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Cultural responsiveness is a key aspect of the quality of organized activities, yet has rarely been examined. Based on developmental theories and a theoretical framework for culturally responsive activities, the current study investigated the prevalence and correlates of two ethnic cultural features (i.e., ethnic cultural content & ethnic cultural respect) in organized activities. Using data from 154 Latino adolescents (Mage?=?12.36, SD?=?.53; 59% Female) and parents, we examined associations between adolescent perceptions of both ethnic cultural features and their activity experiences; and associations between parent perceptions of both ethnic cultural features and parental involvement in the activity. Latino adolescents and parents in general perceived lower than average ethnic cultural content and moderate to high ethnic cultural respect in the reported activity. Both adolescents and parents were more likely to perceive ethnic cultural content and respect in activities where Latino youth were the numerical ethnic majority than in activities where Latino youth were the numerical ethnic minority. Latino adolescents’ perceptions of ethnic cultural respect were associated with more positive activity experiences, whereas their perceptions of ethnic cultural content were associated with more negative feelings. Latino parents’ perceptions of ethnic cultural content predicted higher involvement. To design culturally responsive activities, ethnic cultural features should be incorporated in a thoughtful, meaningful way that reflects both adolescents’ and parents’ perspectives.  相似文献   
从未成年人法律体系看日本的儿童权利保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
考察一个国家的未成年人法律体系可以推定这个国家保护儿童的力度。本文从涵盖了未成年人自出生到成年相关的各个领域与阶段的日本法律出发,探讨了日本的少年犯罪(非行)率低下的原因。在我国构建未成年人法律体系时,日本的这种基于儿童的权利保护理念形成的一整套系统的未成年人法律体系,应该可以给予我们一些启示。  相似文献   
西风东渐与民初福州城市的近代化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
福州地处闽江下游 ,扼闽江入海口。鸦片战争后 ,被辟为“五口通商”口岸之一。清末 ,随着以茶叶为主的对外贸易兴盛 ,福州成为东南商贾云集的重要商埠。福州及其附近地区出现了以马尾福建船政局为代表的近代工业 ,以对外茶叶贸易为主的新型公司 ,以培养西学人才为目标的新式学校。另一方面 ,西方思想文化、风俗观念也通过各种渠道渗入福州传统社会。作为中外文化的交汇点和中国对外交流的窗口之一 ,福州在与西方文化发生激烈碰撞和冲突的同时 ,自身也发生了深刻的变革。福州的建筑风格、公用事业 ,乃至市民大众生活方式、价值观念和风俗习性…  相似文献   
独立自主与实事求是、群众路线一起被称为毛泽东思想活的灵魂的组成部分之一。对独立自主、自立更生的原则进行深入研究 ,了解其由来与发展 ,揭示其蕴含的中华民族自强不息的精神生命、中国共产党人历尽艰辛、百折不挠的革命斗争历程、深刻的经验教训以及改革开放以来中国共产党人对这一原则的新的运用与发展 ,是很有意义的。本文的目的即在于勾画这一理论原则发展的历史脉络 ,以期更好地把握这一原则 ,并运用于实践。一、中国传统文化强调主观能动性给予毛泽东以深刻的影响毛泽东是在“五四”运动的教育和影响下成长起来的。在“打倒孔家店…  相似文献   
针对善意第三人的行为认定及责任承担由于没有明确的法律规定,在理论与实践中存在很多问题的情况,对善意第三者的行为认定、善意第三者责任的承担、侵权认定后商业秘密的使用等问题进行探讨,认为法律工作者应该本着公平诚信的原则,从国情与现状出发.在保护商业秘密的同时,平衡善意第三人与商业秘密权利人之间的关系.  相似文献   
林嘉 《法学家》2007,(1):73-76
一、研究概况 在构建社会主义和谐社会的目标下,我国社会法的理论研究和相关立法得以快速发展.2006年9月,中国法学会社会法学研究会在京成立,这将进一步推动我国社会法学的发展.年初,<劳动合同法(草案)>的公布引起了社会广泛关注,使得劳动合同法成为年度的热点问题;同时,由全国人大法工委牵头的<劳动争议调解仲裁法>也进入了实质阶段.此外,政府提出的社会主义新农村建设使得农村及农民工的社会保障问题成为了社会保障法学界的热点问题.  相似文献   
和谐社会视域中的雷锋精神   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雷锋精神曾经唱响了时代最强音,培育了文明道德风尚,对于当今和谐社会的构建依然具有必要性与可能性.雷锋精神既是经济、政治、文化与社会建设的道德需要,又是人们精神追求、人格提升的价值需要,同时也是社会和谐的重要精神纽带.弘扬雷锋精神,要坚持把握雷锋精神实质与拓宽实践内容的统一、坚持立足本职工作与勇担社会责任的统一,以及坚持学习活动组织化与实际践行日常生活化的统一.  相似文献   
我国新型农村金融组织市场退出监管的制度建设尚处于探索初期,在实践运行中也暴露出诸多弊端。因此,在建设现代农村金融制度的背景下,对比总结村镇银行、小额贷款公司与资金互助社在经营管理和支农方式上的异同,并在此基础上进行差别化的市场退出监管制度设计,无疑对回应新世纪我国农村金融监管实践、完善新型农村金融组织法律制度具有重要的理论价值与现实意义。  相似文献   
从评估国际战略形势的视角看,2008年堪称是"9·11"以来最有特点的一年,其在国际关系史上的里程碑意义,可能要超过因"9·11事件"而著称的2001年,堪与冷战结束、苏联解体的1991年相提并论.对这一点,可能还需要经过一代人左右,才能看得更清楚.  相似文献   
Despite ample evidence for the benefits of parental autonomy support and the harms of parental psychological control to Chinese adolescents’ well-being, little is known about what foreshadows these parenting behaviors among Chinese parents. The current research addressed this gap in the literature. It tested the hypothesis that parents’ endorsement of self-development socialization goals (i.e., regarding a positive sense of self in terms of holding optimistic attitudes toward oneself, feeling autonomous in one’s actions, and establishing one’s independence from others, as important for adolescents to develop) and adolescents’ school performance may interact to predict parental autonomy support and psychological control in urban China. Three hundred and forty-one Chinese seventh graders (mean age?=?13.30?years, 58?% female) and their parents (186 mothers and 155 fathers) participated. Parents reported on their own and their spouses’ endorsement of self-development socialization goals; adolescents reported on parental autonomy support and psychological control; and adolescents’ grades were obtained from school records. Significant interactions were found between parents’ socialization goals and adolescents’ grades in predicting parenting behaviors. When adolescents were doing well at school, the stronger parents’ endorsement of self-development socialization goals, the greater their autonomy support and the lesser their psychological control; when adolescents were doing poorly at school, regardless of parents’ socialization goals, their autonomy support was relatively low and their psychological control was relatively high. These findings highlight a tension between parental concerns over adolescents’ self-development and academic success, which needs to be resolved to promote autonomy support and prevent psychological control among urban Chinese parents.  相似文献   
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