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Livable Tangshan     
<正>Tangshan shifts focus from heavy industry to environmental friendly development Tangshan,Hebei Province,is known as the cradle of Chinese industry,and for its miraculous comeback after a devastating earthquake in 1976 that killed 242,000 people.Today a new miracle is improving the air quality of this once heavily polluted city.  相似文献   
The “14th Five-Year Plan” period is a period of change in the transformation of old and new kinetic energies, and is facing a big change that has not occurred in a century. The “14th Five-Year Plan” will link the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects with the opening of a new journey of socialist modernization. In the new historical orientation, the “14th Five-Year Plan” needs to be based on the new pattern of modernization to assess its new requirements, in the planning guidance level requires deepening of the new development concept; in the planning guidance requires high-quality development of the economy, society and people's lives as the core, to achieve the goal of modernization and modernization of human development. The main lines of planning call for modernization, such as strengthening the modern economic system and modernizing the national governance system and capacity. Accordingly, the key tasks of the “14th Five-Year Plan” should include fostering new impetus for modern development, improving the modern market system, developing a modern industrial system, improving the modern mechanism for coordinated regional development and promoting ecological modernization, and then promoting China's economic and social development on the path of modernization.  相似文献   
The reform of the supervision system raises the consensus issue of the Supervision Law and the Criminal Procedure Law. The convergence of the two laws cannot be achieved only by the technical connection and synergy, but also by dissolving the inner conflicts of the litigation values. For one thing, the Supervision Law lays stress on the “Criminal Control Value” of the criminal justice; for another, the Criminal Procedure Law strives to attach equal importance to both “Combating Crime” and “Protecting Human Rights”. Because of the conflicting schemes of values which are possessed by the two laws separately, the convergence of the processes becomes complex, which contains the distinction between criminal “investigation” and supervising “survey”, the jurisdiction of the duty crime cases, the conversion of the coercive measures, the process of returning a case for supplementary survey, and the pleading guilty procedure for a lenient punishment, etc. For the political effect, “adopting severe punishment in trouble times” can play an important role in the short term, which may establish the atmosphere that no one dare to commit corruption crimes. But a system of both “Combating Crime” and“Protecting Human Rights” is the long-term solution, which lays the emphasis on both the sustainability and the due process of the anti-corruption in China.  相似文献   
如何把高速公路创建为平安大道 ,如何探索出一个符合公安警务改革方向、确保大动脉安全、畅通的高速公路警务保障机制 ,是我们亟待解决和认真探索的崭新课题。强力构筑高速公路“110”报警服务网络 ,一警多能 ,综合执法 ,以快制快 ,是确保高速公路成为平安大道的有效途径。  相似文献   
新刑法明确规定了已满十四周岁不满十六周岁的人,只对八种犯罪负刑事责任,将绑架罪排除在外。立法的缺陷,导致司法实践中有些情节特殊的绑架罪在定性上存在重大分歧。  相似文献   
邓小平教育思想博大精深 ,内容丰富 ,以江泽民为核心的第三代领导集体在继承其合理内核的基础上 ,根据条件变化进行了新的发展 :在邓小平的教育要优先发展的思想基础上 ,明确提出了科教兴国战略 ;在邓小平的“三个面向”指导思想下 ,强调进一步深化教育改革 ,全面推进素质教育 ;同时 ,还十分重视终身教育和远程教育  相似文献   
以发案率作为公安工作绩效评价指标,缺乏科学根据,这一指标不能全面地反映公安工作的实绩及其效果.公安机关的主要职能是打击和防范犯罪,但是对犯罪的打击和防范并不能决定犯罪率的高低.将犯罪率作为公安工作绩效评价指标,对公安工作以及人们对公安工作的认识会产生一定的误导作用.  相似文献   
大学生是各种政治力量争夺的对象,新民主主义革命时期国、共、青三党高校青年工作的实践证明,党的执政地位要不断巩固,基础是要扩大党的群众性。在新的历史时期,中国共产党要对大学生在巩固和扩大党的执政基础中的特殊地位进行前瞻性的思考,科学建构社会主义意识形态话语权,提高高校党建工作的吸引力;有效发挥共青团组织的后备军作用,增强高校党建工作的凝聚力;把人的全面发展作为出发点和归宿,彰显高校党建工作的凝聚力。  相似文献   
爆炸物品突发事件对公共安全具有极大的危害性,如果处置不当将扩大其危害。掌握爆炸物品突发事件的特点、发生的原因及处置的原则对于将爆炸物品突发事件的危害性降到最低具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
中国共产党始终注重学习马克思主义理论,并不断将其与中国实际相结合,努力实现马克思主义中国化。党学习马克思主义理论,在党创立后的前30年,着重从思想上建设党,确立了正确的思想和政治路线,实现了马克思主义中国化第一次历史性飞跃,取得了新民主主义革命伟大胜利;在第二个"30年",对适合中国情况的社会主义建设道路进行了艰苦的探索,教训十分深刻;在最近的"30年",党从号召学习马克思主义理论走向建设马克思主义学习型政党,期间现实了马克思主义中国化第二次历史性飞跃,从而取得了中国特色社会主义事业的伟大成就。党建设马克思主义学习型政党的历史给予我们许多重要启示。  相似文献   
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