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云南就业问题探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张亚梅 《思想战线》2002,28(3):25-29
随着我国经济体制改革力度的加强 ,分流下岗的人数将会扩大 ,就业形势日趋严峻。云南与全国一样 ,面临着人口与资源、人口与发展的矛盾与挑战 ,不仅要对城镇劳动适龄人口的逐步增加及早作出安排 ,对失业下岗人员的就业和再就业妥善安置 ,还要创造广阔的空间 ,容纳农业劳动力向非农产业转移、农村人口向城镇的迁移。因此 ,我们应寻求以降低高失业率为特征的第二次“软着陆” ,尽快实现产业结构调整 ,发展中小城镇 ,实行有控制的劳动用工管理 ,建立和完善社会保障体系  相似文献   
《伊凡·伊里奇之死》通过追踪一个濒死之人的心理历程来追问“生”,具有深刻的存在论意义。在托尔斯泰笔下 ,伊凡的“死”被展现为颇有现代感的“个人之死”。上帝远去了 ,他人远去了 ,除了赤裸裸的孤独 ,一切皆无。而另一方面 ,在死亡的威逼下 ,伊凡对生命意义的领悟却又呈现为传统文化语境下的“他人之爱”。现代文化与传统文化的矛盾与纠结构成了这部小说的深层文化结构 ,而作品对“死亡主题”的独特处理实际上也反映了处于世纪之交的托尔斯泰所面临的文化选择困境。  相似文献   
老龄化程度的不断加深,为我国养老服务业的发展提供了客观需要和外在的基础条件。本文首先阐述了养老服务业的市场构成和影响养老服务业市场需求的诸多因素,然后在消费者调查的基础上,着重分析了我国养老服务业的市场需求潜力。  相似文献   
Sexual differences in the human skeleton have been well studied in many populations. Odontometric analysis of the human sexual variation has been less investigated and mostly derived from the dentition of extinct populations. Turkey is situated in a unique location where populations from different regions mixed with each other and created a rich gene pool. One might anticipate that modern Turkish population is composed of genes from the Balkans, Caucasus, Middle East, Iran and further as well as from ancient Romans, Byzantines, Arabs and Asiatic Turks. It is clear that contemporary Turks are a mixture of these extant and extinct people and ideal to consider it a representative study population. The purpose of this study is to analyze dental dimensions and sexual variation in living Turks and develop forensic techniques to identify human remains from the teeth when any other technique is not available or not reliable. The study is composed of Ankara University dental students (50 male and 50 female casts, average age of 21 years). Bucco-lingual breadths from 14 teeth (I1 through M2 of the maxilla and mandible) are taken from the left side and analyzed using the discriminant function statistics. An intraobserver error test did not indicate any statistically significant difference between any two measurements. Results of the study revealed that males exceeded females significantly (P<0.001) in dimensions. Coefficient of variation was most obvious in I1s and I2s of both jaws in both sexes. Stepwise discriminant function statistics suggested that upper C, and lower C and M2 are the most contributory teeth to the function. Additional formulae were calculated for situation in which only one or a fragmented jaw is available for identification. Overall accuracy of sex diagnosis ranged from 73 to 77%. In conclusion this research supports earlier studies that sexual dimorphism is population specific. While dental difference between the sexes in several human populations has been found highly dimorphic, it was not found so in Turks and accuracy of classification remained low at about 77%. The difficulty or the lack of dimorphism comes from male subjects.  相似文献   
A criminal case was directed to a multidisciplinary forensic team for identification, concerning a victim whose head, having two gunshot wounds, had been separated by a sharp instrument and was recovered 6 months later. The purpose of this research was to determine the sex and age of the victim for human identification. Primarily, macroscopic examination of the skull, tooth, and DNA analysis was conducted for sex determination. A rough assessment of age was made from the skull based on anthropological findings, however a more definitive result of age estimation was determined utilizing dental morphology. The dental data showed an age range of 32-37 from the mineral examination and the formulation of microscopic measurements. The results obtained from the skull and dental analysis matched with the physical characteristics of the victim's body, the known personal data of this person, and with the superposition of the photos gathered by a formal request. Besides, the result of DNA profiling of the victim showed male gender and direct relationship with the victim's presumed wife and daughter. Generally, research on human identification consists of sex and age determination. The sex characteristics can be precisely proved from DNA tests. However, age can be estimated by skeletal, and dental analysis. In this case the performed sex and age analysis lead the research to the selective matching of the missing person's identity.  相似文献   
周娅 《思想战线》2001,27(3):39-41
2000年,中国成为全球第五大国际旅游接待国,并形成了全球最大的国内旅游市场,正在由旅游大国向旅游强国迈进.其中,为繁荣国内旅游市场立下汗马功劳的"假日旅游",已经发展成为我国"假日经济"的重要表现形式,它的形成和发展,为我国逐步实行"旅游福利计划"创造了市场机遇,开拓了发展空间.  相似文献   
邓永进  郭山 《思想战线》2001,27(2):69-71
生态旅游是未来旅游业发展的方向,民族生态旅游接待示范村是生态旅游开发的一种有效途径.中甸霞给村的开发模式,既能让旅游者饱览丰富的自然生态景观,又能欣赏到浓郁的民族风情,领略悠久的历史文化,同时还能有效地保护生态环境,使当地的居民在经济上得到收益.  相似文献   
全球化背景下我国高等教育课程改革刍议   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙亚玲 《思想战线》2002,28(3):130-132
全球化正在渗透于我们的生活之中 ,不仅影响了经济领域 ,也影响到教育领域。全球化代表着一种经济主义的倾向 ,这种经济主义的价值观及其新自由主义的哲学基础对学校课程的影响是深远的 ,它要求学校课程与教学有根本性的改变。其一 ,课程目标要体现全球精神 ;其二 ,课程结构要保证灵活性和弹性 ;最后 ,课程决策要张扬权力分离。  相似文献   
目的:观察中西医结合疗法治疗葡萄膜炎的临床效果。方法:治疗组32例(38眼)分为肝经风热型、肝胆火炽型、风湿夹热型、阴虚火旺型[1],分别用新制柴连汤、龙胆泻肝汤、抑阳酒连散、知柏地黄汤加减同时配合西药治疗;对照组26例(34眼)单用西药治疗。结果:治疗组总有效率为92.1%,对照组为58.8%,两组的总有效率比较,差异有显著性(P<0.01)。结论:中西医结合疗法治疗葡萄膜炎效果优于常规西药。  相似文献   
应当看到,在民法体系中,侵权责任法几乎涵盖了财产与人身损害的所有情形,并成为债法的重要组成部分,无疑,权利保护与义务负担是其厘清责任所必需的核心价值要素,然而,这一切又是通过诉讼权利予之实现的,由此可见,一部法律的致臻完善不仅要赋予当事人应有的实体权利,同时亦应设定必要的诉讼管道,即无救济则无权利。显然,我国侵权责任法较之发达国家立法例而言在对权利保护和责任负担以及救济方式上显有欠缺。故此,导致在规范的科学性、权利的充分性与责任的完整性等方面的争议不断。  相似文献   
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