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走入一个哲学家和思想家的精神世界是一件非常不容易,有时会很痛苦,甚至是不可能的。而要想走入其精神世界,首先要读懂其文章著述;但读懂其文章著述又谈何容易?作为存在主义的代表人物,萨特早就为我国的学者所熟知,但真正读懂了其著述的人恐怕寥寥无几,这或许也正是萨特所以能成为思想家的原因之一。作为一个法律实务工作者,潘志恒律师此文,通过对萨特代表作《存在与虚无》的潜心研读和用心追踪,通过对“虚无”、“否定”、“选择”和“超越”的分析解读,对他认为是萨特存在主义精髓的“自由”的“存在”作出了个人的评价,同时也将其本人解读的“存在”的“自由”作了阐发。其所用功力显见于存在之中,其所作立论亦飘荡于自由之中。是虚无抑或存在,是选择抑或超越,读者自可断之。本刊荐之以乐见。  相似文献   
由于中国的快速发展,留华学生日益增多,马来西亚留华同学会应运而生。其成立后开展的活动涉及层面相当广泛,但它成立后与留台联总之间发生了争论。马来西亚留华同学会给马来西亚华人社团带来了生机,也为广大的留华学生提供了许多帮助,对于促进中马之间的文化、学术等交流做出了积极贡献。  相似文献   
This article draws on data from research that includes 400 children who lived separately from their migrant parents in 10 rural communities in China, to explore the deep impacts of rural parents' migration on the care-giving and nurturing of children left behind. It shows that parent migration has brought about multiple impacts, mostly negative, on the lives of children, such as increased workloads, little study tutoring and supervision, and above all the unmet needs of parental affection. Children's basic daily care and personal safety could become problematic since surrogate caregivers, mostly elderly, are usually exhausted with livelihood maintenance. With illumination on the family dysfunction in children's development due to migration-induced family separation, this article highlights the social cost to rural families of parental migration. Urbanization in developing countries is obtained at the expense of rural migrants and their families, especially children left behind. Further attention is required to improve left-behind children's well being within split family structures and interregional migration.  相似文献   
民族文化对该民族成员行为模式产生影响。本文通过对中韩合资企业员工民族文化的调查,发现其民族文化不尽相同,从而使两国员工表现出不同的行为模式,这对中韩合资企业生产经营活动产生某些影响。本文基于两国员工民族文化及受其影响的行为模式,探讨中韩合资企业管理方法选择问题。  相似文献   
2010年7月,由16个省(自治区、直辖市)司法鉴定管理干部和司法鉴定专家组成的中国司法部司法鉴定培训团,对荷兰的司法体制、欧洲司法鉴定联盟的运行机制及职能作用、司法鉴定管理制度和改革方向、司法鉴定的实施制度、司法鉴定质证和认证及采信制度、司法鉴定结论评价机制和标准及争议解决机制、司法鉴定质量控制体系等进行了较系统的考察,  相似文献   
英美诽谤法的特殊抗辩事由研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英美诽谤法为实现保护言论自由和尊重个人名誉的平衡,设计了诸多精细的特殊抗辩事由,包括以真实性作为完全抗辩的依据;涉及公共利益的、基于事实的、真诚的公允评论;法律授予特殊场合的特权抗辩(绝对特权和受约制特权)及制定法规定的严格责任抗辩事由.这些抗辩事由使英美法诽谤法实现了法益平衡的目的.  相似文献   
潘平格人生哲学的宗旨是"求仁",他对孔子的"仁"作了新解,由"泛爱众"推广到了爱天地万物。提出了"浑然天地万物一体即是仁"、致知格物、笃志力行为主要内容的"求仁"学说,是当时独树一帜的经世实学思想。他认为人们只有而且应当通过在人伦日用中的主观努力来实现自己这种"求仁"的本性,从而创造出人人饱暖、家家团聚的和谐的理想社会。同时,他对宋明理学中最关键的概念"格物"进行了全新的诠释,提出"物"是身家国天下,"格"是功及百姓,"格物"是贯修身齐家治国平天下为一事。因此,他提出了"笃志力行"的道德实践论。在他看来,不仅孔子、孟子,就是一般老百姓也可以成为圣人。这种圣凡等价的价值取向,是对中国封建社会关于人的等级价值观的否定。  相似文献   
律师服务业是现代服务业一个重要组成部分。黄浦,作为上海市的中心城区,优越的地理位置和深厚的历史积淀给区域经济的发展带来了令人振奋的机遇和前景,同时对黄浦现代法律服务业不断提出了新任务和新要求。随着律师管理服务工作重心的下移,如何在实践中运用科学发展观,积极履行司法行政工作职能,指导我区律师业进一步发展,拓展和规范法律服务,做和谐社会的建设者、保障者;如何在司法行政管理、律协行业管理、事务所及律师自律相结合的体制下,充分运用地域优势,促进黄浦律师业又好又快发展,已成为我们面临的新课题。  相似文献   
Objective: To detect the changes of (interleukin, IL)-1α, IL-1βand IL-13 mRNA in lung tissue and serum of drown rats, and to explore the potential value for the diagnosis of drowning in forensic practice. Methods: Eighteen SD rats were randomly divided into drowning group, blank control group and myocardial infarction group (as control group). The serum of right ventricular, the inferior lobe of right lung and the myocardium were taken from the rats in different groups. The expressions of IL- 1α, IL-1βand IL-13 mRNA in the lung tissue and the serum of right ventricular were detected by TaqMan probe method. Results: The expression differences of IL-1α, IL-1βand IL-13 mRNA in lung tissue between drowning group and blank control group, myocardial infarction group were not statistically significant (P>0.05). The expression of IL-1βand IL-13 mRNA in serum of right ventricular increased (P<0.05). The expression differences of IL-1α, IL-1βand IL-13 mRNA in serum between blank control group and myocardial infarction group were not statistically significant (P>0.05). Conclusion: The changes of cytokines IL-1βand IL-13 mRNA in the serum of right ventricular of drown rats are statistical significance, which are highly correlated with drowning. © 2018 by the Editorial Department of Journal of Forensic Medicine.  相似文献   
A Way With Words     
正A survey of popular Chinese words shows China’s increasing influence in the world Chinese pinyin,the commonly used system for Romanizing standard Chinese,is a special form of the language.Compared with Chinese characters,pinyin boasts an advantage in the process of spreading Chinese culture around the world,and  相似文献   
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