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Japan’s prime minister seeks to dismantle pacifist Constitution Anation’s constitution represents its highest ideals and laws, and any attempt to change such a crucial foundation must be approached with utmost respect and foresight. However, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Aberecentlyreaffirmedhispledgetorevisehis country’s supreme law in such a brash manner that it drew fierce criticism from neighboring countries as well as media worldwide. Seen from the context of the current Japanese pacifist Constitution’s  相似文献   
正The U.S.airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq will not end the ongoing turmoilFor the past several months,in the face of the brutality launched by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria(ISIS)in northern Iraq,which was previously known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant,the"world police"appeared to have been taken off guard.Despite the surprising setback,it is not too late to prevent more humanitarian crises in the war-torn country.  相似文献   
Li Sulan gets up early in the morning to begin her daily routine.She prepares a breakfast of traditional rice noodles for her customers at a rural home inn where she is the owner.Li is of the Miao ethnic group from the Xijiang Miao Village of Leishan County in southwest China's Guizhou Province.Xijiang Village is home to wellpreserved aspects of aboriginal Miao culture,and is now a widely known cultural tour destination. "As many tourists from China and abroad learn about the Miao ethnic culture,we've seen a sudden boom in tourism in the past few years in our village," said Li with a smile.The flourishing tourist industry boosted the local service sector and revived the traditional Miao culture,bringing a host of benefits to local villagers like Li.  相似文献   
The ouster of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi threatens to destabilize the Middle East Egypt’s first freely elected President Mohamed Morsi was ousted the Egyptian military in early July after serving only one year in office. Though the military claimed to be acting in the name of national  相似文献   
<正>China’s extensive railway technology experience can benefit the development of its Southeast Asian neighbors Asignificant China-Thailand railway cooperation deal recently signed during the Fifth Summit of the Greater  相似文献   
Naval Neighbor     
India’s new aircraft carrier is a major upgrade of its naval force India recently unveiled its first indigenously built aircraft carrier,triggering much hype in the international media.The sensationalized coverage often implied a sort of competition between the"elephant"of India  相似文献   
China’s leaders make an unprecedented outreach to neighbors China’s intensive diplomatic activities with its neighbors in recent months have captured the attention of the outside world.In just over half a year since the inauguration of new leadership,the nation’s top leaders have had positive interactions with heads of state  相似文献   
A New Dawn     
Following a hiatus of more than two years, the Seventh China-Japan-Republic of Korea (ROK) Leaders' Meeting finally convened in Tokyo on May 9, during which the leaders of the three countries reaffirmed their commitment to economic globalization as well as the liberalization of trade and investment, while also vowing to promote denuclearization and maintain peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula. The meeting also coincided with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's official visit to Japan, the first by a Chinese premier in eight years.  相似文献   
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