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This article challenges two established views in the literature on Turkish nationalism. First, that Turkish nationhood in the early republican era was civic and ethnic and, second, that, while Turkish nationhood was inclusive and egalitarian in constitutional texts, in the early years of the Turkish Republic and in the case of Turkish citizens of Muslim origin, it became exclusive or discriminatory in citizenship practices once the Republic was consolidated and in the case of non-Muslim Turkish citizens. Contra these two established views, I first argue that Turkish nationhood was not civic and ethnic, but it was actually civic and ancestral and cultural. Secondly, relying on an examination of legal texts produced and citizenship practices pursued in the years between 1918 and 1924, I argue that the Turkish nationhood was exclusive and discriminatory both theoretically and practically, on paper as well as in practice, both at the time of the foundation of the republic and once the regime had become consolidated.  相似文献   
Career aspirations in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) are formulated in adolescence, making the high school years a critical time period for identifying the cognitive and motivational factors that increase the likelihood of future STEM employment. While past research has mainly focused on absolute cognitive ability levels in math and verbal domains, the current study tested whether relative cognitive strengths and interests in math, science, and verbal domains in high school were more accurate predictors of STEM career decisions. Data were drawn from a national longitudinal study in the United States (N?=?1762; 48?% female; the first wave during ninth grade and the last wave at age 33). Results revealed that in the high-verbal/high-math/high-science ability group, individuals with higher science task values and lower orientation toward altruism were more likely to select STEM occupations. In the low-verbal/moderate-math/moderate-science ability group, individuals with higher math ability and higher math task values were more likely to select STEM occupations. The findings suggest that youth with asymmetrical cognitive ability profiles are more likely to select careers that utilize their cognitive strengths rather than their weaknesses, while symmetrical cognitive ability profiles may grant youth more flexibility in their options, allowing their interests and values to guide their career decisions.  相似文献   
"文革"时期群众组织产生与社会心理探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"文革"时期群众组织从其产生直至消亡自始至终制约着"文革"的发展过程。本文以社会心理学的视角对这场运动加以审视,力图说明"文革"时期群众组织的产生,有着广泛的社会心态基础。探究"文革"时期广大民众参加组织所蕴含价值取向的心理特征,对正在向现代化迈进的中国国民有着深刻的反思意义。  相似文献   
20世纪80年代以来,美国国会通过涉华立法对美国对华政策施加了重要影响。其中,美国国会在年度拨款案中附加了相当数量的涉华法,其内容涉及对华安全防范和出口管制、涉台和涉藏事务、人权等领域。这些涉华条款对中国核心利益和中美关系产生了不容忽视的消极影响。  相似文献   
党的十七大修改通过的新党章,是马克思主义中国化最新成果的法规体现.进入新世纪、新阶段以来,我党面临一系列新情况、新问题,党章的修改具有其必要性和重要性.2007年9月17日召开的中央政治局会议为修改党章提供了新定位,党的十七大集中在理论、战略和机制三个方面对党章进行了修改.学习和贯彻新党章应当成为每一个党员的自觉行动.  相似文献   
重视珠江中上游地区生态环境建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章分析了珠江中上游地区令人担忧的生态环境现状 ,并结合西部大开发战略 ,考虑到该区域经济、社会、环境的协调与可持续发展 ,从生态环境保护与经济效益相结合的观点对该地区规划、科技、机制、管理、生态重建等方面提出了对策措施。  相似文献   
世界各国检察制度在机构设置、职权、性质和地位等方面,既有共同点,又存在差异性.检察机关设置方式一般分为审检合一式和审检分立式两种;职权方面,有些国家的检察机关不享有侦查权,起诉案件的范围和起诉裁量权幅度也各有不同;参与民事、行政诉讼的职权范围也有较大差异;英美法系国家的检察机关主要是公诉机关,其法律监督职能较大陆法系国家要小得多,其在诉讼中是一方当事人,法庭活动较为积极,而大陆法系国家检察官以公诉人和法律监督者双重身份参加诉讼,其法庭活动较为消极.  相似文献   
行为人无中生有编造生产者、经营者的违法事实,其后又通过投诉举报的形式威胁生产者、经营者以获取不当利益,或是在权利受损的情况下,以投诉、举报为要挟获取不当利益,属于典型的牟利型投诉举报行为。牟利型投诉举报行为实质上属于权利滥用,干扰正常市场经济秩序。牟利型投诉举报行为具有复杂性,可类型化区分为无基础权利和有基础权利的牟利型投诉举报行为。牟利型投诉举报行为在刑法意义上具有法益侵害性和规范违法性,应受刑罚处罚,但同时刑法介入应适度合理,遵循罪刑法定原则、恪守第二次法立场以及严格证据裁判规则。无基础权利的牟利型投诉举报行为,因其以胁迫性手段并引起被害人恐惧进而交付财产,符合敲诈勒索罪构成要件;对有基础权利的过度维权行为,应当综合考量案件事实要素,严格限缩犯罪的成立。  相似文献   
中国和平发展与国际环境的核心问题,是崛起国与霸权国的关系.西方历史上的崛起国与霸权国大多通过战争来解决相互的矛盾,但中国作为一个新的崛起国将改变西方历史上这种规律性的逻辑.中国不争霸、不推翻现存国际秩序、不在损害他国利益基础上追求本国的权力和利益等,与西方历史上出现过的大多数崛起国不同.因此,中国的和平发展是可以实现的,也将为人类历史提供一种新型的崛起国与霸权国关系的新模式.  相似文献   
试论代议民主与网络民主   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王烨 《理论月刊》2006,(3):48-50
本文对网络民主与代议民主进行了比较,并得出结论:在网络的时代背景下,须将代议民主和网络民主结合起来,以网络民主为重要手段,借助网络数字平台来改善代议民主信息摄取的不及时和不完整;以代议民主来弥补网络民主决策的低效并解决其权威性问题。这样,网络民主与代议民主实现互补才能真正促进民主的发展。  相似文献   
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