)"观念"如何因"异化劳动"而产生了虚假性质。在《神圣家族》中,马克思分析青年黑格尔派的哲学观如何成为(具体)"固执观念",因其颠倒逻辑、误解实践意涵之故,从而导致观念的虚假性。通过对异化观念与固执观念的分析,马克思开启了对意识形态的初步认识。  相似文献   
无论是犯罪人还是被害人都不是一个绝对静止的概念,它们是犯罪行为过程中的一对矛盾体。犯罪被害人存在被害性,有其被害性的心理表现。因此,重视对犯罪主体的心理研究,加强对犯罪被害人心理的探讨并提出有效对策,是预防或减少犯罪发生的有效途径。  相似文献   
Compared with conventional investigation methods, special investigative techniques are specific investigation measures that are conducted without informing the parties being investigated. Although these measures are effective means for fighting crimes, they can also easily violate human rights. Before the modification of the Criminal Procedure Law of China in 2012, only the State Security Law of the People’s Republic of China, the People’s Police Law of the People’s Republic of China, and the departmental rules enacted by the Ministry of Public Security contained provisions on special investigative techniques. However, in practice, special investigative techniques have been widely employed to investigate hidden crimes or major complex crimes, such as crimes endangering state security, organized crimes, and drug-related crimes. To standardize the use of special investigative techniques, the Criminal Procedure Law of China has included a new paragraph about special investigative techniques, including technical investigation measures, hidden identity investigation, and controlled delivery. And the Procedure Rules for Public Security Organs Handling Criminal Cases (2012) and the Tentative Rules for Criminal Procedure of People’s Procuratorate (2012) provide some supplemental provisions. Although the importance of special investigative techniques stipulated in the Criminal Procedure Law should be affirmed and approved, the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law and the relevant interpretations are too simple and too principled, which will likely lead to the improper application or abuse of special investigative techniques. Rules regarding which types of cases and under which conditions special investigative techniques are appropriate, the necessary approval procedures, and the legal consequences and relief mechanisms for illegal special investigative techniques should be clarified or added to promote the legalization of special investigative techniques — by striking a balance between power authorization and power control as well as between the values of crime control and human rights protection.  相似文献   
大多数民族社会都会注重在成员个体因素之外寻求外在力量来控制个体的社会行为。通过设立某些组织、机构,制定规则、法律,充分利用社会舆论、民俗和习惯法的力量,引导或强迫社会个体遵守社会规范。借助这些外在力量控制社会成员的行为即为社会的外部控制。侗族传统社会外在控制诸方式主要有社会组织控制、社会舆论控制、风俗习惯控制和习惯法控制。  相似文献   
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