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Abstract: This article examines racial discrimination in employment in Canada using data from a sample of legal cases that were published in the Canadian Human Rights Reporter between 1980 and 1999. The authors discuss some theoretical perspectives on racial discrimination, briefly review empirical studies on the topic, examine the nature of and trends in such employment discrimination cases over the two decades, and provide an in‐depth discussion and analysis of selected legal cases on racial discrimination in Canada. After some concluding remarks, policy recommendations to combat racial discrimination in the workplace are suggested. Sommaire: Le présent article examine la discrimination raciale en matière d'emploi au Canada à l'aide de données d'un échantillon de causes judiciaires qui ont été publiées dans le Canadian Human Rights Reporter de 1980 à 1999. Les auteurs discutent de certaines perspectives théoriques sur la discrimination raciale, passent brièvement en revue les études empiriques sur le sujet, examinent la nature et les tendances de tels cas de discrimination en matière d'emploi au cours des deux décennies, et fournissent une discussion et analyse approfondie de causes judiciaires sélectionnées portant sur la discrimination raciale au Canada. En conclusion, ils proposent des recommandations de politiques pour combattre la discrimination raciale dans le lieu de travail  相似文献   
The location, type, and local mechanism of tibial shaft fracture were determined for 66 drivers injured in frontal automobile crashes. The results from the analyses showed that the distal third is the most common fracture location (p<0.05) and that bending is responsible for the majority of these fractures regardless of the fracture site. These findings indicate that the current injury criterion for predicting the occurrence of tibial shaft fracture in crash tests with anthropometric test devices is appropriate in terms of accounting for the primary mechanism of fracture but that increased protective effectiveness could be achieved by redefining the criterion for the distal third shaft section instead of the currently specified mid-shaft section of the tibia.  相似文献   
Abstract: The demographic composition of the Canadian police services in major cities generally does not reflect the diversity of the communities they serve, especially with respect to the representation of visible minorities and aboriginal peoples. As many commissions and inquiries on race relations issues in policing have reported, this lack of representation may be a factor that is hindering the effectiveness of police work in major urban centres across Canada. Hence, many commentators have called for increased representation of visible minorities and aboriginal people in the police services through effective recruitment, selection and promotion strategies. In this article, through the use of both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, the authors identify and assess the various staffing and promotional policies and practices of thirteen police services across Canada. Results suggest that there has been some progress in the representation of visible minorities and aboriginal people in policing over the fifteen‐year period of this study. However there is still room for considerable improvement in the policies, practices and culture of police services if they are to become more representative of the diversity of the communities they serve. Sommaire: La composition démographique des corps de police canadiens dans les grandes villes ne reflète généralement pas la diversité des communautés desservies, particulièrement en ce qui concerne la représentation des minorités visibles et des Autochtones. Tel que signalé par de nombreuses commissions et enquêtes sur les questions de relations inter‐raciales se rapportant à la police, ce manque de représentation est peut‐être un facteur qui nuit à l'efficacité du travail de la police dans les grands centres urbains du Canada. De nombreux observateurs ont donc préconisé une plus forte représentation des minorités visibles et des Autochtones au sein des corps de police grâce à de bonnes stratégies de recrutement, de sélection et de promotion. En suivant une méthodologie de recherche à la fois quantitative et qualitative, nous identifions et évaluons dans cet article les diverses politiques et pratiques de dotation et de promotion de treize corps policiers à travers le Canada. D'après les résultats, la représentation des minorités visibles et des Autochtones dans les corps de police aurait connu un certain progrès au cows des quinze années étudiées. Cependant, il reste encore du chemin à faire en ce qui concerne les politiques, les pratiques et la culture des corps de police pour mieux représenter la diversité des communautés qu'ils desservent.  相似文献   
This paper suggests that there are many contrary pulls, some old, and others new, operating on socioeconomic development in the South Asian region. It argues that September 11th, 2001 has been a defining and defiling moment for the region, since the consequences of the terrorist attacks on the US will weaken democracy in the subcontinent. Consequently, the region will lose its historical advantage of not being militarised by outside poles, or interests, and this will undermine democratic mechanisms that facilitate alleviation of poverty and inequality. This paper investigates the disjunction between mainstream and grassroots perceptions of India's poverty, arguing that localised democratic government, attention to the institutional architecture of countries, and enabling participation of the poor and the discriminated offer the only way to deal with economic and social inequality.  相似文献   
Abstract: This study is an update of the 1985 survey. The main object of the study was to review existing police recruitment and selection policies across Canada between 1985 and 1987; identify systemic barriers, if any, faced by visible minorities in entering police forces; and to make recommendations in order to increase the representation of such minority persons in Canadian police departments. Fourteen police departments, representing all regions of Canada including the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), the Quebec Police Force (QPF) and others were included in the study. The findings indicated that (a) there has been some improvement in the hiring of visible minority police officers since the 1985 study; (b) policy makers in pertinent jurisdictions need to amend police legislation to bring the statutes in compliance with the Charter of Rights and the human rights laws with respect to police uniform requirements, age and height standards; (c) police organizations need to review their selection policies with regard to job interviews, psychological tests and the like in order to avoid possible adverse impact on minorities; and (d) police organizations not collecting data on visible minorities should be required to do so. Sommaire: Constituant une mise à jour d'une enquête effectuée en 1985, cette étude a pour but principal de réviser les politiques qui ont été appliquées au Canada entre 1985 et 1987 pour recruter et sélectionner des policiers. L'objectif poursuivi est de voir si les minorités visibles se heurtent systématiquement à des barrières lorsqu'elles veulent entrer dans la police et de formuler des recommandations pour que ces dernières soient mieux représentées dans les services de la police au Canada. Cette étude a touché quatorze corps de la police, représentant toutes les régions du Canada, dont la Gendarmerie royale du Canada (GRC), la Police provinciale de l'Ontario (OPP) et la Sûreté du Québec (SQ). Les conclusions de l'étude sont les suivantes: a) depuis 1985, un léger progrès a été accompli en ce qui concerne l'embauche d'officiers de police venant des minorités visibles; b) les décideurs dans chacune des juridictions sous étude doivent modifier les règlements en vigueur en ce qui concerne les uniformes, l'âge et la taille des policiers de façon à les rendre compatibles avec la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés et les diverses chartes provinciales; c) les corps de police doivent réviser leurs règles de sélection, en ce qui concerne les entrevues et les tests psychologiques, ou autres, pour éviter tout effet pervers sur les minorités; et d) les corps de police qui ne rassemblent pas de données sur les minorités visibles devraient être tenus de le faire.  相似文献   
Distinguishing between accidental and abusive head trauma in children can be difficult, as there is a lack of baseline data for pediatric cranial fracture patterns. A porcine head model has recently been developed and utilized in a series of studies to investigate the effects of impact energy level, surface type, and constraint condition on cranial fracture patterns. In the current study, an automated pattern recognition method, or a fracture printing interface (FPI), was developed to classify cranial fracture patterns that were associated with different impact scenarios documented in previous experiments. The FPI accurately predicted the energy level when the impact surface type was rigid. Additionally, the FPI was exceedingly successful in determining fractures caused by skulls being dropped with a high‐level energy (97% accuracy). The FPI, currently developed on the porcine data, may in the future be transformed to the task of cranial fracture pattern classification for human infant skulls.  相似文献   
Estimation of stature from foot and shoe measurements using multiplication factors is well known. It is a simple method and it is used very frequently as a ready reckoner in forensic anthropology. However the individual error is quite large. In the present work an attempt has been made to evolve revised multiplication factors to reduce this error so that this method (multiplication factor) can be used more effectively with smaller error.  相似文献   
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